Think of a godparent in two distinct situations. It is a little more vague nowadays. Godparents are a beautiful role given by parents for the assistance in raising up their child to know, love, and serve God well. But in the traditional sense, a godparents primary purpose is to guide the godchild in all matters of their faith. Technically, as per most church doctrines, a godparents role continues until their death or the death of the child. It is the same with birthdays or wedding anniversaries. Elizabeth acted as a godmother in support, godly wisdom, and discerning in her own heart what the Holy Spirit was leaning on her heart. And as it goes, it is also a representation of the openness of your godchilds parents. Now that I live on Long Island, I call them, write them, inquire about their activities, remember their birthdays. As a godparent you can guide your godchild in so many ways outside of their faith. I wish they'd got me a book instead.'. Church leaders may frown upon choosing a godparent because they are a favorite relative or friend. Imagine a child going to college with a robust collection of spiritual workseach one inscribed as a memento of what is truly important in life. Today, the godparent plays a symbolic role in contemporary Christianity. Get ready for the weekend with our picks on where to shop, dine and have fun on Long Island. Keep in mind that some churches take the role of a godparent very seriously. As such, all the children may be placed together with one godparent or none at all. There are issues such as location, where the relationship remains alive in theory, but they lose touch. Why? As the child matures, it will be important for him to see someoneother than his parentswho treats spiritual goods as the highest goods in this life. Choosing a godparent is not an easy task, but it is one of consequence. Encourage the parents to name the child after a saint and entrust the child to that blessed namesake. You never forget the first time: the thrill of the new, the dawning of the idea that someone wants you, that you're worthy, that you have been chosen. Help! Children watch how we live out our lives, and will see it as an example of how to carry out their own lives. Grandparents have the emotional and familial bond to care for their godchildren. But it sometimes has been defined as the person who would care for the child if something happens to the parents. Meshing faith-based beliefs and secular life isnt always easy. Together a mother and father should choose the godparents that are best for their child, not ones out of pressure or convenience. The rite is considered a sacrament of initiation and salvation, and for centuries, Christians believed that those not baptized would not go to heaven. I didnt have godparents, McGuire says. Kaeley Van Zoren recently faced a line of questioning about her religious beliefs over dinner. memories of your babys baptism live on is often the best gift you can give. Technically, the end of your role comes after confirmation, when the godchild is deemed old enough to fend for itself. Throughout history, in Central American countries, it was common to ask your rival or enemy to be godparent in order to put an end to a feud, Sweetman says. There, the godparent will acknowledge their commitment to helping the parents to raise their child in their faith. WebThe role of a godparent Godparents are really special. $27.95 - $39.95. If the parents elect to have two, they must choose one man and one woman. The ritual of baptism is a festive social occasion as opposed to a religious one for many families todayso much so that even other religious communities have adopted the role. For some parents, religion may not even be the determining factor. 4. These are the very best sort. For example, on the childs first baptism anniversary, you could purchase for him the Confessions by St. Augustine or the Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott. Can you make that commitment? There is no legal commitment here and the godparent is not the legal guardian of the child. The Catholic Beginners Guide to Being A Godparent. So, what does this mean for you? If, for example, the parents pass away, they may name you as guardian. you call them a godparent or a witness, they are fulfilling the same roles. Another example would be Elizabeth, the cousin of Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. But sometimes a godparent cannot continue in his or her duties. Indeed, not only does Judaism stress personal responsibility for study, education and ethical inquiry, but also places that permanent obligation firmly on the entire community. In some ways, inviting godparents into a childs life creates a larger community as a whole. Read: Baptists, just without the baptisms, By the fifth century, godparents were fairly common in western Europe, says Guido Alfani, an economic-history professor at Bocconi University, in Milan, who studies the role of godparents throughout history. 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan, 3 Bad Church Approaches to Good Money Stewardship, 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Why? You can say no to being a godparent. Alvin Clay has been a godparent for most of his life. You can help with this by: Much like First Communion, there arent specific rules for godparents to follow for Confirmation. If the godparent is of a different faith, an item celebrating their faith. If not attached at all, hand over the obligatory silver cufflinks/crucifix/photo frame and slink off after the service. You can choose to spend as much or as little on your godchild. To Kaeley, the term godparent is a formalityshes not entirely sure who her own godparents are, so they obviously have not mentored me very much, she says. From the point of view of the Church, you needed to build links outside of your relations, Alfani says. The child being baptized is known as their godchild. We were very startled and taken aback and confused, she says. Church, Wyandanch: It never ends. Christenings and confirmations are serious occasions. Lastly, would you trust your child to learn and grow from their influence? As a godparent, whether in a religious or secular sense, your duty to the child is the primary concern. Along with the childs parents, youll be present to profess the child to the Catholic faith. This can be as simple as remembering things they tell you from school, it can look like attending baseball games or school plays, or it can be larger in encouraging a Bible study with the child or bringing them to a Christian event such as a concert or prayer night. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!. To Kaeley, the term godparent is a formalityshes not entirely sure who her own godparents are, so they obviously have not mentored me very much, she says. If the parents elect to Those are gifts you would have purchased anyway. You may be the competitive sort, in which case go vulgar. Teaching your godchild how to represent Catholic ideals in day-to-day life, showing him or her ways you do this yourself. Because in the end its about whats best for the child. But being a godparent does recognize the trust placed in you by your godchilds parents. I'm still lucky enough to have her. By being close with the family, youll be a perfect bridge between parent and child. But it has been customary by tradition. Essentially, a godparent is a person who aids and assists in the spiritual development of a child (sometimes an adult convert who is a child in the faith). Parents should not feel obligated to select a favorite family member or friend; rather, they ought to seek partners who will join with them in this earthly pilgrimage to help their child attain heaven. In establishing a partnership through holy matrimony, your godchild has taken the step to grow a family in the Catholic faith. This is perhaps one of the greatest points to keep in mind when someone asks you to be their childs godparent. As discussed, being a godparent is an honor with a level of responsibility to match. Even if you're a woman. If This sponsor helps the child live a Christian life, and represents what it means to be Catholic by praying, living righteously, and being present for the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. WebFor baptism, the godparents are normally chosen by the parents of the child, or their guardians in absence of their parents. Many times, one Godparent will be chosen by the mother for her side of the family, or a close friend, and likewise one on the side of the father for a relative or close friend. Even as a priest, I am a godparent to my oldest nephew, but had someone stand in as proxy for the ceremony because I also was conducting the ceremony. Now a godmother to her best friends 2-year-old, Le has reevaluated her own position on how religion intersects with mentorship. There is no legal dimension to godparents, Sweetman says. Being a godparent exceeds the boundaries of religion. Each year, especially when the child is young, purchase a spiritual classic for your godchild on his baptismal anniversary or patronal feast, and inscribe it. Because this is a position of responsibility, honor, and trust. Afterward, as time goes on, your role may grow. Privacy Policy |Terms of service |Subscription terms |Your ad choices |Cookie Settings |California Privacy Rights |About Us |Contact Newsday |Reprints & permissions |Advertise with Newsday |Help. You never know how the Holy Spirit may work and what phone call you may receive one day. Distract it with treats. All rights reserved. Godparents are selected by the parents of a child to be baptized. WebTheres no minimum age for godparents, but they must be mature enough to understand the responsibilities theyre taking on; your vicar can help you decide if this is the right choice for your child and the young godparent. Simply being asked to take on the role of godparent does not mean one automatically takes over custody of a child. He has to be the supportive pillar for the child and must show keenness and interest in the upbringing of the child. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'momadviceline_com-banner-1','ezslot_12',649,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-momadviceline_com-banner-1-0'); Going forward youll probably attend birthday parties. You may serve in the role alone, or the child may have two godparents. Father Peter Garry, St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Southold: The relationship ends only when either the godchild or the godparent dies. Technically, as per most church doctrines, a godparents role continues until their death or the death of the child. And they are a perfect choice for many children. 10 Creative and Cute Crafts for Kids This Easter, 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children Again, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Lutetia helped raise a saint. What does it mean to be a godparent? If the parents elect to There are no mentions of legal godparents in the Bible, however there are examples of those who stepped up into a role as a spiritual mentor in lieu of a parent, very much like a godparent. You need to think about God. Theres some spirituality that goes along with family relationships, but in this case, each individual serves a different purpose, she says. But current traditions and norms have fortunately supplanted this aspect of a godparents duties. The great 12th century Rabbi Maimonides noted that if a community fails to establish and maintain education opportunities for its children, its inhabitants are placed under a ban, for as the Talmud states: "The world is sustained only by the breath of schoolchildren.". You can talk to your vicar about choosing godparents and involving them in the christening preparation too. The character is often central to the story, and serves as a moral compass and mentor. It is widely practiced and honored in many Protestant branches of the church. A godparent serves God in developing a close-knit relationship with the child, encouraging through a Christian light whenever possible. Its an ideological question at best. They are not just special on the day but special for a childs life, even when they are grown-up themselves. Godparents are tasked with assisting the parents in raising the child to be a saint, but unlike the parents, the godparents most commonly do not see the child every day. Check her out on Instagram and Twitter, @CallyLogan and TikTok Cally_Logan. Since Christianity holds many denominations, it is quite possible that you will share the duties. Growing up in a large Catholic family in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, Clay was accustomed to family members serving as godparents for one another and offering support as they received sacraments such as communion and confirmation. There are a lot of things that young people go through. After all, your role as a godparent is to oversee the childs growth in faith and to mentor them in other ways. We hadnt heard of any Jewish families who had godparents until that point.. For some parents, however, religion will still play a large role in the decision to name you. Although the specific naming term of godparent arose through Catholicism, it is not exclusive to the Catholic Church to become a godparent. $39.95, NAB First Communion Bible For me, I dont take that lightly., those not baptized would not go to heaven. This will be the beginning of your Christian journey together, and you'll offer prayer and encouragement as your godchild grows and looks forward to First Communion and Confirmation. As Attila the Hun and his hordes swept toward Paris, St. Genevieve encouraged the people to pray and do penance. There is no legal commitment here and the godparent is not the legal guardian of the child. While we cant always be physically present, we can always listen no matter where we are in the world. I don't think that one's responsibilities as a godparent ever officially end. The choosing of godparents and the role to become a godparent is no light matter, it is a great honor that should be taken seriously. As with the case of St. Genevieve, there is a tradition that godparents will raise the child if the parents die. Ive had a bit of a different experience than their parents, she says. If parents decide that godparents should assume care in their permanent absence, legal documents stating so must be drawn up, as they would be with any custody arrangement. Community extends beyond a churchs walls. If you sack the kid, then you're heartless and ruthless. People move, change jobs, and travel. Typically, a mother will choose the godmother and the father will choose the godfather, but that is not a set-in stone rule. They bring different things to my kids lives. For example, when her son showed an interest in history, Gartner suggested he talk with his historian godfather on the phone. Choosing a godparent is not choosing a favorite friend or relative, rather it is choosing someone to play a role in your childs life. The role derives from the Christian faiths, and is most widely known in popular culture as a being deeply rooted in Catholicism. A few ideas include: Personalized First Communion Cross 4. Many, if not most situations, where people who have chosen someone to be a godparent out of guilt or obligation, end up being disastrous. He has to be the supportive pillar for the child and must show keenness and interest in the upbringing of the child. Above all else, loving the child through the love of the Holy Spirit is the role and responsibility of a godparent. Like a trusted aunt or uncle, you may be the one your godchild turns to for advice. Relaying this to their priest, Chris and Tara were given the go-ahead to name Kaeley godmother. To Kaeley, the term godparent is a formalityshes not entirely sure who her own godparents are, so they obviously have not mentored me very much, she says. Technically, the end of your role comes after confirmation, when the godchild is deemed old enough to fend for itself. And among Millennials, who are now having children, less than a third say they attend religious services on a weekly basis. You may serve in the role alone, or the child may have two godparents. You are Father Christmas on speed and must never forget birthdays. The thing is, babies are like grown-ups: some you have a bond with, others not so much. That's the deal. Mordecai encourages her in her faith and in the courage of God to act. The godparent takes on the responsibility as an adult witness to and someone who influences the spiritual life of a young person. Rabbi Irwin Huberman, Congregation Tifereth Israel, Glen Cove: The concept of the godparent does not really exist within Judaism. While its certainly a cause for celebration, as a godparent you can help the child understand the significance and true meaning of the occasion. Many, if not most situations, where people who have chosen someone to be a godparent out of guilt or obligation, end up being disastrous. Your role as a godparent has as much to do with religion as it does with their faith in your abilities to serve in the role. As a godparent, it is also a responsibility to be present as a mentor and person who desires to be present in a childs life. Whether to follow such a tradition is at the parents discretion. Overall, one of the most important factors is intentionality. Whether to follow such a tradition is at the parents discretion. Monkey see, monkey do is a common expression that carries great truth. Share the story of the Last Supper, and teach your godchild the importance of the Eucharist. Such, all the children may be the supportive pillar for the child to be the supportive pillar the... 'S Catholic church, Southold: the relationship ends only when either the godchild is deemed enough... Your duty to the child through the love of the Eucharist how the Holy Spirit may work what. Catholic church to become a godparent is not the legal guardian of child! Compass and mentor to profess the child to learn and grow from their influence automatically takes over of. 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