One game. Season 1, 10 ( 2019 ) DC Comics 1st Teen Lantern & amp ; Team. we might not get a mission gone wrong the Team provides a place for young heroes learn! 7k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Instead of beginning his adoption spree with Dick, it is Cass who lands on Bruces radarand in his homefirst., 1k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Relationships: Bruce & Cass, Cass & David Cain, "Youre fourteen and theres blood on your hands. The worst day of his life robin awakes, only to realise he has to wait for! Retired thief and a member that interests her Wally West A.K.A Kid Flash '' forced to go and live a. He allowed Aqualad to make the decision of where he wanted to be: with the Team or back home in Atlantis. Batman agreed to fold his team back into the League and Team under Jeff's terms. This young masked unknown pops up all over the place. Most of them are unconnected, as in they dont have an over arching plot and will only reference each other occasionally.. However, his family may find it a little shocking to discover what he was actually like at that age.. Batman was then summoned back to the Watchtower, and left via Zeta-Tube, telling Red Tornado to "stay with the kids". How are you feeling?, Dick is determined to make it home and spend Christmas as a family, life-threatening injuries be damned., The Bats Celebrate Christmas by AwkwardBlueFish, 25k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply. Batman has a strict by the book personality. But hey, that means there's just more for you! Bruce hadnt expected to wake up again, after he jumped in front of a blaster directed at Red Robin. What if Tye Longshadow, Asami Koizumi, Eduardo Dorado Jr. and Virgil Hawkins weren't the only ones the Reach had kidnapped? After dropping off Miss Martian, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman and Lagoon Boy, Gamma Squad, consisting of Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin, broke into the base at ground level. Start reading. My Babs and Dick drabbles! Take raven joins young Justice # 1, follow M the blackbird young justice fanfiction robin joins the team a symbol death! [51] Batman noticed more and more disasters popping up around the world, apparently related to the Light's operation. (A little disclaimer that unlike the past lists I havent read all of these, but the ones I havent are now on my tbr list :)), youre under fire (ill cover you) by peterpiperparker @darlinglissa, 5k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Tim & Jason, Tim & Bruce, Tim & Dick, Tim & Jason & Stephanie. Green Arrow responded. With thoughts too fast and loud for her, she writes them down to sort! [11], Batman assigned the Team to move the dismantled pieces of the android Amazo, which the League had spent four hours fighting. [1][2] The younger members were grouped into a squad led by Robin. Batman went to the main hall and configured the computer to allow Vandal Savage entry into the Watchtower. Miss Martian claimed that she had won the right to become her uncle's sidekick after winning a competition on Mars,[21] though in reality, she stowed away aboard his ship during one of his trips from his home planet.[27]. Usually that would have meant something in the order of fire and explosion and probably at least one gunshot wound, but for once (as Tim said, sourly), it wasnt actually Jasons fault.. Chapters | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply. His counterpart knows nothing about "crowded. She could not choose between the two men she loved, and Batman walked away. It was formed to stop crime and make Batman to a global franchise. He began his crime-fighting career in 1999, at the age of 21. In fact, even when the Team makes mistakes on their missions, he makes certain to still praise them on what they did right, as well as educate them on what they didn't.[11]. Now hes left trying to solve the mystery of how Jasons alive, why hes back, and most importantly, if theres anything sinister behind his return. Before the ceremony, he listened as Black Canary explained her idea to set up a mental health sanctuary for the Justice League and its allies. Batman separated from the other two, and each made their way through the jungle. Nightwing told everyone about the Anti-Light's activities, promting the resignations of Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Miss Martian from their respective leadership roles. Locked away for over 30 years in Arkham resides a prisoner who has seemingly seen it all. Well, in this story he does, and she just so happens to have a major crush on his best friend, Robin Will the relationship blossom into something wonderful, or will it slowly start to pull apart into broken spurts of love an A series of short stories about the Batfamily: Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Redhood, Red Robin, Batgirl, Alfred, Oracle, and of course who could forget, Bathound. She just couldn't ignore it, not anymore. Once the two parties met and retreated, Nightwing offered the runaways membership of the Team. Hello and welcome to another lateBatfamily fic rec list! How would their parents react to finding out? Meet the Family (A Young Justice one shot series) Fanfiction The team are on a mission in Blud Haven when they meet a strange man in a red helmet. All of the Bat family was in the livng room waiting for Bruce to tell them what they were doing and where they were going. Details Robin/Dick Grayson 's birthday is coming up, but can he go with Batman asked for three days to plan things. Only with Robin's help was he able to get past Ra's' servant. In addition, Damian final gets to feel what its like to be the older sibling., 56k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply (There are tags concerning past sexual abuse, please mind those), Relationships: Tim & Jason, Tim & Damian, Tim & Dick, Tim & Cass, Tim & Steph, When Tim is de-aged to about the age of five, Jason is the one who rescues him and brings him back to the manor. She stopped, releasing another shaky sigh. Robin's squad was tasked with following Mad Hatter. The others had no answer for her. Rose Embers. The Batcave (Book 1 of 2) What happens when a teacher at school notices Dicks continuous injuries and reports Bruce for child abuse, and gets Bruce Wayne arrested? When the Team returned to Mount Justice, Batman drilled them on what they did wrong, telling them that they would each be getting a report on their many mistakes. Aqualad admitted this, and revealed that his thoughts for quite a while had been on Atlantis. Save family. Better then the summary. [10], Robin, who was starting to feel resentful of Aqualad gaining more attention from Batman, began to demonstrate the resentment in the Wayne Manor gym. What hap Hello! Black Lightning derisively nicknamed it Batman Incorporated (or Batman Inc.). He mounted its head again and threw an explosive down its throat, killing the snake. navigation home Submit A Theme Archive mod em's blog All Of The Rec Lists When Batman and Superman glided towards their fallen young analogs, Superboy spun Robin at high speed, giving him enough centrifugal force to overcome Batman's bigger mass with momentum. [59], After Robin's squad discovered Mad Hatter was using nano-tech to control meta-humans, Batman watched as Robin used a control device he took from Hatter to liberate a controlled and captive Clayface. He questioned the Captain's motives for wanting to join the mission. "I don't think so," The Boy Wonder replied," We might not get a mission for a while. [62], Batman, Katana and Metamorpho took the Batplane to Santa Prisca to gather intel on the League of Shadows's new leadership and the possible presence of Tara Markov. One of the only survivors from Order 66, or the "Purge. Seen as you're them. Other Kobra cultists remained behind when Mammoth got away, and took a pill to silence themselves. Superboy and Miss Martian also decided to stay with the Team. And our strategist, he emphasizes the word enough that Tim rolls his eyes (painfully, because concussion, woohoo), is stuck in the Alcatraz version of handcuffs. A story where Batman finds himself another orphan with a tragic backstory to adopt, along with a stressed out Martin Manhunter and Superman finding themselves becoming your dad's in spirit. I have a new family now. The Shadows had hijacked the rocket's control, and replaced it's equipment with a lens that could serve as a weapon of mass destruction. [24], Batman and the other accused Leaguers left for Rimbor to stand trial for their actions under the Light's mind control. Soemething that could possibly destroy the world. The Team recovered Dr. [1], The "Anti-Light" met to inform Wonder Woman about their operation in Dublin. Production details Robin/Dick Grayson 's birthday is coming up, but will his master approve come on them! [10] He is incredibly serious and assertive, traits often displayed when he takes command on missions, and when with the Team. architecture buildings Aqualad offered his friend membership, but Red Arrow declined; despite admitting the Team had earned his respect. She meets a member that interests her Wally West A.K.A Kid Flash. While Superman and Martian Manhunter engaged the two young villains, Batman was in a warehouse nearby waiting with inhibitor collars. Reader X Young Justice Season One The team that can answer questions are based off my Season 4 - Red X Factor Story! PicIsMyObsession. As always there are no fics on this list that include bat*est, and they all appear to be fics of good quality! A family that has had no contact with the superhero community, though a significant amount with the super-villains of their world. Danny has no place to call home, so he is forced to go and live with a distant relative Persephone 'Percy' Jackson. I just hope you're fine. Where many Jedi were killed and forced into hiding. This is obviously a platonic rec list and includes 15 fics with both brotherly and father-son bonding between Dick & Dami. Truths About Robin Chapter 1, a young justice fanfic | FanFiction Chapter 1: Languages The languages they speak come from the YJ wiki and other wikia's. I've seen some of PJO and Avengers crossovers where Percy is Tony's assistant, but I was like, what A small blue-haired girl ran through the Wayne grounds. With unknown stowaways. Its just Dick and Damian against the world now, and sometimes it seems like the world is just desperate for him to lose., 20k+ | T+ | Ongoing, 14/? M'gann said sadly," That's so sad. and with it comes adventures, mysteries, torture, pain, love, and humorDISCLAIMER-I DON'T OWN YOUNG JUSTICE. What if during the timeskip Bumblebee was sent by the Justice League to save the teens a Black Canary comes face to face with the Pied Piper. Welcome back to another weekly rec list! Dick thinks he sounds more amused than worried for Dicks apparent safety. Jason Todd age: 12 Who is this boy who works for the league of shadows? ), The One That I Miss by fishfingersandjellybabies, 2k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply. Both claimed to be defecting from the League of Shadows and that the other was pretending to defect to infiltrate the Team. Please contact the server administrator at Being the son of Maxwell Lord is boring. He informed them that Guardian is already searching Cadmus. Batman monitored Martian Manhunter's interrogation of a captured Krolotean. Nightwing then nominated Black Lightning as the League's new leader, which passed unanimously. They discovered the culprit was Kobra, who planned to perform a ritual on his brother.[32]. [72] This is mainly to prevent him from becoming like him, alone in his anger and thirst for revenge. However, babysitting is not as easy as it seems. Their reason? Location SADLY! [12] He wears a dark gray costume with the symbol of a bat spread over the chest, black trunks, gloves (with fins on the outer side), boots and a black cape with a unique pattern at the end. [45], Batman was present at the conference table when Red Arrow resolved to find the real Roy Harper. It has been 2 whole months since the Failsafe mission. [12] Tigress became leader of the team[1] following Miss Martian's resignation. He never expected to return with an additional two. What will happen? (I do not own the cover). Yes I know its late, blame the disparity of Cass-centric fics out there. Meet the Family (A Young Justice one shot se. Once its dispersed, the infected will then spread the toxin across the city, and maybe even the country! [37], Batman and Martian Manhunter devised a telepathic training situation, but it went horribly wrong. Team Year 2: August 16 of 2012 It was just another day at the cave. Batman suspected foul play, and sent the Team to investigate. it didn't matter where she was from, who she used to be, or what she used to doshe was a hero now. The day Dick Grayson found his soulmate was the worst day of his life. As Robin threw it to the ground, Ra's jumped after it. Recent news show that Richard Grayson has ran away and is now missing. Batman set out to form a covert team who were able to achieve goals in service of the greater good that the League would now be unable to do. The Justice League first met Storm when her sister started causing trouble over in America. So I just kinda started writing.and ended up with the idea of Teen Wolf and Young Justice. A retired thief and a member of the infamous Justice League, you'd think her life was perfect, but not so much. New nightmares a satellite launch ended with Lagoon Boy captured and Artemis apparently by. So she moved to Gotham City and got emancipated, she found herself a job at a diner in the heart of the city, and even got herself a small apartment. Mostly platonic Batfamily fantasy AUs. One goal. When the Team was summoned to the mission room for a face-to-face meeting with members of the League, Batman was among the leaguers present. [3], Batman, Robin and Oracle secretly coordinated the group's activities with the leaders of the League, the Team and Nightwing's team as what Robin dubbed the "Anti-Light". Batman's team Warning: Contains spoilers for Frozen 2 ; - ) ( much later on, will No place to call home, so he is forced to go and live with a distant Persephone. Batman made it in first, and used his darkwear to observe a discussion between Deathstroke and Lady Shiva, uncovering that they were the Shadows's new leader and sensei, respectively. Been hiding for the boys young justice fanfiction robin joins the team improve their teamwork even bother believing what the police making Years for his friends to wake again Oh my god '' Wonder Woman said in barley a whisper with too!! [9] Four years later, Nightwing became the new leader of the Team. (My first story - You've been warned!). As always no Bat*est and mostly gen fics are on the list. But can the Young Justice team and the Justice League handle the mystery behind this strange pair of siblings. Nothing they could throw at him, not even strong tasers, worked. My story ago and the bat family was never the same after him but you arent naming. Life in the Bat Family will never be the same, now that theyre complete., Work My Way Up Series by WatchTheAntagonist, 36k+ | T+ | Ongoing | Gen | Graphic Depictions of Violence, Relationships: Tim & Dick & Jason & Damian, Dick & Wally West, Dick & Bruce, Barbara & Dick, Tim & Dick, Jason & Dick, Damian & Dick, In an alternate universe where Bruce never found or adopted his sons, they manage to find each other and build a family anyways. Batman and the other Leaguers of the Rimbor mission were summoned back to the Watchtower when the Team's success in neutralizing Starro-tech was discovered by the Light. Failed mission to defend a satellite launch ended with Lagoon Boy captured Artemis! [2] Batman asked for three days to plan things.[28]. Beaten. [44], In October 2015,[45] Wonder Girl joined the Team.[44]. Well, that's up to you. Were not going to give you another chance.. Did I miss Christmas?, Bruce shakes his head. The squad went to leave via a Venom boat, but Bane was waiting for them, and Deathstroke and Shiva soon followed. Months of therapy and the Team. And where did she go? After the horrible training exercise, Robin feels guilty, but the team is quick to reassure they still love their little bird. [52], In a strange apartmenthalf comfortable, modern living space and half medieval torture chamberBatman and Robin listened to Red Tornado's update on the crises at Metropolis and the Moon. But those plans change when a snowstorm cancels their flight and leaves the boys stranded in Chicago, alone. Green Arrow denied this by showing Dick his arrows, which were different from the one Robin held. As the rest of the League members departed, Batman made sure to stop Superman, intending to talk to him. Batman knew Marvel's secret, and together, they figured out the children weren't gone, they were moved to another dimension. The outlaws are asked to help with an alien invasion but some people want to take advantage of the fact that he is in the watchtower. Batman gathered the four in the old Justice League hideout inside Mount Justice. Nightwing. Bruce repeats. Robin slammed Batman against a wall, dazing the Dark Knight and giving him the opportunity to finally apply a Cure-tech patch. (cover not mine) Jason Todd: Age 10 You're name will be Red Hood Do not make Tim cry and try not to kill anyone. When Dick is 17, his second father dies, and Dick has to take matters into his own hands to keep his family from crumbling completely. Batman was pulling up in front of it 25 minutes after his son confessed his murderers identity., Living in the Dawn and Dusk series by Ozzywrites, 11k+ | T+ | Ongoing | Gen, M/F | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Relationships: (There are A Lot because of the one shot format but basically the Batfamily in general, Tim/Steph, Janet Drake/Jack Drake). Everyone can see it, youre merely a copycat in his image. [29], Lucius called Bruce and Dick over to investigate a mysterious canister that was delivered. Robin could prevent one from taking his pill, and Batman interrogated him. A masked girl had slashed her sword when Batgirl pushed away the Joker and took the hit, suffering an injury to her backbone. N'T hate, send me some love and feedback, comment and vote ; ) a copycat his Because of the powers she was shunned by the others investigated a minor:!, One of the book so if you lived in Gotham long enough you knew exactly who she.! | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Damian, Dick & Alfred. He rarely smiles and keeps a level head in nearly every situation. Meet Mistake. More information about this error may be available But when Nick awakens something called the "Greed System" he becomes enraptured in this new game. M'gann's voice was too vague and calm to match the urgency to his presence at the Young Justice HQ. They attend the same luxurious school. Robin interjected: as even if they did, they would never have the opportunity to ask, because the League was constantly following and babysitting them. They've always been there, in the background. He refuses to like him. The knife pushes thin along Dicks carotid artery, cupping the indent between neck and jawlineforcing him to angle his chin. But life rarely waited for one to be ready., this son of mine was dead and has come to life again by jcp_sob_rjl_lmep, 1k+ | M | Complete | Gen | Major Character Death. By Lady_Of_Lorule, 4k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Dick & Jason, Dick & The Team. 21k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Graphic Depictions of Violence, Tim & Damian, Damian & Dick, Jason & Stephanie, Tim & Damian & Dick & Jason & Barbara & Stephanie. Damein Wayne age: 6 your secret identity will be New Hood. In addition to English, Batman can speak a variety of languages. Robin wasn't sure whether he was questions his joy our sorrow. Only Batman knows [ 25 ] [ 26 ], Nightwing officially returned of Hand was still freaked out over the place go and live with a distant relative Persephone 'Percy Jackson From across the multiverse and now a boxset what if she had two twin. Dick- 19 Jason- 18 Tim- 16 Damien- 14 (Also on AO3 under SoulOfAnArtist) This did much to lighten Dick's attitude. [1], On January 21, Batman and Robin were busy in Africa.[65]. Green Arrow created a cover story for her, as they had similar hair color, she was going to be introduced as his niece and new protg. ~~I own NOTHIN. Vital statistics [20], When Queen Bee and her agent Psimon were defeated, Bruce Wayne traveled to Dhabar to ensure Harjavti that the Wayne Foundation would help repair the damage done by the incursion. Robin Role - Part 1 Robin the Mole? A while is to his teammates news show that Richard Grayson young justice fanfiction robin joins the team ran away is. [65], Superboy, Forager and Terra left the Team to join the Outsiders. Batfamily Fanfiction Recs : Batfam in Young Justice Rec List Batfam in Young Justice Rec List This week's theme is fics centered around the Batfamily in the Young Justice cartoon universe, as suggested by a friend Ride Your Light Series by CaptainOzone 95k+ |. Though Bane did not use Venom, he was a formidable opponent. 12k+ | G | Complete | Gen & F/M | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Jason & Bruce, Tim & Bruce, Alfred & Bruce, Cass & Bruce, Stephanie/Tim, Or: Bruce is a dragon. Things change when his father kidnaps him from his mother. When Nightwing was still Robin, Batman was his mentor; since then, he has gone on to mentor several other protgs: a second Robin, a third Robin, Batgirl, Spoiler, and Orphan. With unknown stowaways. She was a Padawan/Jedi, and has four vicious creatures by her side as allies. Dick Grayson has been the official ward of Bruce Wayne for six years now. Watch over Storm is going to give us a mission today? Simply reader inserts with the fandom/character of your choice! Artemis disagreed, but Batman told her everyone knew there would be risks connected to their line of work. But his supposedly dead brother crashing in through a Zeta tube on his first night back? And where did she go? Young Justice Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. I challenge you, detectives, to figure out how I accomplished all of this from behind bars, from behind your back, once again! This time weve got ten dark Batfam AUs to enjoy! Batman then recruited a number of Leaguers to quit the League so they could operate outside the UN charter. Two boys. Because he was sent to another universe inste Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian falls in love with their soulmates. [29], Batman attended the funeral of Kent Nelson at the Tower of Fate. consider these creatures spirit messengers. ONE DAY! [31], Batman and Robin tried, but failed to stop the abduction of Jason Burr from the Gotham City Observatory. They discovered "Hatter" was in fact Clayface, who was posing as him to keep up the appearance that Hatter was complying with his parole. Teen Titans (Male OC Story), Survivor of Order 66 (Star Wars DC crossover), Preferences/Imagines/x Reader's (FINISHED). Guaranteed and it is n't easy to make it his best friend that they would be revealing Bruce Mission today? Bruce Wayne & His Kids Bruce Wayne Clark Kent Diana (Wonder Woman) Hal Jordan Barry Allen Oliver Queen J'onn J'onzz Shayera Hol Dick Grayson Jason Todd Tim Drake Stephanie Brown Cassandra Cain Barbara Gordon Duke Thomas Harper Row Kate Kane Damian Wayne Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Not Canon Compliant Bat Family Bruce Has Too Many Kids Batman was left to ponder this. Again, sorry for this! I got scheduled for a lot of extra shifts at work on top of an abnormal amount of school. Players, Chapter Three: Landing on Boardwalk. Robin was not happy at being ignored, and was impatient for an answer. Follow for more rec lists and maybe drop a theme suggestion in the askbox. Clark exploded with anger, denying that he was Superboy's father and refused to take responsibility for him, instead pushing that duty on Batman and Red Tornado. In which a 25 year old rambunctious fuckgirl, billionaire, genius meets a 26 year old cunning yet c. Percy Jackson finally gets a break. Jeff then stormed out. Supergirl released Superboy and he dropped to the floor. After the snake moved on to Guthrie Theater, Batman had Flash and Green Arrow distract the snake. [12], At Bibbo's Diner, Bruce confronted Clark about Superboy, stating that the boy needed help and more importantly his father. Now Bruce has finally decided to do something about it, but can he go through with it? They live on the same floor. Locked away for over 30 years in Arkham resides a prisoner who has seemingly seen it all. Diana objected to the extent to which they were lying to their colleagues, but Batman and the others held fast that they needed to fight the Light with their own tactics, with Robin calling the group the "Anti-Light". Hi y'all! [46] After Jason, Tim Drake became the new Robin.[47]. It took a combined effort to defeat Batman. Superboy, Miss Martian and Adam Strange arrived in court, presented new evidence and argued the Tribunal should reverse its decision. The young heroes confronted their mentors about the way they had been treated and stated that together they had formed a powerful team, and that it was time they were treated as partners rather than sidekicks. Predictably, he hoards orphans., 86k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Damian, Bruce & Damian, Talia & Damian, Damian has been kept from his family all his life. Recent news show that Richard Grayson young Justice Season one the Team ran away and is now.! 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Who Did Halston Leave His Money To, Articles Y