"Dr. Theodore Tarby has treated many of the children at clinics in Arizona under contracts with the state. "Genealogists and especially epidemiologists must be scrupulous in identifying all the wives and children of any polygamist man. "Mormon Prophet Hebrew J. "'My mother should not have produced another baby," says Rugg, also Isabell and John Ortell's daughter and the baby's full sister. "Fast-forward . . "The disease is not widely known about even in Colorado City, a place where even normally public events such as marriages are conducted in secret. . . Those affected by the genetic disorder suffer grand mal seizures and often have facial feature deformities and severe mental retardation, with IQs as low as 25. . The renunciation of polygamy is now church doctrine, and the Mormon church has a policy of excommunicating polygamists. present a troubling scenario for law enforcement: these are crimes of a sexual nature committed in private in a closed society. There are times when it has gotten kind of gross, like when they marry an uncle to a niece. These defects could be life threatening like nephritis and spinal bifida, or merely debilitating like asthma. Below are further horrific details of the Kingston clan's "God-given genetic calamity, brought to you courtesy of Joseph Smith's Mormonism, as reported in the "Salt Lake Tribune" article, "When Incest Becomes a Religious Tenet": ". From the previously-cited article, "Understanding Polygamy": "The polygamous Kingston family professes that their genealogy line traces back to Jesus Christ, and so they possess holy blood. . He did not consider this lack of sons might be his genetic inheritance, not his multiple wives. ', "The ultimate goal of the breeding program, Wyler says, is to create the perfect race. One child born with an incomplete liver died. More troubling, during a contentious 2004 custody case that ensued when Jessica and her sister Andrea fled Daniel Kingstons household, a judge in the case reportedly was the subject of a death threat, allegedly from Kingston clan members. 'So often when you have an uncle-niece, or half-brother-sister, you have a situation where abuse is going on,' Jorde says. . All are retarded, the neurologist told Salt Lake City television station KSL-TV. Fear began to overwhelm me, for the future, and for my own son. . Not enough of the fumarase enzyme can lead to severe mental retardation and physical deformities. There were so many young children who were born with abnormalitiesharelips, club feet, heart valvesthat were they were going to die within a year. These disturbing accounts offer a look inside the lives of some early Mormon descendants. [T]he 'Salt Lake Tribune' . The company was founded in 2007 with an investment from family members. Asked about these legends, Kingston spokesman Kent Johnson, explained via email that on occasion Order families have asked to spread the ashes of a child lost before or after birth at the Holy Spot. She talked about how you cant associate with black people or anybody of a different race., Based on available evidence, including the accounts of numerous former Order members, the SPLC has designated The Order as a hate group under the category of `general hate.'. 100 years later, eugenics is a discredited science, yet some followers still believe. In another, Order attorney Carl Kingston warns listeners about marrying up with Hams kids, a reference to the aforementioned Biblical curse. If the FLDS faithful believed that Jeffs was relying on science to determine marriages rather than divine revelation from God, he could lose control of the church. ", ("Doctor: Birth defects increase in polygamy community," Associated Press, 9 February 2006, at: http://www.azcentral.com/health/news/articles/0209PolygamyBirthDefect09-) Surely, there were too many deaths. . . . . He estimates the test would . The FLDS believe they are practicing the one true religion as Prophet Joseph Smith intended it to be. ", ("Understanding Polygamy," from "Humanists of Utah, an Incorporated Utah Non-profit Corporation Has a Mission to Promote Joyful Living, Rational Think)ing, and Responsible Behavior," July 2005, at: http://www.humanistsofutah.org/2005/UnderstandingPolygamy_July-05.html) One man, who asks to remain nameless to protect his and his family's privacy, describes a lifetime of round-the-clock care and too-frequent hospital visits for his five sons. Children inherit disabling illnesses. It's the kids who are disproportionately handicapped as compared to the demographics of any other comparably small town. "Like his father-in-law, John Y. Barlow became one of the towering patriarchs of the fundamentalist Mormon community and served as FLDS prophet from 1935 until his death in 1949. . Family members attribute the defects to the advanced "Religious leaders control all marriages in the community, and many of these relatives have married or likely will marry in the future. . . Johnson also acknowledged hearing family lore dating to the Depression era of Order families burying fetuses from late-term miscarriages on their respective properties.. . "When [my cousin] died, my childish vow surfaced and I began to look into my family history for some answers. Some read simply, "Baby Keate," or "Baby Bateman," or "Baby Cooke," with holes where numeric date tiles might otherwise be placed. ", (Bruce, R. McConkie,'Mormon Doctrine,' 2nd ed., under "Plural Marriage" (Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, Inc., 1966], p. 578) Women Who Escaped a Polygamist Mormon Cult Share Their Story, the corner of Canyon Street and Jessop Avenue, to express his support for the Bundy family in Oregon, an article published by the ABC news network, the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter day saints. "The only long-term solution to the health crisis is for Barlows and Jessops to have children with spouses from outside the polygamist community. "'This problem is going to get worse and worse and worse,' predicts . They maintain a secretive but powerful presence in Utah's Salt Lake Valley, and their estimated 7,500. In this regard, officially-canonized LDS scripture that currently endorses polygamy is not the only image problem for the Mormon Church (thank you, Warren Jeffs). materials or even attempted to focus team and society have a kingston clan member was charged with birth defects increase becomes apparent similarities than. She directs me to the houses she lived in after that: her stepdad Jim Jessop's home; then the rotten, roach-infested house she and her mother shared with nearly two dozen cousins and friends after being removed from Jim's following the Judgment. His seven sons and two daughters by LaDonna Peterson, the second of his 13 wives, are reputed to be the inner circle that runs the cult. The mere rumor of black blood could condemn someone in the eyes of Order members. While building his polygamous empire, John Ortell raised pigeons and Holsteins, prized black-and-white milk cows. This seemed to apply in my own kindred because those of us who left Mormonism and married outsiders are less riddled with the deleterious genetic legacy than relatives who married within the ancestral Mormon gene pool. "Genetics of Incest: Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can be traced genetically from one generation to the next and is prevalent among some Kingstons, Rugg says. . It is bordered to the north by a well-maintained lot where there sits a stately red brick home with UEP (United Effort Plan, the church trust which is now controlled by the state of Utah in the aftermath of Jeffs' conviction) spelled out in white brick on its south-facing side. Indeed, the group was founded during the Great Depression as a communal religious organization where members dedicated their earnings and possessions to building the Kingdom of God on Earth, as one church document attests. "Some of the kids can walk, but others have a difficult time even sitting. "Some are very debilitated and some aren't," he says. . ", -Prophet John Taylor, "Millennial Star," vol. 'I really doubt that if we could tell them, you know, "This male has the condition and this female has the condition; you shouldn't mate," that wouldn't stop them,' he said. Connie Rugg [is] one of John Ortell's estimated 65 children and one of a handful of Kingston relatives who have fled the clan. Still, if children are caught up in an abusive or incestuous situation, Williams would encourage policing. . KUTV When several businesses inside the Kingston polygamist empire, including Washakie Renewable Energy, was raided by federal agents Wednesday, officials where tight lipped. . . "It is important that Mormons fight the tendency to discount history and the actions of their leaders in favor of a faith- promoting history while neglecting important facts. Eventually, she admitted she had married her half-brother and given birth to three children. "Intermarriage among close relatives is producing children who have two copies of a recessive gene for a debilitating condition called fumarase deficiency. The 43-year-old Kingston took the witness stand for the prosecution about 2:40 p.m. and is expected to answer questions through Thursday. "What was going on in my Utah pioneer family? Aleck is a geneticist who participated along with Tarby and others in the groundbreaking study of several polygamous families with fumarase deficiency in the late 1990s. Two of her sisters married their first cousinsmen with whom they share the same grandfather; the sons of their father's second wife, who is their mother's full sister. They are quick to point out to reporters that they no longer practice polygamy and excommunicate members who continue to do so. The FLDS already has moved several hundred men, women and children to the compound, many of whom very likely carry the fumarase deficiency gene. My aunt and uncle outlived two of their five children and two more may have nephritis. "It's like any inbred disorder," Tarby says. So they would hand them over to Aunt Martha, who was the midwife," he says. "How do you keep track of that?" So, from the beginnings of Mormon Church history, we have LDS Elohim's hand of blessing placed upon the insidious institution of multi-wifing and forever-birthing. "A Secretive Refrain: . Given such incidents, could Order members be a threat to law enforcement? "Tarby and a team of doctors from Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix and the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson began researching the disease and soon discovered that fumarase deficiency was occurring in at least two other families living in the same isolated community that practiced an unusual custom. Everyone knows it's happening, few talk about it unprompted, it just sort of..is. The samples could be tested for the gene at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix. Another of the cults teachings was that soy can make you gay, an anti-government conspiracy theory popular in some right-wing circles. sw. htm>. There was a guy out here who was married to a couple of young girls, and he was going to get in trouble. They got married and contacted the . it is the only popular religion there,", -The Prophet Brigham Young, "Deseret News," 6 August 1862, "This law of monogamy, or the monogamic system, laid the foundation for prostitution and the evils and diseases of the most revolting nature and character under which modern Christendom groans, . A scrappy white wooden fence runs the length of it along Canyon Street. Once free of the cult, Lu Ann, Allison and other ex-Order members have had to unlearn the hatred that was drilled into their heads. He orchestrated all unions within the cult, which was maintained with classic mind control techniques, corporal punishment, fasting and bizarre dietary practices. "They were called the Second Warders and we were called the First Warders; we weren't supposed to hang out with kids from the Centennial group because they were wicked for having left," she says. . . "The rate at which Kingstons marry each other is 'frightening,' she says. But The Order saves most of its bile for blacks and other non whites. Sex. "Some fumarase deficiency children, he says, develop a small degree of motor skills over time: 'They don't remain infantile their entire life. . Tarby recounts a conversation he had with a member of the Barlow clan in which he tried to explain why so much fumarase deficiency was occurring among Mormon polygamists. . During a recent interview with the Intelligence Report, Jessica Kingston, a former member of the secretive, Salt Lake City-based cult and a star of the A&E reality series Escaping Polygamy, remembered, when she was 12, her Sunday school teacher coming into class with a bucket of water and a vial of black food coloring. The clan avoids hospitals, believing government-backed doctors might inject them with a mysterious disease or demand birth records exposing the Order's lifestyle. [in order] to reduce competition for wives. 'A lady comes in and helps her. Geri and I ask the same question at the same time: "What exactly do you mean by took care of them? "Andrea's son, now 7, lives with his father, Jason Kingston--Andrea's half-brother--and Rosalind, his niece. "While none of these can positively be linked to incest without DNA testing, geneticists say most of the conditions are exacerbated by incest. 'They are functioning way below their chronological age.'. Additionally, ex-Order members tell of a reputed church prophecy of an End of the World War, an apocalyptic vision that foresees a bloody race war with the Kingstons as the ultimate victors, chosen by their Heavenly Father to rule the world for a millennium. thus marking the first time news media reported this human and civil rights nightmare accurately since the 1850s. "The leaders must also understand the ethical considerations of continuing behavior, he says, that is bringing children into the world who suffer tragic deformities. Three of their children suffer from serious inherited disorders. Men make all decisions affecting her health. "Recovery from Mormonism - www.exmormon.org", http://www.lds-mormon.com/quinn_polygamy.shtml, http://www.i4m.com/think/polygamy/polygamy_summary.htm. . "In polygamy . "There are times when it has gotten kind of gross, like when they marry an uncle to a niece," she continues. And, because this cult is so tight-knit and averse to strangers, the gene pool is rather limited. Could my childish intuition that the adults and doctors lips were sealed against my questions involve family secrets; secrets relatives took to their graves rather than betray? 15, p. 227, "Monogamy, or restrictions by law to one wife, is no part of the economy of heaven among men. "', "'Joseph Smith was also selecting for the "obedience gene." ", -The Prophet Brigham Young, "Journal of Discourses," vol. . . "It was . Desert Tech and its rifles have been featured on Fox News, Mythbusters, Daredevil and The Blacklist, among other TV shows. . Child life is destroyed. Even if a genetic screening test were available, Wyler says, Jeffs would have to be cautious about how he allowed it to be implemented. . "'People don't like to talk about their fumarase babies for obvious reasons,' Wyler says. Structural birth defects are related to a problem with the structure of body parts. . . . People most at risk likely lived and married within the same small communities their ancestors founded. . The couple had lived together since the age of 7, when the mother of the woman's half-brother died. Nearly all the Mormon founding families were relatives, so the first polygamists enjoyed relations to different degrees when the divine experiment began. "It is Moore-Emmett's belief that the LDS Church who started polygamy in this country should take responsibility and provide financial aid and other resources for those polygamous families who have been abused. "Of the Kingstons, Williams says: 'There is not much you can do about them. 'They are totally helpless,' he says. Brigham Young, the second Mormon leader, preached, 'The time is coming when the Lord is going to raise a holy nation . girl, born to John Ortell and Isabell Johnson, was not the product of an incestuous marriage. "Tarby says he quickly realized he was dealing with a very unusual condition that he could not diagnose. . requote from Steve's excellent post ! He also married a woman descended from polygamy. "Some genes linked to conditions like microcephaly and dwarfism are 'autosomal recessive,' and are found among the 22-linked pairs of chromosomes that do not include the X and Y sex chromosomes, says Lynn Jorde of the University of Utah's Eccles Human Genetics Institute, a leading genetics research center. . when doctors pronounced us a special and important family. Dawna's younger sister has a little boy with two clubfeet. . . . Also known as the LDCJC, the Kingston Clan, and The Order, it is a religious organization created by members of the Davis County Cooperative Society or DCCS in 1977. This is inadequate information for purposes of establishing the true incidence of consanguinity within a family or community. Theyre basically the Utah Mafioso of the white power world, Browning told Intelligence Report. Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . If such a test were developed, a community-wide screening program could be instituted that would identify those carrying the fumarase gene. ". "'Incest as a policy or routine practice is rare,' says Melvin Williams, a professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan and a leading expert in the study of kinship systems. But I do have children with other women., Asked if two women named were in fact his first cousins, Young paused, finally replying, I guess Im curious as to what youre trying to get at here.. . . the FLDS has the highest known rate of a rare genetic disorder called "fumarase deficiency" that causes severe birth defects. he says. I began to think polygamy might be a genetically unsound marriage practice. "Community historian Ben Bistline said most of the community's 8,000 residents are in two major families descended from a handful of founders who settled there in the 1930s. . . In one, Ortell warns that there is a movement afoot that wants to homogenize the people and make one race, by mixing all the races up. WREs influence earned special scrutiny in February 2016 after the IRS, the EPA and other government agencies raided owner Jacob Kingstons house as well as The Orders bank and other locations, carting away bankers box after bankers box of records. Johnson maintained that The Orders vast array of businesses which includes a grocery store, pawn shops, a garbage disposal business, an insurance company, a politically-influential biofuels plant, and a high-end firearms manufacturer employs individuals of various racial and ethnic minorities. A loyal Order member for years, he lost his faith and ended up leaving the Order over a curse of sorts, leveled at his family by LaDonna. 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