Woo, JM, Tam, CL, Bonn, GB, and Tagg, B. 103:4351. Zhang, J, and Li, R. Form and Evolution of Modern Primary and Middle School Students Uniforms. For instance, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Art 14) protects freedom of religion [118]. Starr, J. 59. 42(1):16983. [Internet]. London: Bloomsbury (2005). p. 100329. 36(4):34857. Other issues like cost, value for money, environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing of materials may be of interest. In a 2017 update to that study uniform was not listed among the 252 effects on educational outcomes [33]. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85051117713&doi=10.1111%2Fjcpp.12955&partnerID=40&md5=e585a193d747c75c14910bd9300cd631 doi:10.1111/jcpp.12955, 108. Uniform use is prevalent and widespread globally. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33847249054&doi=10.1007%2Fs10691-006-9033-y&partnerID=40&md5=31bd25f153a2bbd5d961a3596ca13784. Wearing Long Pants while Working Outdoors in the Tropics Does Not Yield Higher Body Temperatures. [Internet]. Notably, girls uniforms tend to be more expensive [106, 114], illustrating that even here there is a pink tax for female-oriented products that perform the same function as a unisex/male alternative [114, 129]. Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning. Maria Taylor: A Brief . 52(1):12342. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2017.02.078, 39. This review has highlighted that uniform has become a proxy for many issues. 43(1):945. Financial and political economies are projected onto uniform policy and garment design. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Whatever the case, wider sociocultural issues are clearly played out through uniforms, and it appears that uniforms can become a proxy for other issues, particularly considering the special status of children and young people. 6(1). 45(2):17486. Available from: https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/crc.aspx, 119. Weaver, H, and Proctor, H. The Question of the Spotted Muumuu: How the Australian Women's Weekly Manufactured a Vision of the Normative School Mother and Child, 1930s-1980s, Hist. 123. Cost is also a likely concern among all parents in high-income countries. Indeed, Cunningham and Cunningham [77] note that while uniforms can reduce bullying, there will always be triggers such as girls choosing to wear trousers not skirts. 58(2):22960. Man Utd continue to set the standard at youth level and have been working hard to ensure that remains the same. Vopat takes a different approach and considers childrens moral and psychological development. In the United States, Da Costa [35] highlights the economic burden on the poor of buying a school uniform. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84915737039&doi=10.1111%2Fphp.12312&partnerID=40&md5=7ce0591810d2afd1640a0e3e767e64a5 doi:10.1111/php.12312. Wellington: NIWA, p. 2018. Alagbela, A. PLoS One (2014). 120.Arora v Melton Christian College (Human Rights)VCAT 1507 [Internet]. 15(1):4451. doi:10.2989/16085906.2018.1548359 Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85060648476&doi=10.2989%2F16085906.2018.1548359&partnerID=40&md5=f85e44714e69a8d502a62901b4a36380. [Internet]. If the educational and health impacts of uniform are clear it could be possible to improve wearer experience to ensure that garments are desirable, equitable, healthy, and safe [22], and that both policies and garments enable all students to learn and thrive in modern life. These rights protect children because the wider socio-political climate identifies children and minors as a vulnerable class of people who need protection. 35. It has highlighted gaps in knowledge about garment design and uniform policy and their impacts. Theoretical Impact of Insecticideimpregnated School Uniforms on Dengue Incidence in Thai Children. Stephenson [86] argues the main role of uniform has changed from primarily addressing poverty or removing differences marking class and gender to primarily signaling education standards, and the schools place in the education market [22, 36], showcasing the institutions disciplinary philosophy [27]. 39(3):32551. Craik, J. Institutions, human rights laws and societal perceptions of children and childhood constitute important upstream/distal determinants of health and educational outcomes. Loesch, P. A School Uniform Program that Works. Marmot, M. Fair Society, Healthy Lives: The Marmot Review: Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post-2010. RMLE Online (2020). Anthony, J. Educ L (2006). 14(3):37789. [109] describe free uniform as part of support and incentive packages for at-risk children to attend school [110]. disabilities and users of assistive technology. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85065248741&doi=10.1177%2F0017896919846182&partnerID=40&md5=9dccdb7c0144792d6b420bf7ca7b171a doi:10.1177/0017896919846182, 54. Regarding impacts of design and policy, further studies are required with objective and subjective measures of whatever phenomenon related to uniform is being investigated. Ahrens, DM, and Siegel, AM. 49(1):1629. Discourse: Stud Cult Polit Educ (2011). 130. Uniform signals internal culture to students and provides cues to outsiders about the schools character. Brunsma and Rockquemores (2003) response to Bodines assessment of their administrative data review in the late 1990s reiterated that no overwhelming link exists between uniform wearing and academic outcomes (there were methodological disagreements about which data to choose and how they should be analyzed). From a health and education perspective, uniforms biggest advantage is that it removes some distractions; it helps students to settle in the classroom and removes the worst of competitive dressing. J Poverty Soc Justice (2019). Aust New Zealand J Public Health (2019). 75(1):4959. The third group were non-empirical studies. Daly, M. Gender-specific Uniforms a Relic of the Past, Secondary Teachers union Says. There is no empirical evidence on this point. Aust N Z J Public Health (2013). As a preliminary review, this study maps the conceptual landscape of school uniform garment design and policy in a public health framework, and brings evidence together to show health and education impacts of school uniform use. Of Dress and Redress: Student Dress Restrictions in Constitutional Law and Culture. Stockton, C, Gullatt, DE, and Parke, DR. School Uniforms: Policies and Procedures. The mix of stakeholders varied: students only (n = 15); students and family/parents/caregivers (n = 8); multiple stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, and administrators, and/or social workers) (n = 17). Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84893951901&doi=10.1080%2F03057925.2013.796816&partnerID=40&md5=d23b1b399b77b07032c9b6cf69654160 doi:10.1080/03057925.2013.796816, 113. Similarly, Firmin et al. blount high school uniform policy 2021. steve smith food city net worth; why does charlie regard his father as his doom and future; giovanna margaret volpe; In the dating scene you're looking for people to walk besides you not ahead or behind of you. [Internet]. Breaches of school uniform policy have resulted in court cases (e.g., [1, 2]), and courts note that in focusing on the rights and wrongs of a particular uniform policy, the underlying issues driving uniform design and policy are neglected [3]. doi:10.1080/15568318.2016.1253803, 52. Thus, New Zealand, uniform design has changed alongside New Zealands education policy and socio-political context [81]. Despite regular judicial, community, and press scrutiny, there is little consensus on the function of school uniforms, or agreement about evidence of their impact on education and health. [51] found that school uniform style and lack of warmth was a barrier to cycling to school for some female secondary students, and Ward et al. I Can Be Free - 7-Year-Old Scraps School Uniform Skirt for Shorts. Wilken, I, and van Aardt, A. Visible Learning: A Synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement. [Internet] (2016). Green, EP, Cho, H, Gallis, J, and Puffer, ES. The first group comprised empirical research that examined data on some aspect of garment design or policy or uniform wearing experience. Happel, A Ritualized Girling: School Uniforms and the Compulsory Performance of Gender. 30(1):3849. 18(4):42034. Dressed for success? doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12013, 57. Relig Hum Rights (2009). It is possible that there exist more positive or neutral impacts of uniform on education and health than have been hitherto documented, especially in empirical research. However, studies of large datasets and meta-analyses fail to find a link between uniform and academic achievement. doi:10.1080/00220670309597509 Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0742271727&doi=10.1080%2F00220670309597509&partnerID=40&md5=044f50e3ba7e730d11bac906410675ce. [Internet]. J Business Res (2004). The Globe and Mail (2016). This review shows that uniforms may be the right diagnosis for creating an equitable learning environment, providing cost-effective garments over a students learning career, and easing the psychological pressure of competitive dressing. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84912014211&partnerID=40&md5=facc7ff6c73fe774d7187ca2472624c9. Li, P. Designing an Elementary School Uniform with Functions of Fit, Comfort, and Road Safety. Studies elicited views from stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, administrators, social workers, school counselor. Thu Jun 23 01:14 PM Class of 2023 Important Dates Seniors, please see the flyer for information regarding senior fees, cap and gowns, and mandatory meetings. Each school board shall adopt a dress code policy that prohibits a student, while on the grounds of a public school during the regular school day, from wearing clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner or that disrupts the orderly learning environment. [49] and Stanley et al. 24. It explores three questions: What is the evidence for the impact of school uniform on students academic and health outcomes; what social, cultural and political rationales are made for uniform use; and what human rights may be affected by school uniform choice? You will not automatically receive your election letters for the Immigration advisory council elections. Some [87] argue that uniform should be done away with altogether because of harm to childrens human rights. J Gend Stud. [Internet]. 56(12):11421. 137. Whatever the context, females are half of the population, and their physical and psycho-social health seems to be routinely and arbitrarily disadvantaged by uniform design. Available from: https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/Factsheet31.pdf, 102. This study uses a public health lens to review evidence about the impacts of wearing a school uniform on students health and educational outcomes. Available from: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/93078826/genderspecific-uniforms-a-relic-of-the-past-secondary-teachers-union-says?rm=m. 5450 Lott Road, Eight Mile, AL 36613 251-221-3070. School uniforms provide explicit teachable moments, opportunities to think using different moral frameworks to examine the utility of different social attire and freedom of expression in context, and childrens understanding of and critical thinking about social appropriateness of dress [135], which enhances learning outcomes [40]. The cost barrier that uniform poses to attending school is widespread, particularly in low and middle-income countries. Baumann and Kriskova argue that conforming to social norms is part of being a good Confucian; thus, any penalty for breaching uniform standards (a social norm) is explicitly and intrinsically linked to becoming a better Confucian. [107], Sitieni and Pillay [108] and Cho et al. J. doi:10.1177/1356336x14567545, 50. [Internet]. [Internet]. Equality focuses on same treatment, while equity focuses on outcomes, sometimes requiring different treatment to achieve similar outcomes [104]. There is little evidence about how to reduce the cost barrier of uniforms for the poor; how different societal values are incorporated into uniform design (e.g., environmental protection and school/community tradition, or, given the impacts of uniform on health and access to education, whether any form of government regulation of upfront cost, uniform policy or garment design is required (especially for state-funded schools). 18. 90(6):143945. Religion Hum Rights (2011). Public School Uniforms. doi:10.1080/0159630960170206, 79. J Phys Act Health [Internet] (2020). 94. Starting with the evidence for the impact of uniform on educational outcomes (the core in Figure 1), there is little convincing evidence that uniform improves academic achievement. Available from: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2018/01/school-uniform-prices-should-be-lowered-education-minister.html. 121.EEO. J Sch Violence (2012). 27(2):225. Revised Copy of Student-Parent Handbook 2022 - 2023.pdf . 6(2):12749. Because garment design reflects the norms of the dominant culture, religious and ethnic minorities, and gender-diverse students often have to compromise beliefs and identity to comply with uniform rules. While uniform removes the psycho-social pressure on individuals and families of competitive dressing and outward signs of socio-economic differences between students, it does not eliminate inequity. Health in All Policies: A Framework for Country Action [Internet] (2014). Regarding uniform use policy, there is little information about how school rules are developed and what principles might look like to ensure uniform use is education and health promoting. In Ghana, Alagbela [111] and Akaguri [112] show that uniform cost creates a barrier to education for the very poor. 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