Draftees accounted for 30.4% (17,725) of combat deaths in Vietnam. In a unit with 500 riflemen, some 80 would not engage. friend and your looking at well in excess of 50,000,000 Americans with a need to rationalize away their draft-dodging cowardice and to, in some way, vilify Vietnam the very source of their shame and guilt. 2022, Top 9 why is pure oxygen used in respiratory distress 2022. American soldiers referred to the Viet Cong as Victor Charlie or V-C. Victor and Charlie are both letters in the NATO phonetic alphabet. This article was written by Russell W. Glennt and originally published in the April 2002 issue of Vietnam Magazine. Multi-million dollar salaries are not paid to people for reporting the news, in any form, be it written, audio or video. For example: China has opened its records on the number of uniformed Chinese troops sent to aid their Communist friends in Hanoi. Marshall, or Slam, concluded in a series of military journal articles and in his book, Men Against Fire, about Americas World War II soldiers. Think of this as a , About Contact Privacy Policy Disclaimer. 2. Lastly, all Vietnam War operations were declassified in 1993 by US President William Jefferson Clinton, who with USSR President Boris Yeltsin, publicly agreed in signed documents to de-classfy ALL military operations conducted by both countries dating back to WW1 for the specific purpose of accounting for an individual's war service or MIA/POW status! Marshall continued in his role as analyst and self-proclaimed military historian before, during and after the Korean War, authoring many more books and frequently appearing as a guest lecturer at Fort Leavenworth and other installations around the United States. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In Vietnam no US generals, much less division commanders, were ever taken prisoner. At 5,000 feet Capt. The American, he concluded, comes from a civilization in which aggression, connected with the taking of life, is prohibited and unacceptable.The fear of aggression has been expressed to him so strongly and absorbed by him so deeply and pervadingly practically with his mothers milk that it is part of the normal mans emotional make-up. The average man who fought in World War II was 26 years of age. Respected researchers interviewed those who had accompanied him in World War II and also pored over his personal notes during the mid-1980s. Do you have a family member who served in Vietnam? The question seemed inevitable: Had there been a problem with Americans willingness to engage the enemy in World War II? 87% of Americans hold Vietnam Veterans in high esteem. His selection of South Vietnam's army as the Center of gravity could have been written by General Carl von Clausewitz himself. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Pat Sajak is a Vietnam War Veteran and was the host of "Good Morning Vietnam". Ages range from 97 to 55 years old (born between 1918 and 1960). The percent of the military that sees combat also varies with factors, such as the military branch you are in. So, the apex Vietnam-era veteran will be 78.6 around Sep. . Contrast that number with the 50-million plus draft dodging anti-war crowd and you have the answer to why the American view of its Vietnam experience is so skewed. . The wealth of every prosperous nation in Asia is directly linked to its trade with the United States. The Galaxy had taken-off from Tan Son Nhut airbase and had reached analtitude of approximately 23,000 feet and was approximately 40 miles fromSaigon when it's rear clamshell cargo doors blew off crippling its flight controls. In 1969 Nixon started troop withdrawals that were essentially complete by late 1971. Then, using the age-old tactics of mass and maneuver, they defeated the South Vietnamese Army in detail. Initially Vietnam will be the biggest benefactor because it will throw Vietnam's door to the US market, wide open! What was the life expectancy of a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam? Casualties tell the tale. About 3 percent had subthreshold war-zone PTSD. It is evident that the vast majority of those whose duties put them in harms way fired when the situation dictated they should do so. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? The United States Archives and other sources suggest that between 25 and 50 American soldiers a year were bitten by snakes during the war in Vietnam. The lessons of Vietnam are there for those willing to learn. Two, three and four tours were not uncommon and the author personally knows an Air Force NCO who spent six years in-country. Of the 2.6 million, between 1-1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in combat, provided close support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack. Military Terms Explained. One of the many things , Swearing-in is a formal ceremony that marks the start of your career in the military. The primary job of the first group was to engage the enemy with small-arms fire. Seventeen year-old James Calvin Ward was one of them. The Agence France Presse (French Press Agency) news release of 4 April 1995 concerning the Vietnamese Government's release of official figures of dead and wounded during the Vietnam War.HANOI (AP) - April 4. They'd pop open when I ran over them. 7,484 women (6,250 or 83.5% were nurses) served in Vietnam. They viewed him as one unpredictable, incredibly tough nut. The figures for relative strengths assume the following: On January 1, 1969 there were 110 battalions in Vietnam (98 Infantry, 3 tank, and 9 artillery). Of the 2.6 million, between 1-1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in combat, provided close support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack. 7,484 women served in Vietnam, of whom 6,250 or 83.5% were nurses. In detail, there are 10 wings leading up to combat. Historian Chen Jian wrote Although Beijing's support may have fallen short of Hanoi's expectations, without the support, the history, even the outcome, of the Vietnam War might have been different.. In what was described as a "massive explosive decompression" near Vung Tau, the pilot lost control of his flaps, elevators & rudder. (Time Converter Included), What Military Bases Are in Arizona? This is his great handicap when he enters combat. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. They stay in place even , If you have heard of the word POG in the military and are unsure of what it means, find out with this article on what is a POG military. A total of 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam era, with over 2,709,000 Americans serving in Vietnam, about 9.7% of the generation. This translates into additional purchasing power and a further expansion of market opportunities. The fact that many did survive such a crash was indeed a result of his flying ability. These numbers should dispel the notion that Vietnam was some kind of flaming inferno or a huge cauldron of burning dissent. How to Make Sap Gloves Out of an Ordinary Pair? 7,874. To help you visualize, that is 1 in 10 soldiers. Since 1988 The War Library has been working to verify the names of all Americans who served in Vietnam, or were authorized the Vietnam War Service Medal. By comparison, the South Vietnamese had only 352 US supplied tanks and they were committed to guarding the entire country, and because of US Congressional action, were critically short of fuel, ammo and spare parts with which to support those tanks. However, among these five branches, there are sub-branches and units. Sept 1974: North Vietnamese hold special meeting to evaluate Nixon's resignation and decide to test implications. Unlike what the military gives off as an impression, only a small portion of soldiers actually go into combat. The toll among those who. How many b52 bombers were lost in Vietnam? I had no business getting involved with the actions of only one company. 5 What percentage of Vietnam veterans actually saw combat? Americans would die needlessly and wars would be much extended if U.S. troops failed to perform the essential act of firing on the enemy. 86.3% of the men who died in Vietnam were Caucasian (includes Hispanics); 12.5% (7,241) were black; 1.2% belonged to other races. But some might suspect that a man would hesitate to admit his own shortcomings under fire. Women make up a growing share of veterans. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Firing their weapons risked compromising a patrols position, whereas resisting the temptation could provide the information-collectors with several more days of unmolested activity. The United Sates military in Vietnam was the best-educated, best-trained, best disciplined and most successful force ever fielded in the history of American arms. Xuan Loc was the last major battle for South Vietnam. What percentage of Vietnam veterans actually saw combat? The replacement who was killed while in a panic-stricken search for a concrete foxhole lost his chance to learnthe skills needed to survive. However, the written, video and voice records of that involvement are distorted beyond recognition. Jim Hadley, a medical technician from Sacramento, Calif recalled later that oxygen masks dropped down automatically, but the children were sitting two to a seat and there weren't enough masks to go around. Did any American soldiers stay in Vietnam after the war? Note 1: there were an additional 10,824 non-hostile deaths for a total of 58,202Note 2: of the 304,704 WIA, 153,329 required hospitalizationNote 3: this number decreases as remains are recovered and identifiedNote 4: 114 died in captivityNote 5: Does not include 101,511 Hoi Chanh, Legend: KIA = Killed In Action WIA = Wounded In Action MIA = Missing In Action CIA = Captured In Action, Note 1: there were an additional 1,045 non-hostile deaths for a total of 6,053, Note 1: there were an additional 1,680 non-hostile deaths for a total of 11,058, Note 1: there were an additional 1,919 non-hostile deaths for a total of 16,511, Note 1: there were an additional 2,113 non-hostile deaths for a total of 11,527, Note 1: there were an additional 1,844 non-hostile deaths for a total of 6,065, Note 1: there were an additional 968 non-hostile deaths for a total of 2,348, Note 1: there were an additional 261 non-hostile deaths for a total of 561. The American War Library (amervets.com) A quick word about the South Vietnamese government lacking support from the people, and of the so called Popular support for the Communists. During WW II, in the European Theater alone, over 20,000 US Military men were convicted of dissertation and, on a comparable percentage basis, the overall WW II desertion rate was 55 percent higher than in Vietnam. Only about 5,000 men assigned to Vietnam deserted and just 249 of those deserted while in Vietnam. Was thailand involved in the vietnam war. 7 What were the odds of dying in Vietnam? . A nation sending its youth to war must prepare them well if those individuals are to survive the experience. Each unit will have its own roles, such as sea, air, or land support. M. James Littig Principal, Congressional Strategies Controversy regarding the M-16 rifle and its variants developed soon after it was designated as the riflemans primary weapon in the theater. Another Aspect - US Military battle deaths by year: Prior to 1966 - 3,078 (Total up through 31 Dec 65), 1968 - 14, 589 (Total while JFK & LBJ were President - 32,053), 1972 - 300 (Total while Nixon was President - 15,316). Vlach served with the 54th General Command as a door gunner on an UH1 Huey helicopter. Works by Bao Ninh, the author of The Sorrow of War. Contents1 What percentage of soldiers actually see combat?2 What percentage of soldiers fired their weapons in Vietnam?3 Which branch saw [] It is also obvious that this increase is being driven by consumer demand. 1967, CACCF Record Counts by Reason (Cause of Casualty) (as of 12/98), in order of most frequent cause to least frequent cause, CACCF Record Counts by Year of Death or Declaration of Death (as of 12/98), TOTAL NUMBER OF PATIENTS EVACUATED FROM VIETNAM, U.S. ARMY, BY MONTH, 1965-69. Victor Ubach, a Pan American World Airways pilot who was flying behind and above the crippled Air Force plane said the C-5A pilots "had done one heck of a job" to avoid a worse disaster. How to play rising storm 2 vietnam with friends? However, either the American people or their government does not even remotely understand the reasons behind that grief and misery -. Nearly 75% of the general public (in 1993) agrees with that. Only one other B-52 tail gunner had scored a successful kill against a Vietnamese fighter, though more than 30 B-52s had been shot down throughout the conflict. (Vietnam veterans are dying at about the same rate as their WW2 fathers.) In the Korean War, Major General F. Dean, commander of the 24th Infantry Division in Korea was taken prisoner of war (POW). What percentage of Vietnam veterans actually saw combat? An Infantry battalion had 656 infantrymen (4 companies per battalion with 164 men per company). What percentage of Vietnam veterans actually saw combat? At that time black males of military age constituted 13.5 percent of the American population. Three of South Vietnams provinces (Quang Tri, Quang Nam and Thua Thien) accounted for more than 40 percent of American casualties. (Answered). In all, China sent 327,000 troops to North Vietnam. Once artillery or other units create a distraction of fire with the enemy, these same soldiers will return fire with relish. Another bitterly recalled that his platoon leader chickened out and let a large NVA force through our ambush without engaging them, perhaps because he had been fearful. Interesting Facts about Vietnam | New York City Vietnam , The Vietnam War Commemoration is conducted according to the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act to help honor and pay tribute to Vietnam Veterans and Thesoldiersprojectwww.thesoldiersproject.org what-percentage-of-the-military-sees-combatAbout Featured Snippets, The Army is known as the largest military branch. This was what the highly regarded Brigadier General Samuel Lyman Atwood Marshall, better known as S.L.A. The likelihood that a man survived to return home alive dramatically increased if he lived long enough to discover the lessons of war. It included men who might sometimes fire on the adversary, but that was not their primary responsibility. Even large American companies such as Boeing depend on SMEs. US casualty information was derived from the Combat Area Casualty File of 11/93, and The Adjutant General's Center (TAGCEN) file of 1981, available from the National Archives. One 2015 report based on the NVVLS concluded that more than 40 years after the war, about 11 percent of Veterans who served in Vietnam had war-related PTSD that met the full diagnostic criteria for the condition. Mar 1973; Last US POW released from Hanoi Hilton, and in accordance with Paris Agreements, last American GI leaves Vietnam. Of the 2.6 million, between 1-1.6 million (40-60%)either fought in combat, provided close support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was more or less a living legend by the mid-1960s. Often every man fired during a contact; at other times, only a few had the opportunity. Why then, did it get such bad press, and, why is the public's opinion of them so twisted? Helicopter, losses during Lam Son 719 (a mere two months) accounted for 10% of all. How many soldiers died their first day in Vietnam? The average education level of the enlisted man in Vietnam was 13 years, equivalent to one year of college. limbs, 1,081 sustained multiple amputations. The supporting infantry is spread out thinly as a precaution against air raids: A friend served with the New Zealand army in the North African campaigns; he was a truck . In total, 7,243 African Americans died during the Vietnam War, representing 12.4% of total casualties. How were helicopters used in the vietnam war? 7,484 women (6,250 or 83.5% were nurses) served in Vietnam. By comparison, at the peak of the War there were 545,000 US Military personnel in Vietnam. A third of this group engaged the enemy more than 100 times; fewer than half fired on the enemy less than 50 times. How many distinguished flying crosses awarded in vietnam? When asked what portion of their fellow soldiers fired during any given engagement, the veterans estimated that about 84 percent of a unit's men armed with individual weapons (rifles, pistols, grenade launchers, shotguns) and approximately 90 percent of those manning crew-served weapons (generally the M-60 machine gun) did so. They included assistant machine-gunners, whose first responsibilities were to load an M-60 and help the gunner to identify targets. CACCF Record Counts by Casualty Type (as of 12/98), CACCF Record Counts by Country of Casualty, as of 12/98, CACCF Record Counts by Marital Status, as of 12/98, CACCF Record Counts by Military Pay Grade, as of 12/98, CACCF Record Counts by Race (as of 12/98)Racial category titles are those used in the documentation created at the genesis of the file, ca. Officer casualties in Vietnam, including warrant officers, numbered 7,874, or 13.5 percent of all casualties. Hopefully, this has been helpful. 7,484 women (6,250 or 83.5% were nurses) served in Vietnam. | CherriesWriter, Your email address will not be published. What Does Landline Mean in the Military? On November 13th, 1982 thousands of Vietnam Veterans participated in a march that ended at the memorial. An additional six provinces accounted for another 25 % of the Americans killed in action (KIA). The NVA (North Vietnamese Army) attack fell on the ARVN (Army Republic of Vietnam) 18th Division. From these responses it seems that Americans in Vietnam had little hesitation to engage their enemy. In addition, Kent serves as Chairman of AmCham's EE&C Committee. The US Army in Vietnam never had to rent jail space from the Vietnamese to incarcerate American soldiers who refused to fight. He chose not to carry a weapon during his tour. A survivor of the crash stated: "Some of us got out through a chute from the top of the plane, but the children (and escorts) at the bottom of the plane didn't have a chance. 7,484 women (6,250 or 83.5% were nurses) served in Vietnam. 88.4% of the men who actually served in Vietnam were Caucasian; 10.6% (275,000) were black; 1% belonged to other races. Many of these false 'war veterans' claim their alleged Vietnam service was "classified", and therefore never recorded. Vietnam Veterans by State 2022.StateVietnam VeteransVietnam Veterans (per 100k)New York247,5951,216Vietnam Veterans by State 2022 World Population Reviewworldpopulationreview.com state-rankings vietnam-veterans-by-stateAbout Featured Snippets, According to 2019 statistics, only 10% of the entire military force engage in battle. Why did so many not fire? A man could be pinned down by heavy and accurate incoming fire. What Not to Say to a Military Recruiter & Other Tips? In all those years, he never once fought against the Americans. Dissertation. Contrast this with the fact that the US government published weekly lists of killed and wounded and disseminated this accurate data to the news media. Then again, perhaps it was good judgment on the part of an experienced lieutenant. REAL Vietnam War veterans are all those who are officially authorized the Vietnam Service medal and possess official military-issued documentation to confirm their medal authorization. It sits astride Q. L. (National Road) #1, some 40 odd miles to the northeast of Saigon (on the road to Phan Thiet), and was the capitol of South Vietnam's Long Khanh province. The most comprehensive and authoritative history site on the Internet. Answer (1 of 4): Australian troops string out behind tanks in a practice advance over North African sands, on January 3, 1941. When asked for his reaction to McNamara's book In Retrospect, Clinton's response was I feel vindicated. (of his cowardly act of dodging the draft). What is 1645 in Military Time? In Vietnam the comparable average was 5 per 1,000 troops. For kowtowing to the wishes of those craven hoards of dodgers and for bugging out and abandoning their former ally. In either case, the warrior was under fire with no means to engage his attackers. In the case of the second group, vital duties were left undone if on contact these men first raised rifle to shoulder or drew a pistol to engage. Tiptoeing through the tulips looking for, or actually in contact with, the enemy. As he was dying, he kept saying, `I couldnt find a hole. He was hit about 10 to 15 seconds after we received the first shots and was standing up looking confused. Despite Marshalls fall from grace, there were those who had agreed with him. Unlike the numbers from Marshalls work, these estimates came directly from the men who had fought in the cities, jungles, firebases and rice paddies of Vietnam. In a squad of 10 men, on average fewer than three ever fired their weapons in combat. 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General Dung's account of the final battle for South Vietnam reads like it was taken right out of a US Army manual on offensive military operations. At the time the USAF had taken delivery of 81 Galaxy's. Research on OEF/OIF Veterans (1) suggests that 10% to 18% of OEF/OIF troops are likely to have PTSD after they return. The most obvious is whether or not you are serving during wartime. . President Lincoln once made a remark to the effect that If we do not study and learn from our history, then what we do in the future won't be worth remembering. The previous American involvement in Vietnam is important. After extensive research of various mortality indexes and sources The American War Library estimates that approximately one-third of those who did serve in Vietnam (approximately 850,000) are alive today [18 Aug 2007]. That was true locally, in that a given village or region habitually had more contacts than did others in the vicinity. Previously the B-52s had been used only against Communist troop concentrations in remote regions of South Vietnam and occasionally against carefully selected sanctuaries in Cambodia, plus against both sanctuaries and supply lines in Laos. The , A tactical flashlight comes in handy when you want to see or spot an object in the dark. In the process they lost the capital of Seoul. The U.S. saw a threat to national security interests with the spread of communism and was . Recommended reading: A good example of this number pandering can be found in a 1969, The most glaring example of the existence of the dodging guilt syndrome can be found in a statement made by the ranking head dodger himself. In fact his study showed that the death rate in the upper income communities of Beverly Hills, Belmont, Chevy Chase, and Great Neck exceeded the national average in three of the four, and, when the four were added together and averaged, that number also exceeded the national average. Although studies vary widely in terms of methods used, estimates of depression in returning troops range from 3% to 25%. What percentage of soldiers fired their weapons in Vietnam? Why? But first, a few relevant comparisons. 90 to 95 percentThe Army then changed its combat training to desensitize soldiers to the humanity of the enemy. WINNING & LOSING: 82% of veterans who saw heavy combat strongly believe the war was lost because of lack of political will. How old is the average Vietnam vet? Veterans repeatedly cited how vulnerable the new man was until he had a chance to learn the ropes after arriving in the combat theater. Whether he carried an M-16 or some other weapon, a soldier was fortunate if a rapid reaction drill corrected the problem. One historian estimates between 150 and 300 US personnel died in Vietnam from the effects of snakebite. Personal beliefs did play a role, though a far less pervasive one than Marshall claimed was the case during World War II. PLEASE NOTE: The above numbers do not include the approximate 2500-3000 US Air Force personnel who operated in Guam, Thailand or other countries far remote from combat exposure that were authorized the Vietnam Service Medal by the USAF for providing support to air crews flying over Vietnam, but themselves did not spend any amount of time in harm's way. That number was reasonable: About 9.2 million Americans served in the military during the Vietnam era . He concluded that much had changed since those earlier conflicts and that it was not unusual for close to 100 percent of American infantrymen to engage the adversary during firefights in Vietnam. Time likewise played its part. 5,283 lost. During WW II, 66 percent of the troops were draftees. I might get pinned down and become simply another rifleman. His war was strictly a Vietnamese affair. 34% of blacks who enlisted volunteered for the combat arms. # 5: The 173rd Airborne Brigade. Why? In WWII at the Kasserine Pass in Tunisia, the Germans overran elements of the US Army. Sometimes what appeared to be fear was really common sense, based on an accurate assessment of the situation. The Skyraider in Vietnam pioneered the concept of tough, survivable aircraft with long loiter times and large ordnance loads. Seventeen North Vietnamese conventional divisions (more divisions than the US Army has had on duty at any time since WW II) were formed into four conventional army corps (This was the entire North Vietnamese army. Selon Hanoi, il y a eu pres de deux millions de morts dans la population civile du Nord et deux autres millions dans celle du Sud. Of South Vietnam 's Army as the military their alleged Vietnam service ``!, survivable aircraft with long loiter times and large ordnance loads each unit will have its own,! Them well if those individuals are to survive the comparable average was 5 per 1,000 troops, American! 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