before we were married my wife went out with her friends every couple of weeks to the bar seen. 05-17-2012, 01:53 PM steve1282 : Location: Dallas. I know I can trust him. And you will never lose the ones that love you. To hook up. No. agreywood 7 yr. ago Am I nuts? S. My husband doesn't like it when I go out to bars or clubs without him but if I want to go hang out with the girls every so often I can and I do go. He is very trusthworthy and honest, etc. If your partner doesn't seem interested in having you involved in trip planning or is actively working on plans for trips without you, that could be a sign that something's going on,. Now I don't know how he would feel or a possible future boyfriend would feel. I do not drink but I go to have girl time and chat. Covering Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Gilbert, the valley . If it's a trend, however, you might need to do some reflecting. If im with someone i trust fine, go have fun. If you have an open relationship that should be discussed . CinnamonRoll But everyone has different needs, and desires. He does not drink and he does not like the smell of smoke and if he wanted to go somewere like that by himself something would be up. While this can be a helpful resource for some, others are using these platforms to self-diagnose and potentially harm their mental health. my boyfriend goes out all night and doesnt call or text me at all..we are in a long distance relationship and the next day he gives me excuses like i was "too drunk" and passed out. I'm generally surprised by how many people are against interactions with the gender you're attracted to. It J. seems silly to worry when there is J. nothing to worry about. So, on both ends of things, no worries. And just a little hint (whens playing games-such as baseball- you cant just change the rules to benefit yourself). Clubs and bars are places to find one night stand and occasional sex partners. wha NC for 4 months, ex didn't send me a text call or Anything for my Bday, tog She only talks, or texts in response to my call/text. I wouldn't want to tempt her or her M.. Good relationships are too hard to come by and I wouldn't want to jepordize one. Lets see how many times I can add to this. Really.? We are all the product of our experiences. I do not care at all. i talked to him today about it, and he just apologized and said that its he knows he;s ***** up. Go out one night and iignore his calls till the next day and then just say oh sorry baby I was wicked drunk. But, to each his own! I have male friends that were servers there who are friendly and are known entities (we have occasional cribbage tournaments). I'm literally going through the exact situation. Jealousy comes from a lack of trust. **Updated, Discussion-Having Single Friends When Married. I want to flirt, touch and pay lots of attention to him. And I kinda think your J. as likely to get picked up having a coffee at starbucks. So my boyfriend is becoming much more distant as of late. You have a good one it appears. I go out with my girlfriends, usually a dinner and drinks at the local dining place. Yes and sometimes do, but with drinking and driving and hangovers not options for M. as a mom, (by my own choice), it's rare. I just want to hear stories of people whose SO goes out with his/her friends and your ok with it? I am ok with him going once a week as long as it is only guys. Both myself and my husband don't drink. (ok i'm being nice, i think it sends that message loud and clear, because men are horny pigs :) -said with love lol.) Now if he went to a place like that by himself I woudl worry something was up for 2 reasons. By the time my husband and I got married, we were so done with bars/clubs/discos (this was the 80's). Cables might tangle, and tiny charging pods can disappear, but if they're all organized and in one place with this gadget organizer, you can relax. Anyway, to each his own regarding going out to a bar with or without our SO. My advice - Hangout with your friends, go places that interest you without him and make sure he knows your having fun without him but don't rub it in his face. But he lets M. dance with who ever when we go out J. so he doesn't have to get out on the floor. Well, people who babysit seem to be scarce where we live so yes we go out to bars with friends and not each other. That is exactly what's going on with me. Started February 13, By They got married a year later. That's how long I have been here. I guess I have.. That's awesome. He is the most amazing person in the world and I just don't know what to do. I tried to make friends with the girls, but it didnt help because when he made a comment about how good she looked in the thong, it showed no regard for me. I remember when i had doubts about my boyfriend, i was really scared to tell him because i was afraid that it might get him upset or **** off and make it seem like i dont trust him. So drinking isn't something we *enjoy* doing. Let's look at your situation, versus mine: 1) Your boyfriend doesn't go to the bar without you that often. You get anxious when your boyfriend goes out because you're worried he's cheating, or that you aren't good enough and he'll find someone better. I am a very touchy feely person. I had an ex bf from years ago. 1. I am one of those guys who doesn't drink often so when I do I also end up on a couch somewhere but I have good friends who protect me .won't let me drive etc.. Am I crazy for being upset? See how he likes it. However it's phrased it shows a lack of security or trust. ahhh thats the one=) I haven't been there since January so it was a nice change. You may develop an issue with it. Having solo hobbies like attending a weekend yoga class, playing a sport with friends, or exploring new coffee shops without your coffee-despising partner isn't a bad thing, but if your partner does these six activities without you, they're checked out of the relationship and the two of you might need to have an honest conversation about what's really going on. Before telling your partner something like this, pragmatism demands some thought first to how much you're asking and expecting a person to change. Yes, crazy to let someone else's actions that do not directly affect you upset you. I trust him, too. The only time he gets phone calls is when I wake up at 3am and hes not home. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. But, that's not the point of your post so I digress. He has no outside friends or interests. SO he was not to be trusted. In other words, one can never win when dating an insecure person male or female. It would be nice, thats why its called a relationship! My bf WAS texting me from the bar, but that has tapered off. Yes I allow my husband to go out without M. no matter the gender. Bars are often pick-up spots and can offer temptation for someone who's on the fence in their relationship.". Tech Organizer. But even if that's your case, can you honestly say you don't have a hand in it? She was always open about it, never tried to hide it, and if I asked if she had a good time she would tell me about it. I don't control my husband. He does not even care if I go dancing cause he knows who I am going home to. Hi dan,my girlfriend and I are together for 2 years now,and its the 3rd time that she has been to the club without me,she even says that she doesn't want any commitments now,where as I do,During these 2 years we haven't been to a club together,and I don't know what's going on behind my back,but she goes with her elder girl cousins to . Sorry - J. reality in my world - you haven't made a LIFETIME commitment to your boyfriend - hence the fact he is bf and not dh. We've agreed to be monogamous not by default but because it feels right for us. He knew that I was not going to be hooking up with anyone. My issue here is probably from my past. If my husband is going on a site visit alone with herhe usually tells M.J. in case I get a call he is out and about with a young blonde female that is not If you go to meet other guys, yeah, big problem. Granted we shouldn't keep people on a leash and there are a lot of things going on with a LDR but how can you truts someone like that? "I guess it depends from one man to another. No. (and the funny thing is, in our relationship, I'm the one who's far more likely to go out by myself.). My Long Distance Girlfriend won't video call with me. Started January 19, By I don't ask many questions. Maintaining organization for your electronics is very enjoyable. Track his every move know what he is doing all the time put a tracking chip on him shut up!! He has become very moody Sudden irritability is never a pleasant thing to put up with, but it happens; some people just go through stressful times in their lives and take it out on the wrong people on a daily basis. AskMen, Become a Better Man, Big Shiny Things, Mantics and guyQ are among the federally Being married does not mean you are a Monk or not a part of the world. He he knows your always in he feels safe. It wouldn't matter who it was it would be that they don't want to be around us that would bug M., ya know? "Not including you in family events is a pretty good indicator that your partner has checked out of the relationship," Theresa Herring, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist, tells Romper in an email exchange. I kinda had a feeling you were probably like meaffected negatively by a past relationship. Let's face it - we all know bars can be totally unconducive places for relationships. The second time he disappointed me was when he got so angry at me because he had an argument with his friends. i have a hard time trusting he's not hooking up with another girl..i have talked to him before how i wish he would call me, but we always end up fightingwhere do i go from this a big deal or something not to be concerned about. Just enjoy life and enjoy the relationship, take it day by day and go with the flow. S H said it great, however i would add that the only way i go out is either with "the girls" or with my husband. I saw some people I know and I guess we go there enough, some of the staff know M. by sight. If I'm going to go out it will be with my SO. I worked yesterday and then picked up my daughter and then had dinner and met her dad at the park so he could take her for the night. We care about each other but we aren't crazy. maybe get some counseling or something before you make a mistake and let your insecurities get in the way. He aint changing especially if you arent there. As far as I know he doesn't hug other women, pick them up or flirt with themif he did I would have a problem with that, because it's not the type of guy I'd want to be married to. When guys go to strip clubs to ogle "hot . It's not hard to pick up a phone even if your drunk. People go to bars..why? Gd luck to everyone in the same situation and i hope you are stronger than me when you bite the bullet and call it a day!Please dont msg anything horrible back, i need support not a ribbing! But I get it. We purchased the gift cert from the bar so we were seated in that section. Now, like I said..if this changes, and he starts wanting to go more, like my bf is, and it cuts into your alone time..then yeah. Do what you feel is right. I think the way it is going is great and that in time you won't worry about it and your relationship will deepen because of it.. he doesn't drink at all and i practically never do. Have a little faith. But if your out. So, yes, if I lived in a town like that, I would definitely have my "local" My husband and I aren't really "bar people"he did that scene while in the military and got it out of his system. Our relationship as a family is great, we all get along, ex-wife included. I was 20, she was 21, and I couldn't hit the bars with her. And yes, we've been hit and and continued to be bothered even AFTER we've told them we're married. 2023 ZIFF DAVIS CANADA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. call M. old fashion, but have not been to a bar with my husband or with out in 15 years. Yuck. He knows I'll come home relaxed and happy. After a couple months of dating I learned her guy friend was gay. I have not a single reason to? Nice. If you're insecure, you'll get upset if he talks to his family 50% of the time instead of spending 100% of it holding your hand. I'm in the same situation. Sex is often a part of healthy, committed relationships, so if you two aren't getting intimate anymore, that might be an indication that something's not right. My boyfriend and I met in Australia a few months ago after traveling Thailand together we both went our seperate ways, whilst remaining in a relationship. In my circle of friends, I am the cook, I know what it feels like. Well, honestly, he only goes once every week-2 weeks. Learn to trust your partner. Just stop expecting him to be your boyfriend. If you want to keep this guy then you will have to learn to give him his freedom. .. We trust each other. My boyfriend was a loner but when he made an effort to date me, he knew exactly what respect and proper behavior was. I don't look down upon or judge others for hanging out with those of the opposite sex. There was a promo for $5 off your next dinner if you purchased a $25 gift certificate. I am in a similar situation right now and I'm pulling my hair out. I think the fact that he asked your permission first shows he's being conscientious about your needs and wants. To M., it isn't a point of trusting my husband or not. My husband HATES it!! Started Saturday at 12:43 AM, By I'm so glad someone else is in this same position! When he normally calls and then he doesn't is when he is out having fun. Its putting trust into the OTHER person. my boyfriend and i are long distance and i'm in college. He is away but he is not gone. I occasionally go to after work happy hour with a big group of co-workers. My husband and his friends will have a "guys" weekend once a year. SO to your question. My hubs knows M. well enough not to be threatened. He stays out all night and turns the ringer off, pfffft. We J. like to know where the other one is, more for safety than out of paranoia or concerns of cheating. If not, he'll just call you the next morning and explain his night.. you know? It is trying to control each other because deep down you don't trust each other to behave in a party environment. She doesnt mean ask permission. All about the power play. My husband likes to have a beer or two so he does go to the local dive bars with the guys after work. My kuwait he text me day and night but no telphone call. To M. it seems like it's J. some women who are attracted to women, not the majority. my heart goes out to u, its so hard coz if u keep bringin up the subject u dont want to come across as clingy or needy, im in the same boat myself and i just confronted him lastnight, i ended up finishin it, which now i regret, if u intend to bring it up again with him be ready for the consequences. We have a very stable relationship and have known each other for over 20 years even though we have only been married for almost 3 years. Once again, if that behavior changes, you may want to reconsider your approval of this behavior. Wouldn't work for M., plus I have no desire to hang in bars. Honestly..what i'm going to start doing is when I know hes going out to drink, you should just play his game..don't text/ call him..let him come to youif he does. You may not *intend* for anything to happen, but there is always a starting point to relationships and a lot are from "casual" chats at the local bar. While telling him your problem just say I know its long distance which makes it hard for the both of us but I feel like I wanna talk to you more, and it worries me that you're always drinking and im afraid that there might be another girl out there. im **** off he doesnt call but should i be worried or just let it go? And I have to laugh at that "allowed to go out without your boyfriend" line you posted.sounds like that fellow wouldn't have been good boyfriend material, even if you had been single! To an insecure girlfriend, she might assume guys' nights consist of heading to the strip club, then going to a seedy rub-and-tug afterward. And adding alcohol to the mix definately doesn't help. The veteran drinker is usually front and center, taking shots or downing beers like one of the guys. Lots of ladies (myself included) go out to meet friends without spouses to bars, and any bar is going to have single people in it. He would always tell me that well im not going to be able to see them that much when the baby comes. Started January 23, By I see both sides here. Sorry, but I think that's wrong. This would allow him to distance himself from unpleasant feelings and dissociate from the discomfort of underlying mental problems. But it got old. =). But its called trust. I think once you are older and in a serious committed relationship - especially if kids are involved - those days are kinda over. I love him but he doesn't seem to put any effort. If there are variables such as having a partner do you over while you stayed at home or have done someone over yourself, it is very understandable to have this trust issue and coming to terms with allowing it will take some time. Even in a long distance relationship, especially, in a long distance relationship, there has to be respect for trust to continue. Commitment has nothing to do, with restricting another person. My boyfriend wants his friend, should we break up? L143myself I have been there a few times for lunch alone to do some of my paperwork and did not want to have to cook or clean up at home. That's a different matter. However, I understand about being concerned that he gets drunk, maybe has problems w/self-control.. It's kind of like the idea that Facebook ruins marriages. Warning signs that your male partner is emotionally controlling you. They have these piano bars here and my hubby and i went oncebut was not something we said, "HEY, lets go again !" So I'm thinking all of you ladies would think I was bad. New episodes air Mondays on Facebook. I guess I'm J. a prude, then, because I believe there are better places to hang out than bars and that if you are married or committed and have children, your time is better spent with them. By all means. At first i let him do it until thats all he would do and i barely got to spend time with him. Ive broken up with him 3 times in the 6 yrs we`ve been together, But always take him back cos im a (sad) and lonely single mom. The Best Gifts for Men in 2023 - Up to 30 different gift ideas for your man! and yea i dont agree with how much he is going out and getting drunk. Life doesnt begin at 30, dont let anyone tell you different, I feel hurt and embarassed bec he doesnt reply to my text. Call/text/in person, etc.? Now, pull out the choke - but only three-quarters of the way - hit that button again. im **** off he doesnt call but should i be worried or just let it go? Not all of your friends or theirs will definitely be in relationships at the same time, so it's not necessarily a red flag if they plan dinner out with one of their single friends, but if hanging out with their single friends without you starts taking priority over spending time with you, that might mean that something is wrong. I tell it like it is. :) Turd. You still can have friends. He wanted to go to bars CONSTANTLY. Are you his parole officer or his girlfriend? This strategy, which involves prioritizing personal goals and financial stability over traditional relationship milestones, has gained popularity among young adults looking for alternative ways to navigate modern dating. I'm married. He just wants you to look the other way. NO. I called him at 11:30. Started February 23, By In my youth I dated a bar owner for six years and the drama surrounding that (and every OTHER BAR I've ever been in) was enough to turn M. away from that scene for life. They threaten to break up with you all the time. He knows he can trust M.. That, combined with him expressing a desire to do MORE of this bar-going WITHOUT ME and spending less time with mePLUS he comes back from the bar, telling me about girls that are hot for himit's giving me some serious issues that are threatening our relationship. And you allow that? And I understood that too because I thought it was okay to be angry, but I still don't get angry with him when I'm mad. My current boyfriend is not controlling whatsoever about me going to bars, gigs, parties without him. You know when you are dating someone who cares and you know when you are dating a player. We didn't speak since 6. Feeling down or depressed is a common experience for many people at some point in their lives. My husband (these days) wants M. to be happy and encourages M. to get time out doing things I love. Then ask yourself if he really cares what you do. But don't assume the moment he steps out the door all women's panties just fly off. If I wanted to go out to a bar with a bunch of girlfriends my husband would tell M. to have a good time and same for himthey guys go for a drink after work, sure join them (J. let M. know so I don't have dinner waiting). and i understand exactly what youre saying but when you do talk to him you have to have to bring up his drinking and your concern of him not calling. I never liked this part of a relationship. I wouldn't meet a girl at a bar alone, either. I do the same thing for a girls night out. You still can go out. Yes I go out without my husband and he without M. in mixed company. It was a relief not going anymore. To M. that is not a friendship. I had to sleep with him I was his wife, she chose to sleep with M.. Effed up but true. A few slurred hey baby I'm OKs are not too much to ask. In response, scientists have been working to develop new opioids that can provide effective pain relief without the risks associated with traditional opioids. He would not even go somewhere like that without M. J. cause that's who he is. Also, you've officially met a women who has no attraction whatsoever to other women!! With his friends 5 off your next dinner if you want to flirt, touch and pay lots of to... Along, ex-wife included and getting drunk known entities ( we have occasional cribbage tournaments ) n't been there January... Were so done with bars/clubs/discos ( this was the 80 's ) time. Seems silly to worry about places for relationships temptation for someone who cares and you never! People I know what he is depends from one man to another after we 've told them 're. Other one is, more for safety than out of paranoia or concerns cheating! That button again to women, not the point of your post so I digress without. 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