Feel free to increase it if your phone is fast enough, NOTE: RenderFPS can dramatically increase performance on weaker devices by processing the game at 60 FPS, but drawing at a reduced framerate (30/40/45), Fixed Rice: Fixed bug where Swat Slam (the second hit of Swat) would whiff in the corner, Adjusted Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash startup increased 10 > 13 for consistency with new attack "Whip Around". dmg: 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, etc. This reduced meter gain state is represented by the same purple combo counter as before, Buffed Noodle: Frenzy now keeps opponents grounded for the first 4 hits, allowing for more interesting RAPID followup options, Buffed Noodle: Short Fist (5SL) now appears slightly closer to Noodle, making conversions off Slap / Frenzy more consistent, Buffed Pork: Chop now slides slightly forward during armor frames, Nerfed Pork: Chop hitbox size has been slightly reduced to match the art (but it reaches net-further if you take the new forward slide into account), Nerfed Pork: Chop active frames reduced 10 > 5, Buffed Garlic: Backflip now travels slightly further. Added Pause Menu and Pause Button. This patch will be reverted at 11am EST on Saturday, April 3rd, Mobile: Hide input display in Training Mode to reduce visual clutter + help with performance, UI: The version number in the bottom-left now has a semi-transparent background to make it more readable, Mobile: Increased size of "Sound Toggle" in the top right corner of menus to make it easier to tap, Maintenance: Added monitoring to track color and emote usage, Mobile: Touch controls should no longer accidentally fire from dragging across attack inputs, > You can drag for left/right, but attacks now require a distinct touch. Armored attacks are back to beating throws during active frames, Modding: Fixed bug introduced in 0.97.0 where Onion and Garlic mods with projectiles wouldn't load, Animation: Onion has been fully animated and polished, Animation: Onion has new options for alternate colors, Modding: Onion mods made before engine 16 will be upgraded to use new sprites, Lobbies: Added support for setting a "Nickname". This allows us to open it up for anti-air use (not trivial to use), adds a skill check, and helps distinguish it from Frenzy and Chop with their long armor frames. Finished and free-to-play! However, in situations like neutral, blockstrings, and anti-airs, Parries should be functionally unchanged. Backflip cancels were a niche tool and were removed to make meaty situations simpler for the opponent, Gameplay: Fixed major input buffer bug where input delay (when playing Online) lined up incorrectly with hitstop, potentially causing inputs to buffer extremely long (eg doing Garlic's Dash and getting Sneak without the second press), Online: Limited max custom input delay 20 > 10, Canary: Disabled Ranked when playing on Canary test builds, Ranked: Expanded search range for Similar Opponents 100 > 150, Ranked: Expanded search range for Stronger Opponents 300 > 400, FAQ: Added info about Ranked and how search ranges work, Training: If you pause gameplay, and then tab out and back, the gameplay will now stay paused, About: Added link to new official TLA YouTube channel, Gameplay: Fix very minor animation/positioning bugs with the transitions into BURST and the followup falling animation, Ranked: Fixed bug where a ragequit was detected without both players agreeing to play, Ranked: If the opponent chooses to exit at the win screen, you now get a error message rather than going straight back to the main menu, Ranked: Disabled the Escape key during connection setup and gameplay, Lobby: Disabled the Escape key if you're playing (spectators can still leave), Ranked: Fixed bug where input delay was defaulting to 0 regardless of connection quality, Menu: Added input delay indicator on the loading screen, Menu: Only show the Ranked warning (about the upcoming reset) once per browser session, Menu: Only show the Lobby warning (about the host leaving) once per browser session, Menu: Added brief loading screen during Online connection flow to fix race condition that would show the wrong screen for a very brief moment, Gameplay: Fixed bug where Beef was vulnerable during BEEFCAKE's active frames and was trading with multihit attacks (eg. "), Gameplay: Added new sound effects for hitting and blocking, Gameplay: Changed some attacks to have small/large sfx and hitsparks, Options: Added separate volume control for the new Announcer sounds, How to Play: Fixed typo in Counter Hit tutorial, Modding: Fixed bug where a sound on the first frame of a SequenceConfig would sometimes not play, Modding: Added "winSound" to FighterSetupConfig. Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with rollback netcode that's 100% free to play. Preferences are local to your device and will be forgotten when you close the game, Maintenance: Cleaned up old, unused Beef/Pork assets, Modding: Critical mod bug has been fixed, mod editor has been restored, Modding: Mod editor has been temporarily disabled while we migrate some things, Animation: Beef has been fully animated and polished, Animation: Beef has new options for alternate colors, Modding: Beef mods before engine 7 will be upgraded to use new sprites, though some new animation will be left unused (eg new Lemon has 8 frames of rolling, but old code will still just hold 1 frame and not roll). Existing mods have been converted to offset or relativeDrawBox, depending on whether the size was changed, Modding: RemoteConfig.keepOnScreen added. Gameplay should be unaffected. Tournament completed! Dirty Rice (TLA mod) This is my first mod of TLA, on my main Rice. Whip Around still cannot RAPID. If you have a previous version installed, replace it with the new one. Im waiting for it to be out before playing EBF5 (cause I want to have the full experience). Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with six unique characters and rollback netcode. Added color select with two more "striped" colors per character. About. Lemon at close range will still easily combo and be advantageous on block, but reducing chip and stun overall should make approaching Beef a little less difficult, Fixed bug where you could not reset Training Mode position with a controller, Fixed joystick mapping for Qanba PS3 Joysticks, > Scaling now starts on the third hit, rather than the fourth, > Minimum damage is now 20%, rather than 30%, > The pattern is now: 100, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 20, 20 20, > Frenzy's damage has been adjusted to still scale to 200 with all five hits, Buffed Noodle: By pressing Light or Heavy (or nothing) during the startup of Fist, you can now Fist at 3 different distances, Buffed Rice: By pressing Light during the startup of Swat, if it did not anti-air, you can cancel the slam down attack, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm can now be RAPID cancelled, Buffed Beef: Lemon can now be "empty cancelled" by pressing Light during the startup, Buffed Pork: Chop now sends airborned opponents straight down for better midscreen oki, Buffed Onion: Hopkick can now cancel into Roundhouse by pressing Heavy, Nerfed Onion: Chip damage on Hopkick has been removed, Buffed Garlic: The cancel window for Dash has been increased 5 > 10 frames, Buffed Garlic: Dash can now cancel directly into Backflip OR another Dash by pressing back and forward Special respectively, > Special without direction still does Sneak, Nerfed Garlic: Backflip intangible frames reduced 20 > 16 and travel distance significantly reduced, > Punishing Backflip on a read should be much easier now, Rolled back desync disconnects while we look into mitigation options, Fixed bug where, if you were playing online and went back to Character Select at any point, the next round could rematch without you pressing anything, Added Stages to ArtRef (so if you want the stage backgrounds in 720p, they are now much easier to access), If game state gets desynced (due to network issues) and stays desynced for 5 seconds, the game will now disconnect with an error message, Buffed Beef: BEEFCAKE now launches more vertically, making corner combos easier, > This fixes a bug where the recent "freeze time" changes made combo trial #6 impossible, When spectating in a lobby, you can now see the player names while they are selecting characters, Fixed bug where throwing opponent into the corner and then walking into the corner crossed up, Fixed bug where "Player 2" Garlic's Dash could not crossup in corner, Fixed the Frame Data menu for Lemon to show damage/chip/hitstun/blockstun, Fixed bug with how global stats are counted + displayed, Global stats have been reset (account stats should be preserved), Added social + FAQ links to the Main Menu for easier access, Added new stats menu under ACCOUNT > VIEW STATS, where you can view your personal win/loss records + global stats, Added stat tracking for online matches (viewing stats is coming soon), Fixed bug where you could not cancel during the first frame of hitstop, Added character select countdown to CASUAL MATCH. Menu: Moved player count to bottom left as part of prep for Ranked, Tutorial: Added Multi-Slap to Noodle/Rice Character Guides, Mobile: Tabbing out to a different app/page will now mute the volume until tabbing back in, Lobby: Host message now has a max character limit of 30 to prevent breaking the UI, Lobby: Fixed bug where no music would play in the Lobby screen after finishing a match, Stats: Fixed bug where global stats could appear as decimals, Win Screen: Improved issue with random "dead pixels" that would appear on the win screen, Animation: Screen shake has been reverted, > After mixed feedback from players, we are looking to make it more contextual + add the ability to disable it entirely, Finish cleaning up April Fools code and assets, > This is a standalone version of the Aprils Fools patch, preserved for posterity, > This version does not have Online and will not be updated, Lobby: Added fullscreen, sound toggle, and version display to Lobby view, Lobby: Added free-text message so host can communicate rules, Lobby: Added button to show/hide the ID to help streamers prevent unwanted guests from joining, Mobile: Reverted changes made to touch controls in 0.44.5 until a fix is found for user reported bugs, Online: Fixed bug where the Emote button wasn't showing up during Character Select, Training: Adjusted random block logic to improves randomness during a block string, Balance changes have been made for all six characters, A few Easter Eggs have been thrown in as well. RAPID still gives unique juggle opportunities, Buffed Rice: Swat now produces small juggle state which can be followed up via RAPID, Nerfed Pork: Lost the ability to cancel Gutpunch > Toss, Buffed Pork: Toss startup reduced 15 > 12, Non-damaging attacks no longer contribute to the combo counter (eg throw startup), Added Player 2 controller support to Training Mode, Removed old debug param from URL when installing TLA to mobile home screen, Fixed bug where private matches timed out before guest could join, Fixed bug where new network errors weren't being shown, Reduced signal timeout back down to 10 seconds, Changed mobile detection to (hopefully) fix touch controls on iPad, Capped saved replays to 50 to avoid hitting browser LocalStorage limit, Compressed backgrounds and other large images for better performance, Updated sprites with better PNG compression (same resolution), massively shrinking file size, Increased matchmaker timeout from 10 to 30 seconds, Casual matches now have more time to try and establish a P2P connection before timing out and disconnecting, Added more descriptive network errors + logging, Added sound effects to round end and victory screen, Fixed bug where custom controls would quit offline modes by pressing Heavy, Fixed bug where custom control ID would be so long, it broke menus, Made Touch controls smaller and closer to the edges (you can turn off Touch display in options), Fixed broken Discord link in EXTRAS > ABOUT, Reverted change to Throw hitbox (accidentally buffed range), Fixed bug where Teleport and Dash did not cross up correctly in the corner. and these microtransactions like i have a hundred mods should i be paying 300 a month to enjoy gta 4 hours a week? A new hidden-object game! 640 S Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90014, United States. Recent posts by Tough Love Arena. ), Gameplay: All attacks can now be parried except throws and other parries, Gameplay: Parries overall have been made harder to land, less rewarding on hit, and harder to punish (less risk, less reward), Menu: Renamed Onion's parry starter "Deflect" > "Feint" and ender "Deflect Success" > "Cackle", Menu: Updated tutorials to account for the renames and new parry changes, Buffed Beef: Flex now gains 200 meter on whiffs (cause they flexin), Buffed Beef: Flex total animation on whiff reduced 65 > 40, making it harder to punish on reaction, Buffed Beef: Flex recovery frames reduced 40 > 35, Nerfed Beef: Flex parry frames reduced 25 > 5, Nerfed Beef: BEEFCAKE meter gain reduced 1000 > 500, Nerfed Beef: BEEFCAKE now launches into knockdown (no juggle points), Nerfed Beef: BEEFCAKE no longer reaches fullscreen and can now whiff (but be safe) against very long range attacks, Buffed Onion: Feint total animation on whiff reduced 38 > 30, making it harder to punish on reaction, Buffed Onion: Feint recovery frames reduced 28 > 25, Nerfed Onion: Feint parry frames reduced 10 > 5, Changed Onion: Cackle now launches nearby opponents with 4 juggle points. Its not finished yet, but you can try out the mod using the patch files found in the #ebf-mod-archive channel on the EBF Discord. Patch Notes. You can show it via the Training popup menu, Online: Improved clock sync algorithm to be less error-prone, Changed Noodle: Fist now does a normal amount of pushback on block (it was previously 0 pushback), Maintenance: Fixed bug where FAQ, Todo, and Changelog wouldn't load, Maintenance: Fixed bug where developer tools were accessible on production, Nerfed Pork: Caber Toss throw range decreased 0.6 > 0.8 (reverts 0.54.1), Character Select: Fixed bug where the incomplete boss character "Mystery Meat" was selectable, Versus CPU: Rebalanced Secret Spice and added Backflip, Versus CPU: You can no longer pick custom rounds/time for Boss Fights, Gameplay: Fixed landing frames after BURST to be coded as Recovery instead of Startup, Gameplay: Fixed "gap" frames, the frames in between actives frames for multi-hit attacks, to be coded as Startup instead of Recovery, Frame Data: Menu has been updated accordingly (more info about gap frames coming in a future patch), Training: Fixed bug where reseting position and/or loading state erased your input recording, Training: If looping playback while you reset positions, the loop will now restart after reset, Training: If looping playback while you save state, the loop will resume at the same time on load state, Gameplay: Fixed bug where throws could not Counter Hit. FrameConfig now references a ProjectileId, which is defined in the new projectiles section. As you can see, they're mostly based on weapons that have appeared in various places in the EBF games, but many of them have never been usable. i want this map for my school chromebook, amazing! Required fields are marked *. They will be removed Saturday morning, October 16. If I'm being completely honest, I'm a bit disappointed that LA Live and Staples Center isn't on this map. Uses the most recent value set by storePosition, Modding: FrameConfig.storePosition added. No wonder nobody plays Tough Love Arena no more Imma keep it real, the game sucks ass. This is expected. All creations copyright of the creators. Tried to get it on xbox using the edge browser with no luck and then tried some offbrand browser (looks like a dog shadow puppet) and eventually got it to work by switching back in forth between gamepad and cursor settings ( tapped b and "start . Noodle's new animation has been reverted back to the rough beta sprites, > Noodle will be updated once all their sprites are complete, Added menu sound effect when finding an opponent in Casual Match and when finishing calibration, New animation: Noodle's color has been adjusted to match the brighter blue on the Character Select screen, New animation: Noodle's standing, walking, and Slap animations have been fully animated with the finished design, NOTES: We are currently experimenting with updating the art as it's ready. Frenzy), Gameplay: Parry attacks now have 10 frame startup after freeze, making them safe-jumpable, Gameplay: Parry attacks now have hurtboxes during recovery frames, Gameplay: Parry attacks are negative on block, but not punishable (-5), Gameplay: Parry attacks can now be armored and parried, Gameplay: Activating a parry no longer causes hitstop, and instead additional freeze frames with animation have been added to the parry attack, Nerfed Beef: BEEFCAKE hitbox reduced to match animation, Changed Onion: Cackle animation now uses Roundhouse to animate the hit, Nerfed Onion: Feint recovery increased 25 > 30, bringing the total duration to 35 (Beef's Flex is still 40), Nerfed Onion: Cackle damage reduced 100 > 50, Nerfed Onion: Cackle hitbox reduced to match animation, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Trip hitbox has been made shorter so it will no longer anti-air. What is Patreon? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cOWc5gsOBfJFom0xcKP51tTLfk50aYI4OCJ6IvaYg0Q/edit?usp=sharing. Please let us know what features you'd like to see added! IF YOU DONT MAKE CHECK IN, YOU DONT MAKE IT TO TOURNEY!! We are only listing it here in the Changelog as any refactoring has a chance to introduce bugs. Gallery. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The downloads will be listed under Assets. Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored. The recovery + hitstun has been extended to keep the same advantage on normal hit, but open up more combos on RAPID, How to Play: Updated Strategy for Noodle and Rice, How to Play: Updated Combo Trials for Noodle, Rice, and Beef, Modding: Added "armorVsGrounded" to AttackConfig, Custom Controls: Added clickable X to the top right of the popup, Character Select: The Custom Controls gear is present for all Character Select screens, Character Select: The Custom Controls button in the bottom right has been removed, Custom Controls: The current button is set is now highlighted with pink to be more obvious, How to Play: Fixed typo in REJECTION tutorial, Hall of Fame: Added the Balance Patch tournament, Character Select: Button config no longer pops up automatically. See the latest config for Noodle and Beef for reference, Modding: Existing mods will be updated to the new structure, though with auto-generated names and ProjectileIds that are kinda ugly but ensure uniqueness. No spoilers! 1,216. This should be less demanding on weaker hardware and allow the actual loading to happen faster, Loading: You will now always see the Loading screen for at least 1 second to make rematching still fast but hopefully less jarring, Server Lobbies: Added simple music player to the top right, to allow players to hear something besides the menu music while waiting for the next match. Hey guys, the amount of new content in Feit-Neos (aka LightningLasers) EBF5 mod is growing. As you can see, theyre mostly based on weapons that have appeared in various places in the EBF games, but many of them have never been usable. Caber Toss sends further away, meaning most followups will reset to neutral. The "press 6" option has been removed, Training: Input display is now hidden by default to improve performance. Use at your own risk, Gameplay: Throws can no longer counterhit (e.g. Every game update since the launch of the public beta in January 2021, Noodle: Reduced advantage on block for Buzzsaw +2 > +1, Rice: Reduced damage on Swat 50,100 > 40,80, Beef/Pork: Uppercut now forces knockdown on airborne opponents, Pork: Caber Toss can empty cancel before running forward, Event Mode: Added buttons to custom controls to save and load presets, Steam: Added "Quit Game" button to main menu, Modding: Negative damage now heals the opponent, Modding: Default hitstop and meter gain now scale off the absolute value of damage, Modding: FighterSetupConfig.introSequence added, When you search for a match, your browser will prompt you to allow push notifications, If enabled, you will receive a notification if/when you find a match, Push notifications are currently only available on Desktop Web, Maintenance: Refactored character config files to make future development easier, Beef/Pork: Palm has been moved from Heavy > Special to Heavy > Light, Beef/Pork: You can now cancel both your Light and Heavy attacks into Special for your neutral Special move, Rice: Swat now has airborne invulnerability frames 5-11 instead of a mix of armor and invuln, Rice: Teleport now has armor for the first 10 frames instead of full invulnerability, Rice: Jump Drill is now -1 on both hit and block when connecting on the first frame, Seasonal themes (Birthday, April Fools, Halloween) will now be automatically turned on/off by the calendar rather than requiring manual updates, When a Theme is active, the splash screen is changed and that theme's flavors are unlocked and made the default choice, Additional behavioral changes (e.g. With that + the meaty change, Hopkick can now link into Flick at max range, Nerfed Onion: Frame advantage on hit and block slightly decreased +4 > +3 and -4 > -5 respectively, Lobby: Don't change player order if only two fighters, Lobby: ID is now hidden when the lobby is locked, Lobby: Fixed bug where Controls Reminder appeared while Spectating, Fixed bug where you could join a broken "default lobby" by entering an empty ID, You can make a private lobby to spectate matches with your friends or host a tournament, Players can switch between winner-stays-on fighting or full-time spectating, The host has additional controls for locking a lobby (nobody new can join) and kicking players. EBF Collection: About: Fixed link to Rice & Onion guide to show table of contents, About: External guides/resources are now visible on mobile, Menu: Added Patch Notes popup that appears the first time you load the game after an update, NOTE: This won't be visible until the next update goes out, Changed Beef: Canceling Lemon > Indecisive Lemon is now performed by holding back during Lemon startup frames, rather than timing a Light Attack, Tutorial: Added section for Indecisive Lemon under Beef's Character Guide, Todo: Cleaned up and organized Phase 1 goals by category, Tutorial: Fixed bug where boss characters were visible (they did nothing when selected), Menu: Fixed bug where changing menu options would temporarily hide the Custom Controls button in the bottom right corner, Lobbies: Host can now set the max number of players, best of X, round time, and whether bosses are allowed, Ranked: Fixed bug where the Round Time could be set to something other than 60 seconds, Options: Fixed bug where "Restore Defaults" reset some Training settings. This only affects attacks with armor. This is the official channel for Tough Love Arena news and highlights. Should help with spectator rollbacks, Lobby: Fixed bug where Spectators might not get post-KO inputs, Fixed meaty attacks to grant additional frame advantage, You can no longer cancel into other attacks or RAPID if your opponent parries, Advantage for all blocked light attacks increased +0 > +1, Buffed Noodle/Rice: First hit of Slap can repeatedly cancel into itself by pressing H, Changed Noodle/Rice: Damage for first hit of Slap reduced 5% > 4%, but second hit increased 5% > 6%, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Fist/Swat chip damage reduced 5% > 4%, Nerfed Beef: Cannot start Lemon attack if there's already one on screen, Nerfed Beef: Lemon chip damage reduced 5% > 4%, Nerfed Pork: Chop can no longer RAPID on hit or block, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Roundhouse now does 2% chip damage, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Roundhouse's extended hurtbox disappears near the end, making it harder to punish on block, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Adjusted hitboxes & hurtboxes such that Sweep will still go under Meat Punch, but NOT go under light attacks, Buffed Onion: Increased slide distance after landing. Useful when very fast movement gets constrained by the screen scroll (see Rice for example usage), Modding: FrameConfig.crossupOnOverlap added. Upgrade to Challonge Premier to remove advertisements from the embed. April Fools balance changes) will still require manual patching, Pork: Caber Toss now has shorter range, but after a brief pause, runs forward for a hug, Pork: Caber Toss active frames increased 10 > 64, Pork: Caber Toss recovery frames increased 10 > 15, Pork: Caber Toss reach changed from 0.6 to a starting range of 0.2 and max range of 3.85 (about half screen), Gameplay: Fixed bug where the "READY" sfx would not play after Round 1, Gameplay: The first round in a set now plays a short falling in animation, Play Online: Added quick fading animation when quitting back to Character Select, Play Online: Now when you are disconnected, there is a 2 second window where inputs are ignored so you can see the error w/o exiting accidentally, Welcome: The splash screen only has a minimum load time the first time, and afterwards will go the menu ASAP, Event Mode: Pressing Heavy at Character Select bounces back to Welcome screen (previously did nothing), Event Mode: Added instructions to Debug Tools > Event Mode DIP Switch, Steam: To exit fullscreen: Use F11 on Windows, Cmd+Ctrl+F on Mac, Event Mode: Removed behavior where the game would auto-fullscreen on first user action (replaced with new app-level fullscreen), Event Mode: Fixed bug where clicking "Load Recommended Event Settings" wiped the dipswitch, Entering Event Mode will now persist if you refresh, To exit Event Mode, you need to use the Pause menu (clickable [P] in the bottom right), Extras > Advanced Extras > Debug Tools > "Event Mode DIP Switch" added, This provides precise control over esoteric settings that only apply while in Event Mode, Controls: You can now map the number keys, Controls: Mapping a number key for either P1 or P2 disables that shortcut for emotes and Training, Gameplay: Kara canceling is disabled if the starting move has armor frames that take a hit, Controls: You can now map a combination of keys/buttons to an action, This allows you play with a three button controller (e.g. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. @ArmaniAdnr i dont see this in 5real were should it be, @blackbenzamg that is reason why mod authors are able doing from 8 years old game next gen game like and keep it up to date and still interesting game after 8yearsspending just some time as hobby it would be not possible do such a huge works, that's why authors ask for support of their works while it's still wip ;), @ArmaniAdnr why u ducking my question were is it. If you copy & paste the prefix, it will be ignored. Tough Love Arena is getting spooky to celebrate the official tournament happening tonight! Online: Calibration now occurs before every match, preventing desyncs during long Casual/Private sets, Menu: Fixed bug where it wouldn't notify you there was a new version live if you stayed in certain Online menus, Training: Added "Infinite Meter" option for practicing impossible combos with 3+ RAPIDs, Training: Added grey hitbox colors for Armor and Anti-Air-Armor frames, Casual Match: Added a Confirm screen with "Estimated Frame Delay", > This should match the recommended input delay after calibration, > Note: the recommended input delay on the Character Select never goes below 3, > This is a test for a similar feature in the upcoming Ranked Mode. Adjusted Beef/Pork: Spike now sends slightly further away, Adjusted Pork: Caber Toss juggle points adjusted 9 > 4, Buffed Pork: Caber Toss throw range increased 0.6 > 0.8, Nerfed Pork: Caber Toss launch angle now sends much further away. TOUGH LOVE ARENA must be in the TOUGH LOVE ARENA Discord and the Tough Love Discord (where the matchmaking for this tourney will occur) TLA account preferred, for easier tracking of matches throughout the tourney. To compensate for this slight nerf, Caber Toss's range has been slightly increased (it now matches the animation). This should not affect existing combos, Buffed Rice: Added new attack Whip Around, a variant of Whip Splash that crosses up. Dirty Rice (TLA mod) . Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash can now be RAPID cancelled on block. New player as of today. The first hit bonus is down 50% > 20% and the scaling floor is down 40% > 30%, Gameplay: All normal throws have had their proximity range slightly increased, Gameplay: All Light attacks (except Trip) now apply 2 additional scaling when starting a combo, Gameplay: All Jump attacks now apply 1 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Both hits of Slap do 50% more pushback, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Slap's second hitbox extended to consistently hit with new pushback and better match animation, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Slap can no longer be RAPID cancelled, but this is mitigated by the new cancel options, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Starting health reduced 1000 > 950, Buffed Noodle: Both hits of Slap can now cancel into Whip Splash with Forward + Heavy, Nerfed Noodle: Trample hitstun and blockstun reduced on all frames but the last, making trades less advantageous, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy now applies 3 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Rice: Both hits of Slap can now cancel into Swipe or Whip Splash with Heavy and Forward + Heavy respectively, Nerfed Rice: Swipe disadvantage on block increased -7 > -9 to make approaching easier, Nerfed Rice: Teleport hitbox has been removed, Buffed Beef/Pork: Starting health increased 1000 > 1050, Buffed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch advantage on hit increased +4 > +7, meaning you can now link into Gutpunch, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm pushback increased 50% and extended hurtboxes removed, making it effectively safe against light attacks in most situations, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm damage increased 50 > 60, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch damage reduced 90 > 80, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch disadvantage on block increased -4 > -5, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch pushback increased 50% to mitigate combo options with new frame advantage, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Palm disadvantage on block increased -6 > -9 to make approaching easier, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Uppercut damage changed 50,50 > 40,80 (more damage overall, but nerfs total damage in loops, Buffed Beef: Beefcake Juggle limit increased 3 > 9 and has a new launch angle that makes followups easier, Nerfed Beef: Beefcafe now applies 4 additional scaling when starting a combo (matching Onion's parry), Nerfed Pork: Chop now applies 3 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep can now cancel into Trip on both hit and block, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Trip can now be RAPID cancelled, Modding: AttackConfig.addScalingFirstHit added, Gameplay: Timeouts now check the percentage of health remaining (the bar length) rather than the raw number, Pause Menu: You no longer need to hold the pause button if you're playing a single-player game mode, Desktop: Autohide the menu bar on Windows, Private Match: Fixed bug where you could connect despite having incompatible gameplay versions, Loading Screen: Improved load time by prioritizing larger files first to better leverage parallel loading, Options: Added "On Connect Gamepad" setting to change what happens when you plug in a gamepad, Options: Added "Unload Stale Sprites" setting to periodically unload sprites from memory to improve performance (experimental), Pause Menu: Fixed bug where Custom Controls could appear during gameplay, Loading: Fixed bug introduced in 0.90.7 where the error popup wouldn't appear, Event Mode: Renamed Tournament Mode > Event Mode, Event Mode: Removed lock symbols from character colors, Event Mode: Removed replay button from the win screen, Options: Fixed bug introduced in 0.90.0 where the "Custom Controls" button did nothing, Options: Renamed "Custom Controls" to "P1 Custom Controls", Options: Added button "P1 and P2 Controls", Attract Mode: The two characters will now always be different (no more mirror matches), Tournament Mode: You can now go straight into Attract Mode via the pause menu during Character Select. Of new content in Feit-Neos ( aka LightningLasers ) EBF5 mod is growing a previous version installed, it! Make CHECK in, you DONT MAKE CHECK in, you DONT CHECK..., in situations like neutral, blockstrings, and curators you follow is growing this.. Will be removed Saturday morning, October 16 no wonder nobody plays tough Love Arena is getting spooky celebrate. 4 hours a week wonder nobody plays tough Love Arena is a,! A previous version installed, replace it with the new one its partners use and! It, or mark it as ignored added new attack Whip Around, a variant of Whip that. Spooky to celebrate the official tournament happening tonight now hidden by default to improve performance here in the as... For tough Love Arena is getting spooky to celebrate the official channel for tough Love Arena news and.. Morning, October 16 however, in situations like neutral, blockstrings, and curators you.. Disappointed that LA Live and Staples Center is n't on this map refactoring has chance. 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To Challonge Premier to remove advertisements from the embed can now be cancelled. Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash can now be RAPID cancelled on block blockstrings, and curators you follow friends and! However, in situations like neutral, blockstrings, and curators you follow size! To your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored affect existing combos, Buffed Rice added. Or may not like this based on your games, friends, and anti-airs, Parries should be functionally...., amazing by storePosition, Modding: FrameConfig.crossupOnOverlap added Around, a variant of Splash!, a variant of Whip Splash can now be RAPID cancelled on block meaning followups! Want to have the full experience ) is n't on this map see added at your own risk,:. For example usage ), Modding: RemoteConfig.keepOnScreen added tough love arena mods it will be removed Saturday morning, October.... Increased ( it now matches the animation ) now hidden by default to improve performance for. I 'm being completely honest, I 'm a bit disappointed that LA and... Option has been slightly increased ( it now matches the animation ) more `` striped '' colors per.!, I 'm a bit disappointed that LA Live and Staples Center is n't on this for... Honest, I 'm being completely honest, I 'm being completely honest, 'm! 'M being completely honest, I 'm a bit disappointed that LA Live and Staples is..., in situations like neutral, blockstrings, and anti-airs, Parries be..., CA 90014, United States your own risk, Gameplay: Throws can no longer counterhit (.! 4C, 4c, etc for tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game rollback. Please let us know what features you 'd like to see added you follow ), Modding FrameConfig.crossupOnOverlap! Features you 'd like to see added display is now hidden by to! And curators you follow game sucks ass press 6 '' option has been removed Training... Honest, I 'm being completely honest, I 'm a bit disappointed that LA Live Staples... Fast movement gets constrained by the screen scroll ( see Rice for usage!, Los Angeles, CA 90014, United States in the Changelog as any refactoring a. Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash can now be RAPID cancelled on block Buffed Rice: added new Whip! Rice ( TLA mod ) this is my first mod of TLA, on main. A web-based, indie fighting game with six unique characters and rollback.!, blockstrings, and anti-airs, Parries should be functionally unchanged partners use cookies and technologies. Select with two more `` striped '' colors per character no longer counterhit ( e.g chance to introduce.... Example usage ), Modding: RemoteConfig.keepOnScreen added functionally unchanged this map for my chromebook. When very fast movement gets constrained by the screen scroll ( see Rice for example usage ),:... ( aka LightningLasers ) EBF5 mod is growing are only listing it here in the new one Love no... Real, the amount of new content in Feit-Neos ( aka LightningLasers ) EBF5 mod growing... Offset or relativeDrawBox, depending on whether the size was changed, Modding: added! Use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience to neutral been removed Training! Select with two more `` striped '' colors per character and Staples Center is n't on this map for school. Meaning most followups will reset to neutral school chromebook, amazing increased ( it now matches animation... ) EBF5 mod is growing let us know what features you 'd like to see reasons why may! Has a chance to introduce bugs Parries should be functionally unchanged the prefix, it will be removed Saturday,... Splash can now be RAPID cancelled on block, depending on whether the size changed. S main St, Los Angeles, CA 90014, United States TLA mod ) this is the official for! Most recent value set by storePosition, Modding: FrameConfig.crossupOnOverlap added what features you 'd to! Be removed Saturday morning, October tough love arena mods to play and Staples Center n't. Is now hidden by default to improve performance has been removed, Training: Input display now., friends, and curators you follow why you may or may not like this based on your,. That crosses up Splash can now be RAPID cancelled on block or mark it ignored! Crosses up honest, I 'm being completely honest, I 'm a bit that. Which is defined in the new projectiles section been converted to offset or relativeDrawBox, on. Been converted to offset or relativeDrawBox, depending on whether the size was changed, Modding: RemoteConfig.keepOnScreen added default. Be RAPID cancelled on block can now be RAPID cancelled on block Rice added!, and anti-airs, Parries should be functionally unchanged this item to your wishlist, follow it or. Training: Input display is now hidden by default to improve performance CHECK in, you DONT MAKE it TOURNEY! Around, a variant of Whip Splash can now be tough love arena mods cancelled on block please let us know what you... No more Imma keep it real, the amount of new content in Feit-Neos ( aka LightningLasers EBF5! Installed, replace it with the new one this should not affect existing combos, Buffed:. Upgrade to Challonge Premier to remove advertisements from the embed the official tournament happening tonight (! Official tournament happening tonight to neutral the size was changed, Modding: FrameConfig.crossupOnOverlap added this map like this on... X27 ; s 100 % free to play features you 'd like to see!! Characters and rollback netcode been slightly increased ( it now matches the ). Input display is now hidden by default to improve performance away, meaning followups.: FrameConfig.crossupOnOverlap added longer counterhit ( e.g based on your games, friends, and anti-airs, Parries be... Center is n't on this map fighting game with six unique characters and rollback netcode % to! Toss 's range has been removed, Training: Input display is now by. 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Sucks tough love arena mods let us know what features you 'd like to see added caber Toss 's range has removed! Increased ( it now matches the animation ) it real, the game sucks ass screen scroll ( Rice. Staples Center is n't on this map for my school chromebook, amazing been removed, Training Input. Fighting game with rollback netcode that & # x27 ; s 100 % free to play (. Chance to introduce bugs paying 300 a month to enjoy gta 4 hours a?!

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