trades in the marketD. Which statement is TRUE regarding this situation? No load funds do not impose any of the following fees EXCEPT: A. Which of the following customers is NOT allowed a breakpoint on mutual fund purchases? B Adap $7.45 7.50 -.01 If real estate does well as an investment, the shares will appreciate, giving the investor a capital gain. A fund that distributes at least 90% of its Net Investment Income to shareholders is termed a(n): A. income fundB. asset appreciationC. B 1 business dayB. Which statements are TRUE regarding mutual fund expense ratios? It appears that the hedge fund is engaging in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual fund sharesB. C negotiated sales charge fund. $990B. the annuitant's life, not to exceed 20 years Investment clubs cannot group purchases for a breakpoint, nor can investment advisers group their customers purchases. They are typically set up as limited partnerships, and the limited partners are only allowed to take money out one time per year, usually at year end. Cul es la forma correcta del presente indicativo o subjuntivo del verbo en parntesis? II and IV, The purchaser of a variable annuity bears which of the following risks? You comply with the customer's request and the administrative personnel inform you that the limit is $1,000,000. The statement that the customer will pay a sales charge to exchange shares within a family is not true. dividends at Net Asset Value and capital gains at the Net Asset Value. Income and growth legal fees. Mutual funds cannot be sold short. C. II and III Instead, it will only redeem anywhere from 5% to 25% of the investors net assets at a single time. stability. I Minimum initial fund capital of $100,000II Interested persons on the Board of Directors cannot hold over 60% of the seatsIII Changing the funds investment objective requires a majority vote of the shareholdersIV Setting maximum sales charges on mutual fund purchases, A. I and II onlyB. ), Which statements are TRUE regarding the annuitization of a variable annuity contract? A. Purchase Amount Sales Charge Write a paragraph to form a hypothesis about why India's Supreme Court put a temporary ban on the pesticide endosulfan. It is a type of structured product offered by banks that gives a return tied to a benchmark index. C C. $12.42 registered fundC. open-end fund computes Net Asset Value daily; while a closed-end fund does not. 5% of the Public Offering PriceC. dividend distribution. The last price for Acme Fund is $10.25, so 100 shares will cost $1,025 plus a commission. It appears that the hedge fund customer is engaging in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual fund sharesC. A. This mechanism ensures that the fund shares will not trade at a discount to NAV. III A fund can achieve high performance for a few years by taking greater risk and then have a period of poor performance On that date, the price of the shares is reduced for any distributions. The guarantee of a minimum growth rate in the separate account if a higher annual fee is paid for this rider At an outpatient mental health clinic, appointment cancellations occur at a mean rate of 1.5 per day An individual wishes to have a complete liquidation of the account done over a 5 year time frame. The OTC market for equities is the OTCBB and the Pink OTC Market. The management fee is not decided on by the shareholders of the fund. The representative has committed a violation known as backing away. In this case, a 5% sales charge is imposed if the fund is redeemed within the first year. They hedge all positions to limit risks. Which of the following investment purchase recommendations would help achieve this objective? The sales charge is reduced by 1% for every full year that the fund is held. The best recommendation would be: SPDRs are Spiders - the Standard and Poors 500 Index exchange traded fund. D. is fixed at a minimum amount. fixed or participating. B The entire amount should be invested in one fund or one fund family to give the customer the lowest possible sales charge. I The expense ratio will rise if the fund raises its management fee II The expense ratio will rise if the fund incurs higher administrative costs III The expense ratio will rise if the fund experiences large investment inflows If a fund distributes a dividend to shareholders, an ex date is set by the Board of Directors of the Fund. Fundamental analysisD. $750 plus commission, A customer, age 69, has never invested in securities. When comparing an ETN to an ETF, which statement is FALSE? Management feeD. It is listed and trades like a stock, so it has little marketability risk. Thus, these are illiquid securities because an investor cannot trade out the position, nor can the investor redeem the position at any time. They are directly accessible to individual investors. This will occur if the fund gives an inferior return. >$10,000 - $20,000 7 % Wednesday, June 21st. C. Country yesterdays closing Net Asset ValueC. I The ability of the customer to make periodic payments into the plan A mutual fund has a net asset value per share of $12.00. A money market fund's . C. The ex-date is 2 business days prior to the record date I and IV only D. I, II, III, Which statements are TRUE regarding variable annuities sold via a contractual plan during the accumulation phase? I The customer must be informed, in general terms, of the material features of the product However, for a corporate bond fund, since the interest income from corporate bonds is taxable, distributions from the fund to shareholders are taxable; and any undistributed income retained by the fund will be taxed to the fund. Money market funds are unusual in that the Net Asset Value per share is constant at $1.00. C. II and III A customer sells short a 3X Leveraged ETF at $30 per share. What is the customers maximum potential loss? Adap $7.45 7.50 -.01 5- Risk, Return and the Historical Record, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Carl S Warren, James M Reeve, Jonathan E. Duchac, Trends Chpt 22 Quality Improvement and Patien. An open end fund has a Net Asset Value of $10 per share. I Mutual funds can be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds cannot be purchased on margin A 200% Leveraged Inverse Dow Jones Industrial Average Index ETF would be expected to move: I up 50% in price when the DJIA moves down 100%II up 100% in price when the DJIA moves down 50%III down 50% in price when the DJIA moves up 100%IV down 100% in price when the DJIA moves up 50%. I and III other REITs. An accredited investor is one that earns at least $200,000 per year or that has a $1 million net worth and the nurse does not meet these tests. Capital gains taxes must be paid if they are sold for more than the investor's purchase price. People cannot group together to get a breakpoint. Which statements are TRUE when the Federal Reserve enters into a repurchase agreement with a U.S. Government securities dealer? The fund has a sales charge percentage of: The formula for the sales charge percentage is: A-B $13.30 - $12.30 $1.00- = - = = 7.5% A $13.30 $13.30. This is a violation known as a breakpoint sale. The expense ratio is found by taking Total Expenses / Total Net Assets. A. semi-annually (Specialists/DMMs are obligated, under NYSE rules to make a continuous market in the assigned stock. A certificate -traded in US markets that represents ownership of shares of a(n) ____________ company is referred to by its initials as an ADR. requiring a majority vote of the outstanding shares to change a funds investment objectiveC. What is the Net Asset Value per share of a mutual fund? C _________ ratio. Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, customers who redeem must be paid within 7 calendar days (1 business week) of the redemption date. Shorting an ETF is the same thing as shorting any stock. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. A closed end funds Net Asset Value is $8.50. $0 - $10,000 8 % To prevent market timing, most mutual funds have placed restrictions on excessive trading in their prospectuses and monitor accounts for excessive short-term trading. An investor buys 100 shares of an open-end investment company with a 5% contingent deferred sales charge. closed end management companyC. However, all mutual funds charge an annual management fee, which is an annual expense against the funds investment income. III The front end load that will be earned Closed-end funds and ETFs trade, so they are liquid. I Investment ClubII Omnibus AccountIII Corporate PurchaserIV Individual Purchaser, A. I and II onlyB. Acme is the sponsor for a variety of funds within the Acme family. The ACME family has an exchange feature at NAV. How many shares of the fund can the customer purchase? He doesnt have time to redo the analysis. I and III onlyC. mark-to-market price. IV Investment risk Correct Answer A. C IV a varied dollar amount is invested periodically SPDR A. The investor will receive: A contingent deferred sales charge is imposed if an investor redeems a mutual fund before holding the fund for a stated time period. A customer who buys 100 shares of ALPO Fund will pay: A. They can be purchased indirectly through mutual funds. When comparing Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to Real Estate Limited Partnerships (RELPs), which of the following statements are TRUE? If the price of the security is fluctuating, the average purchase cost per share will be lower for the investor than simple mathematical average price of the shares over the same period. I Shares are issued in a one-time offeringII Shares are continually issuedIII Shares trade on an exchange or over-the-counterIV Shares are redeemed with the issuer. (REITs issue shares of beneficial interest with each certificate representing an undivided interest in the pool of real estate investments. For example, if an investor has 1,000 shares @ $1 ($1,000 total) in the fund, and the assets appreciate by 10%, then the customer will have 1,100 shares at $1 ($1,100 total). CLOSED END BOND FUNDSFund Net Asset Value Stock Close NAV Change, Acco $8.32 8.13 -.08 Acme $9.90 10.25 +.10Adap $7.45 7.50 -.01. In this example, Choice C meets the customers requirements. The sales charge is reduced by 1% for every full year that the fund is held. I and III no load fundC. A Which statement is TRUE regarding contributions to Individual Retirement Accounts for these persons? I, II, III. A. The registered representative advises the customer to invest $8,000 on ABCD fund; $8,000 in DEFF fund; and $8,000 in XYZZ fund; to give the customer complete diversification and reduce risk. A. C Class B shares have no up-front sales charge; instead, they have a contingent deferred sales charge, and impose higher annual 12b-1 fees than A shares. 12b-1 fees are permitted under SEC Rule 12b-1. Change I Periodic payments of fixed dollar amounts are made II, IVC. It appears that the representative has violated industry firewall requirements, because registered representatives are prohibited from talking to the administrative personnel of mutual fund companies. C. is unaffected Capital appreciation and stability At the market opening, a customer purchases 200 shares of an S&P 500 2X ETF at $50 per share. Repayment is based on the credit of the issuing bank, and if the banks credit rating is lowered, the price should drop. B IV If the mutual fund makes dividend distributions to shareholders, the Net Asset Value per share is unaffected Sponsor Correct Answer A. Every year that the fund distributes dividends and capital gains, both must be included on that years income tax return - whether or not the investor reinvests the monies in additional fund shares or whether the investor takes the monies as cash. $1,039D. on a typical Wednesday. These are markets for thinly traded illiquid securities. If a mutual fund invests solely in municipal securities, there is no Federal tax liability on the interest income received (remember, the interest income from municipal securities is exempt from Federal income tax). False, True or false: British regulators have proposed phasing out LIBOR by 2021 to be replaced with a rate called SONIA (Sterling Overnight Interbank Average Rate). Ch 2 exploring data with tables and graphs, Customer Accounts Section 2: Account Basics, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. D. II and IV. B that day's opening Net Asset Value REITs do not invest in limited partnerships, which are tax shelter vehicles. 2X (Leveraged) S&P 500 Index ETF Ask is the same thing as Public Offering Price. A It would be expected that the customers yield will decrease but that capital gains will increase, since he or she is moving from an income fund to a growth fund. Multiple select question. However, fixed income security prices fall more than stock prices. These funds have a one time issuance of a fixed number of shares and then trade like other negotiable securities. closed end management company Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not they are automatically reinvested in additional fund shares. Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not they are automatically reinvested in additional fund shares. I, II, III, IV. II The capital gain is not taxable if it is taken as a check traded over-the-counter. The SPDR is the Standard and Poors Depositary Receipt, one of the first index-ETFs. Just before submitting the report, he spills However, it will only redeem shares at stated intervals - usually quarterly - and it will not redeem the investors entire holding at these redemption dates. They are a source of profit for a dealer. Any purchaser would pay the prevailing market price (which can be below, at, or above Net Asset Value) and would have to pay a commission to have the trade executed. Which of the following recommendations is most appropriate for this customer? A The maximum offering price per share is: The maximum sales charge on a mutual fund is 8.5% under FINRA rules. Multiple select question. II Expense risk Correct B. will decrease An open-end management company is a mutual fund. True This guy is rich and is looking for a rich mans investment. The portfolio of investments is managed - this is a closed-end management company. Similarly, undistributed income retained by the fund would not be taxed, since it consists solely of tax free municipal interest income. B Any surrender fee imposed: Compare the unit sales to the units produced and keep a running total. The formula for the expense ratio of a mutual fund is: The customer wants to start a college fund for her child. Buy the fund shares now just before the dividend is paid so you can get immediate income. tax exempt fund. II an exchange traded fund I and IVD. Members of an investment clubC. A customer redeems 1,000 shares of ABC Fund. The plan requires that a constant dollar amount be maintained in equity securities, with any excess invested in debt. Front end sales chargeB. They can be bought on margin or sold short. The registered representative accepts the customer purchase order without making any additional disclosures. Access is limited to institutions and high net worth or high income individuals. Well, you can get this one down to 50/50 pretty quickly. III Mutual funds can be sold short; exchange traded funds cannot be sold short I Acceptance of the plan requires a majority vote of the outstanding shares; the Board of Directors; and the disinterested members of the BoardII Discontinuance of the plan requires majority vote of the outstanding shares or the disinterested members of the BoardIII Mailings to prospective purchasers of the fund are an acceptable 12b-1 chargeIV Expense ratios for funds that have adopted 12b-1 plans can be expected to be higher than for similar funds without 12b-1 fees. The BEST recommendation would be for the customer to invest $100,000 of her cash savings into a(n): If a fund offers an automatic reinvestment provision, both dividend distributions and capital gains distributions are reinvested at Net Asset Value. Under FINRA rules, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT: A. the wholesaler must be a registered FINRA memberB. D The P/E ratio tells us how much stock purchasers must pay per ________ ________ __________ that the firm generates. List the additional provisions that should be included so the interest amounts can be computed. **Market Timing: The practice of frequently buying and selling a funds shares to exploit inefficiencies in how the mutual fund company computes NAV per share. The normal ex-date of 2 business days prior to record date does not apply because there is no trading of mutual fund shares. Active asset managementC. D. II and IV. III and IV only I Higher management feesII Higher redemptionsIII Higher dividend distributionsIV Higher capital gains distributions, A. I and IIB. large capitalization growth stocks, All of the following statements are true regarding money market funds EXCEPT: ), Which statement is TRUE regarding the ex date for a mutual fund? III REITs are similar to open end investment company shares A Hedge funds offer higher returns coupled with higher risk and are only sold to accredited (wealthy, sophisticated) investors who understand the risks involved. Furthermore, the longer maturity and lower coupon issues fall the fastest as market interest rates rise. If a fund distributes a dividend to shareholders, which statements are TRUE? The customer must be paid the money within: Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, customers who redeem must be paid within 7 calendar days (the same as 5 business days, or 1 week) of the redemption date. a violation known as interpositioning. Real Estate Investment Trusts must distribute at least 90% of their Net Investment Income to shareholders; and invest at least 75% of their assets in real estate activities; to be regulated under Subchapter M. REITs can invest in all of the following EXCEPT: A. mortgagesB. B. I and IV Therefore, investment clubs cannot group purchases for a breakpoint, nor can investment advisers group their customers purchases. At the end of the current year, Accounts Receivable has a balance of $3,460,000, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a debit balance of$12,500, and sales for the year total $46,300,000. The provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940 include all of the following EXCEPT: A. The receipt of these monies into the Fund increases NAV per share, exactly offsetting the reduction of the share price on ex date by the exchange where the company that paid the dividend trades. C ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) have an NAV that is based on the value of the physical underlying securities. The most shareholders can lose in event of the failure of the corporation is their original investment because of what is referred to as ________ _______ . exchange-traded Mutual funds are bought at the Ask price that includes the sales charge. brokerage feesD. money market funds impose management fees, Which of the following statements are TRUE about variable annuities? Multiple select question. Money market funds typically invest in government securities, certificates of deposit, commercial paper of companies, and other highly liquid, low-risk securities. IV Typical maturities of securities held in the portfolio are 30 days or less Then sellers exceed buyers and the market price is pushed lower than Net Asset Value. Following risks taxes must be paid if they are automatically reinvested in additional shares. Prior to record date does not I and ii onlyB is paid so you get... 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