On the 9th at noon the SCL-118, consisting of seven vessels bound for IceIand, began breaking off from the main convoy, escorted by Bibb, Ingham, and Schenck and entered Reykjavik Harbor on 14 February 1943. On 1 March 1945 she released the drydock to Tug ATA-225 and proceeded to Manzanillo, Mexico. On the 31st, the Casablanca section of the convoy, consisting of 27 ships, began breaking off. On 27 February 1952 Bibb sustained minor damage when a Navy tug collided with her while maneuvering in Narragansett Bay. On the 13th the commander of Task Force 60 was transferred aboard USS Merrill (DE-392) relieving the Bibb as flagship. Made in 1940, this U.S. Coast Guard film shows the Cadet Cruise made by the USCG's class of 1940. George Mortimer Bibb, born on 30 October 1776 in Prince Edward County, Va., graduated from both Hampden-Sidney and Willian and Mary Colleges and then, after studying law in the office of Richard Venable, was admitted to the Virginia Bar. The Navy then designated her as WPG-31. I hope I never see another drowned man as long as I live.. Next day she identified convoy ON-176 and delivered the section from Iceland. Attempting various methods, including using a pulling boat and various rubber rafts from both the cutter and the flying boat, three passengers of the latter volunteered, only two hours before sunset, to attempt to make it to the cutter using one of the flying boat's small rafts. In 1981 Bibb conducted a six-week patrol that included two training stops and several rescues. Residing at Frankfort, he turned his attention back to law and state politics. At 0810 on the 13th they effected a rendezvous with the Simpson and the two Russian submarines and set a course for Halifax, delivering the submarines to the Canadian corvette HMCS Liscomb at noon on the 11th. Six hours later while returning to the convoy, As raft after raft were brought alongside, On 25 February 1943, a convoy was formed with, At 2152 word was received that a vessel in the convoy had been torpedoed. Bibb ventured to the ocean stations again in August-September 1957 and once again sailed on Ocean Station Delta. Crew of the USCGC Hamilton Home Browse by Topic Assets Water All Cutters (65 ft or greater) Cutter Resources Cutter Listing by Class Collapse All Expand All 420' Healy Class Icebreaker (WAGB) 399' Polar Class Icebreaker (WAGB) 378' High Endurance Cutter (WHEC) 338' Alamosa Class Cutter (WAK) 327' Treasury Class Cutter (WPG) On 28 April some of these planes, undetected and unreported by any unit, approached the southern anchorage, flying at high speed about 100 feet above the water. The three vessels arrived off the entrance to Chesapeake Bay on the 17th. The 327-foot cutters were designed to meet changing missions of the service as it emerged from the Prohibition era. The Treasury class cutters proved to be highly dependable, versatile and long-lived warshipsmost served their country for over 40 years. An hour later, another ship in convoy fired at an unidentified object and soon afterwards the lookout on Bibb reported a wake crossing the bow from port to starboard at a distance of about 500 yards, which faded. .The U.S. Coast Guard Gunboat Bibb (WPG-31) departs Pearl Harbor.; The Bibb departs for duty in Vietnamese waters, where she served from 4 July 1968 to 28 February, 1969 with Coast Guard Squadron One. Bibb made history after a wolf pack attacked the eastbound convoy SC-118. On the 11th she anchored in Buckner Bay and acted as flagship for Task Group 52.9 until 1 December 1945, when she departed for the United States. At 0448 on the 21st she attacked a sound contact with a barrage of depth charges with undetermined results, due to darkness and haze. During these visits, Dr. John Bulette, the on-board medical officer assigned to, She returned to Boston, where she was home-ported until October of 1973. On the 18th Bibb dropped the escort of Vulcan and stood out of the swept channel in company with Ingham en route Boston, where she arrived on the 19th for ten days availability. Entering Reykjavik on the 23rd she proceeded to Hvalfjordur where she entered a floating drydock on the 27th and remained there until the 29th. On the 23rd the Bibb sounded the submarine alarm on receiving a sound contact and dropped one depth charge 600 yards ahead of one of the convoy columns. The convoy began break-off operations on the 7th. Executive Officer, LCDR Nicholas A. Forni. Aircraft: Curtiss SOC-4, USCG No. On the 16th Bibb attacked a doubtful sound contact with three starboard throwers without results. An official website of the United States government, The "Treasury" class Coast Guard cutters (sometimes referred to as the "Secretary" or 327-foot class) were all named for former secretaries of the Treasury Department. By noon on the 3rd the convoy was standing up the swept channel towards Reykjavik, Iceland. The Bibb was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for her participation in "Operation Sea Lords" from October to December 1968. The Bibb now maneuvered near Coulmore and found her in good condition and floating on an even keel, even with the torpedo hole in her bow. All came in at low altitude and seemed to approach a target from the stern, going into a steep glide shout 800 yards on the quarter of their target. The Bibb located Collis P. Huntington and led her safely to anchorage at Reykjavik. On the 27th USS Chase (DE-158) departed for Gibraltar and on the 2nd the main convoy stood up the main channel through Gibraltar straits. The Bibb then discovered the motor vessel Mary J, disabled and drifting between South Caicos Island and Haiti. On two occasions she sent a medical team ashore to the fishing village of Song Ong Doc in An Xuyen Province, approximately 150 miles southwest of Saigon. depth charge on a doubtful sound contact, a school of stunned fish appeared on the surface. The first assignment of George M. Bibb after her commissioning was to the Fifth Coast Guard District, with Norfolk as her home port. Raney ignored the order to leave the survivors and went back and rescued 202 men from the icy waters. The planes drew away at 0440, the escorts ceased firing, and at 0448 the all clear was sounded and Bibb, ceasing to make smoke, was secured from general quarters. FS's: The Little Ships That Could: A History of the Campaigns in the Pacific and the Personal Experiences of the Author on the U.S. Army FS-268. By March 1st the Azores group had departed and on the same day the Casablanca section of the convoy, consisting of seven merchant vessels and USS Cossatot (AO-77), with three escorts detached. On the 30th she departed Boston for Casco Bay, Maine. On the morning of 6 May 1945, at 0846, SOPA warned that bogeys as well as many friendly planes were within four miles. On the 8th, with Skagie Point abeam to port, the Free French Corvette Roselys joined the task force. She departed Guantanamo Bay on 9 December 1943, escorting convoy GAT-104 and arrived at Trinidad on the 14th. Assigned, 5 September 1939, to joint Navy-Coast Guard neutrality patrol in the Atlantic Ocean Reassigned as to ocean weather patrol in the Atlantic in February 1940 Transferred, 11 September 1940, to US Navy jurisdiction Formulates and enforces safety standards for U.S. commercial vessels and offshore structures. Alton, George. Appointed to the Kentucky Court of Appeals in 1808, he became its chief justice in the following year but resigned in 1810 and was sent to the United States Senate in 1811. Next day she fired her port K-guns on a contact with negative results. Then she increased to full speed and dropped a full pattern of depth charges. On several occasions she was praised for her gunfire support. Add to cart Buy Now. On the 2nd five merchant vessels joined the convoy from Algerian ports. The New York section, with the commander Task Force 60 in, On 4 June 1944, CDR H. T. Diehl, USCG, relieved CDR C .A. Thirty-two preliminary designs of a modified Erie-class gunboat were drawn up before one was finally selected. On the 6th two other destroyers, USS Schenk (DD-159) and USS Babbitt (DD-128) were relieved, and USS Decatur (DD-341) and cutter Duane (WPG-33) joined the escort, which had met the 13-ship convoy ONSJ-94 on a southerly course to Iceland. From 5 to 27 December of 1975 she served on Ocean Station Hotel. She anchored at Kerama Retto, Okinawa on 23 April. The pulling boat successfully rescued the remaining passengers and crew and the captain's gig finally got its engine going again and both boats were then brought back aboard. In the winter of 1939 she was part of the Grand Banks Patrol. On the 16th she got underway in the van of a number of Navy craft who stood out of Buckner Bay and proceeded independently in accordance with the typhoon plan. Leaving Trinidad on 20 December, escorting convoy TAG-104, Bibb arrived at Guantanamo Bay on the 25th. The cutter assumed its duties of escort commander of convoy ONSJ-110, with 13 ships, on the 7th, in company with Babbitt. In August, 1949 she served on Ocean Station Dog. The convoy consisted of 102 merchant ships. After establishing communications with Bibb, Martin made a successful landing in the 30-foot seas at 1004 (GCT) near the cutter. Disposition: Sunk as an artificial reef off the Florida Keys on 28 November 1987, Builder: Charleston Navy Yard, Philadelphia, PA, Propulsion: 2 x Westinghouse double-reduction geared turbines; 2 x Babcock & Wilcox sectional express, air-encased, 400 psi, 200 superheat. She departed Manzanillo on the 3rd and reached Pearl Harbor on the 11th. The vessel was identified as the Norwegian SS Mosdale bound for Liverpool. Radar: (1945) SK, SG-1; (1966) AN/SPS-29D, AN/SPA-52. On 7 February 1943, the U-402 torpedoed SS Henry S. Mallory, a troop transport, bound for Iceland, after the Mallory straggled behind the convoy. In October of 1950 she served on Ocean Station Dog and in December it was duty on Ocean Station Easy. During November she served on Ocean Station Charlie. After conversion to an AGC, done in the Charleston Navy Yard between 17 October 1944 and 29 January 1945, Bibb was assigned to duty in the Pacific. On 4 July 1944 there were detachments from the convoy for Horta, Azores and for Casablanca on the 9th and 11th. An hour later there were numerous red flares and shortly afterwards a lifeboat and raft ware sighted. An hour and a half later Bibb sighted a raft close aboard with survivors, and three hours later dropped two charges on a doubtful sound contact, while HMS Dauphin screened the rescue ship. The occupants of the lifeboats were in excellent condition when brought aboard. High winds and rough seas from the unexpected storm had put several vessels in distress and Bibb was first directed to assist the motor vessel Madil. From June to July 1969 she served on Ocean Station Delta and during September of that same year she served on Ocean Station Echo. 13-21. On 25 November 1942, Bibb stood out of Reykjavik Harbor to screen in the van of west bound convoy ONS-148 consisting of eight ships. On the 24th she was underway out of the swept channel with Task Force 60, consisting of six Coast Guard-manned destroyer escorts and six Navy destroyer escorts, the escort oiler USS Mattaponi (AO-41) and two French escorts, escorting convoy UGS-46 to North African ports. She was sunk as an artificial reef off the coast of Florida in 1987. On this particular visit the village came under enemy mortar fire just as, Another time a medical team was sent ashore to the Village of Phu Tho, 70 miles south southeast of Danang. The legendary Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (July 4, 1844 - March 7, 1845) George M. Bibb. She remained underway except for three days, until 11 October, carrying out typhoon plan X-RAY. This photo provides a good view of her forward 5-inch 51-caliber main batterythe one in the foreground, mounted on the main deck, was removed and replaced with a 3-inch 50 caliber dual-purpose battery. A submarine periscope was reported close aboard. From 1946 to 1973. Between 5 and 29 August 1971 Bibb served on Ocean Station Charlie, then on Ocean Station Delta from 14 October to 7 November 1971 and again on Ocean Station Charlie from 31 December 1971 to 22 January 1972. One merchant vessel was detached for St. John's. From 11 April to 2 May 1973 she served on Ocean Station Echo, serving there again from 12 June to 3 July that same year. Auxiliary diesel power for radio and lighting systems was cut in and the cutter shifted to hand steering. Modifications included the removal of one of her 5-inch 50 caliber main batteries, the addition of a total of four 3-inch 50 caliber dual-purpose batteries, lighter anti-aircraft armament (including 20mm cannons and .50 caliber machine guns), Y gun depth charge projectors, two depth charge tracks at the stern and at some point in the coming months, a British-made high-frequency direction finder (known as HF/DF or Huff-Duff), and a surface search radar set. She was joined by the Ingham. Saw lots of mail bags, boxes, wood, wood splinters, empty life jackets, oars, upturned boats, empty life rafts, bodies, parts of bodies, clothes, cork, and a million other things that ships have in them. This convoy was part of an east bound trans-Atlantic convoy which had broken off and was headed for Iceland. On the 24th she departed from the westbound trans-Atlantic convoy SC-100 which they had joined and proceeded to search for survivors of SS Penmar and other torpedoed vessels In the convoy, with Ingham taking a station on the starboard bean. The Bibb made her first attack on an enemy submarine on 3 April 1942, firing five "Y" gun charges and dropping two depth charges on what proved to be a doubtful sound contact. There she served as the flagship for Commander, Mine Craft, Pacific Fleet. The Bibb also transited the Panama Canal and crossed the equator and the international date line, with appropriate ceremonies for her crew. On the 27th friendly aircraft were sighted screening the convoy. MK-2 Browning MG, 2 x MK-13 high altitude parachute flare mortars. She returned to Kerama Retto, next morning and remained anchored there for the balance of June. The Bibb then proceeded to assist Nanaste which was being escorted by USS Bowditch (AGS-21). A U.S. Army liaison officer boarded, In another significant action on 13 September 1968, In addition to her patrol duties this cutter also performed civic action functions in the form of medical assistance and search and rescue. Bibb departed Brooklyn for Casco Bay, Maine, on 3 April and on the 5th began exercises which continued through the 7th. The Bibb assumed a new patrol station until the 15th, when she departed independently for Charleston, South Carolina. The convoy proceeded toward Bizerte, where, on the 18th, the Bibb was relieved as escort flagship by HMS Pheasant and moored until the 20th. Bibb,1955. V146 (1939-). In addition medical aid was rendered to Vietnamese fishermen and military personnel from Navy and Coast Guard patrol boats sailing in her area of operations. Three ships in the area fired at the aircraft which was knocked down about 1,000 yards to the north of Bibb. USCGC SPENCER (WMEC 905) Commanding Officer, CDR Corey M. Kerns. At first light on 1 July, a rescue aircraft from Air Station Elizabeth City was on scene and assisting in the search. This method would prove impossible for the women and children on board, so the cutter launched her motor surfboat that towed a 15-man raft to the Queen. The 5" battery expended seven rounds. He, like the other officers who commanded these cutters, knew his business. Two depth charges were fired on an undersea contact with no visible effects. USCGC Bibb (WPG-31) The Bibbwas a 327-foot (100 m) Secretary-Class (also known as "Treasury Class") Coast Guard ship commissioned in 1936. On 14 June 1945 Bibb stood out of Kerama Retto, in company with two other Navy vessels, and escorted by three destroyers, to ride out a reported storm at sea. This PAGE is dedicated to the memory and preservation of the USCGC George M. Bibb WHEC-31 (W-31, WPG-31) that served from 1937 till 1985 and presently lies as an artificial reef of the coast of Key West, Fl. 4 of us did the Florida Keys Wreck Trek and the Bibb was our first dive. Shortly after this flames ware observed on a second ship, just ahead of the first one. The Portent made a Hedgehog attack and dropped five depth charges on a sound contact one mile north of Bibb's attack. On the 13th Task Group 21.13 joined, departing the next day. The Bibb left Toltec at the swept channel buoy No. Oil was still rising in the area. The plane disappeared in a smoke screen. Later she returned to the wreck and left it in a sinking condition from gun fire and depth charges. On 29 and 30 January 1945 she was depermed, degaussed and tested. Aircraft: Curtiss SOC-4, USCG No. Then it was on to Guantanamo Bay for more intensive training with the Navy. The Vigilant capsized and sank one hour later. A distress message from the disabled SS Agenor gave the Bibb an opportunity to resume its customary peace-time job of search and rescue. On the 11th ten merchant vessels were detached for Oran while sixteen joined. Obtaining permission to leave the ocean station and return to Boston with all of the souls who had been on board the Queen, the cutter arrived to a hero's welcome. Next day she sighted a merchant ship on the horizon and challenged her by blinker. She remained there only seven hours and at 1729 stood out of Loch Foyle in company with Ingham and Vulcan for a trip direct to Norfolk, Virginia. The next day she had a sound contact and carried out an embarrassing attack, dropping two depth charges. Two depth charges were dropped on a sound contact on the 7th and the search continued for two hours before rejoining the convoy. Bibb made her first attack on an enemy submarine on 3 April 1942, firing five "Y" gun charges and dropping two depth charges on what proved to be a doubtful sound contact. In peacetime the Bibb spent time on ocean station providing weather information and beacons to trans-Atlantic traffic. Ten minutes later a kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony" fighter aircraft was sighted at about 5,000 yards, and Bibb commenced firing, but the firing was checked as the bearing became foul. The cutter reported to the escort commander on the 20th and was assigned a station. The Bibb joined the convoy on the 19th. Bibb completed her deployment in February of 1969 and was relieved by Spencer. On the same day two vessels broke off for Europe Point and the convoy was joined by the Gibraltar section. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter George M. Bibb (Builder's No. Ten minutes later escort vessels of the inner screen dropped one depth charge each, followed at short intervals by two more sets of charges, by each escort vessel of the inner screen. At 1340 on that date the smoke of the main body of Convoy ONS-169 was sighted and two of the escorted vessels joined that convoy. After one successful trip, the gig's engine broke down and the Coast Guardsmen once again launched a pulling boat. 40 years stops and several rescues to Chesapeake Bay on the 13th the commander Task! And rescued 202 men from the disabled SS Agenor gave the Bibb left at! And Haiti anchorage at Reykjavik gave the Bibb then proceeded to Hvalfjordur where she a... Three starboard throwers without results where she entered a floating drydock on 14th..., the Free French Corvette Roselys joined the Task Force 60 was transferred aboard USS Merrill ( DE-392 ) the! 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