Isn't the release of another predator just going to cause or add to the further decline of species such as the wild turkey, northern goshawk, ruffed grouse, Allegheny woodrats, or rabbits? How would mountain lions impact black bears? Would my mountain ridge be declared 'Critical Habitat' for the puma? If youd like that process to be changed, contact your state representative and state senator, and let them know your thoughts on the issue. What can I do to help? That solution: Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up. DNA tests confirmed the big cat originated in South Dakota and that it also previously had been tracked in 2009 and 2010 through Wisconsin and Minnesota, where the animal's DNA had previously been collected through blood, hair and droppings. Why cant I purchase antlerless deer tags online? They're able to hunt deer in suburban areas where it's not safe to hunt. The primary goal of the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Pheasant Propagation Program is to provide a quality game bird for regulated hunting opportunities. Most of my original Questions of the Month for the last several Currently, trapping is only allowed for species with abundant populations and for species whos populations were reintroduced and are still growing like bobcat, fisher, and river otter only one animal per license year may be harvested and only in areas where populations are high enough to support harvest. Pennsylvanias management plan and seasons are not, and should not, be the same as other states, again, to ensure long-term sustainability of the wild turkey population. Wild pheasants are released in WPRAs for three years, depending on availability of birds and trapping success in western states. I spend a lot of time outdoors, and I've seen about 10 black bears in Pennsylvania, and all within ten miles of my home. If cougar reintroduction were to become a serious consideration, the game commission would first need to conduct a feasibility assessment, a "long and careful process," in Keller's estimation, that ends with a recommendation for or against reintroducing a species. Mentored hunters ages 7 and older can apply for their own antlerless deer licenses, (one antlerless license per mentored permit holder), and DMAP permits. How can opinions be submitted to the Pennsylvania Game Commission? The permission slip should be signed by the landowner, and should include the hunter's name, address and CID license number, and the landowner's name, address and phone number. Since turkey restoration efforts 5 environmental factors have changed and the interactions of these five factors can negatively affect turkey populations. First, when a deer is transported, either by dragging it out of the woods or transferring it to a vehicle, sometimes the tag is lost. for their messages to be shared with the Board of Game Commissioners and appropriate staff. The image in the Upper Left was from a Game Camera, sent to me by a friend. In 2011, the U.S. CWD is transmitted both directly through animal-to-animal contact and indirectly through food and soil contaminated with bodily excretions including feces, urine and saliva. A prescribed fire, or prescribed burn, is an organized, coordinated effort that works to apply fire at the right place, at the right time, and at the right intensity to improve the health and resilience of forests, grasslands and shrublands. *Please note: Our state game wardens are responsible for many things, from protecting wildlife, to enforcing hunting regulations, conducting search and rescues, assisting with biological research, educating the public about wildlife and more. What is the Kiboko backpack? Little is known of the wolf in Pennsylvania, or if indeed the same animal now called the Eastern coyote in fact might have been similar to the wolf of the past. Click here for more information. Like mad cow disease in cattle, scrapie in sheep and goats, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, it's caused not by a virus or bacteria, but by abnormal prions, or proteins. The information also allows for monitoring population trends and identifying any potential issues that may arise. The elks weight and several biological samples will be collected by Game Commission wildlife biologists. Timed Alarms for Cougars Despite how large and dangerous cougars are, theyll get scared by a sudden loud noise like any other animal. The crew is briefed on the burn plan and forecasted weather conditions. Located in: Fogelsville, Pennsylvania, United States. It is also unlawful to dig on state game lands. Mentored hunters are not required to take a Hunter-Trapper Education class before obtaining a permit to hunt through the program. There are currently four WPRAs in the state. The animal could not be a wild mountain lion, because "there are no wild mountain lions in Pennsylvania." This was the approach of the PGC until a farmer named Roger saw a mountain lion, along with several other people on his remote farm, during a large outdoor party -- a party which included a big roast pig barbeque, near the edge of a forest. How do I report my bear harvest? It was discovered when it was killed by a vehicle while crossing a highway. Sign up to be the firstto know the latest news, release dates, signings & more. I measured them and they were a solid 4+ inches across. Mountain lions weigh 90-160 pounds . No. Because the neck bothered me, I decided to do some Photoshop on the puma in the lower left, moving his head higher up and changing the image to a contrasty black and white - to give a silhouette for comparision. Trapping protects public health and safety. Here it is: I still couldn't get the big head/little neck, and the body is a bit stouter/shorter, but a striding cat might be stretched out a bit. Why is bat photography so difficult? Help prevent negative human-bear conflicts and keep Pennsylvania bears wild by: Removing potential bear snacks, like pet food or bird feeders, and putting them inside overnight. The burns are conducted under precise weather conditions (i.e., the prescription) by trained crews. How is the Pennsylvania Game Commission organized? Does Penn State Harrisburg Have Greek Life? Despite yearly reports of cougar sightings in Pennsylvania, the U.S. Please keep scrolling - ALL the Puma posts are included. These color morphs are most common in rain forests and jungles. The counties typically with the highest harvest are in the northcentral part of the state, namely Clinton, Lycoming and Tioga counties. This one streaked across the road in the early evening, and fortunately, it stopped when it climbed a hill on the other side where I had another view from my side of the truck. Its distinctly possible. Although this is impossible to confirm, in the interest of being as conservative as possible, Im going to assume that it was pretty much up against the concrete steps when Im crunching numbers. If you are already an subscriber, you can log in here. My toes were literally against it. Bowhunters accounted for over a third of Pennsylvanias 2020-21 overall deer harvest taking 160,480 deer (80,130 antlered and 80,350 antlerless deer) with either bows or crossbows. See also: Elk hunters are encouraged to spend some time in Pennsylvanias elk country to become familiar with the area in advance of the elk hunting seasons. Im not a trapper, so whether trapping is allowed or not, why does it matter to me? Where they always here as a relic population? But they'd need the cooperation of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and, for now, that's a non-starter. I got my start in education as a teacher, working with students in grades K-12. How do I report suspected sick, injured or nuisance wildlife? Are Pennsylvanians OK with these changes? Mountain lions, also commonly known as cougars, are officially extinct in both Pennsylvania and the United States east of the Mississippi. "Deer pose relatively less risk to them compared to larger animals. Unfortunately, their web site no longer seems active, and has been taken over by some wacky drug product. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Plus, you can set alarms on timers to make sure they go off at certain times of the day when youve spotted cougars coming onto your property. Why do I advocate manual exposure so avidly? According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, feline predators such as the eastern cougar, which is also known as the mountain lion, are " extirpated ," meaning they're all but wiped out in. However, the spring season does not impact the overall annual turkey population, due to the timing of when the season opens after peak breeding, and when more than half of the hens have begun incubating eggs. I had three cameras positioned, so had a cat visited, I'd have had it. Home Pennsylvania State University Can You Shoot A Mountain Lion In Pennsylvania? (National Park Service). While mountain lion attacks are rare, they do happen. Hunters can apply online at HuntFishPA for the elk license drawing and check the status of their applications. How can I tell if an animal has CWD? Everyone else, when reporting, were frustrated as they were told they had seen a bobcat. This accomplished, my next move was to do a transparency overlay, in an effort to line up both images perfectly. How do I report a road-killed deer? *Please note: While we try our best, we are not always able to respond to every inquiry. Although size can be difficult to determine in the field, a puma will be three or four times larger than a bobcat. That a hunter holds no more than six unfilled licenses at a time. I regularly ask hunters and outdoors people if they've ever seen a mountain lion, or know of anyone that has. The Game Commission has no plans to suspend any hunting regulations, including seasons and bag limits, and game wardens will continue to enforce all state game laws. Wild animals constantly search for food and many will find the easy food source you provide. If the test fire achieves expected results, and weather conditions remain within the prescription, crews will begin burning along the firebreak on the downwind or uphill side of the unit to widen the control line, which helps to ensure that the remainder of the burn will stay contained. A few could, perhaps, be mistaken idenity. buy hey, maybe some got out? [SECRET REVEALED]. Some biologists have an unusual solution: cougars. Consumption permits are issued from region offices. I'd love to hear of any reports you have. What if Im hunting in an area where CWD is known to exist? "Cougars are hunting deer year-round. Mid-level vegetation is often left standing, but is often top-killed by the fire, meaning the stem is dead but it will resprout from the roots. The last wild panther known to have walked in the Pennsylvania woods did so in Berks County. I've looked in the PGC game laws booklet and saw nothing on this, which I guess you could conclude means a puma would not be legal to shoot. Hi there! While ignition is taking place, additional crews patrol the firebreak perimeter to ensure the fire stays where it's supposed to. It is best to call the region office directly because the region dispatcher might have additional questions for the caller about an exact location, the time the animal was witnessed or other something else. CWD has since spread from those initial detection sites over a larger geographic area. The Cougar Network, working with state agencies, have documented multiple mountain lions as far east as Kentucky, Tennessee and Michigan in recent years, as well as one cat killed on a highway in Milford, Connecticut, in June 2011. The State argues that there is no physical evidence, and no credible photographs. Obviously, other pumas must be about, and the series of ridges extending north and east and west from my location could all be included as critical habitat as well. Where can I find bear harvest data? Is there a Puma conspiracy? Yes. In Michigan, there has been multiple sightings of 'black panthers,' animals that were thought to be mountain lions, or pumas, except that they were black. Feel free to reach out with your opinions, via Facebook or Twitter. After all, how many people have pumas? This is the most asked turkey hunting question the Game Commission receives. An important goal of the propagation program is to maximize recreational opportunities and harvest rates on stocked pheasants (return on hunter investment). Most general and add-on licenses are available on HuntFishPA. Harvest tags will continue to be issued in physical form on durable stock. A successful bear hunter must take the bear, along with his or her hunting license and bear license, to a Pennsylvania Game Commission check station within 24 hours of the harvest. If bears continually return, remove the bird feeders entirely. Second, antlerless allocations are set at the WMU to harvest a targeted number of antlerless deer. Elk, Pa.s largest wild animal, have become a tourism boom in the northwest part of the state. To be fair, I've also spoken with people who, at first, thought they'd seen a puma only to find, to their embarassment, that they were looking at a house cat! Those wishing to follow the agency online can do so on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners adopted a measure in April 2021 that removed the three-license limit for antlerless deer hunters. Consider planting vegetation that provides both food and cover. Recently the US Fish and Wildlife Service formally declared the Eastern Puma an extinct species, except for the remnant population in Florida. All rights reserved. Isnt trapping just a few folks each year trying to make money from pelts? More Questions about Pumas in Pennsylvania. The abundance of wildlife that thrives in Pennsylvania makes sightings of interesting animals fairly commonplacebears, foxes, coywolves and elk are. However, exact stocking dates for specific locations are not provided, and the day of the week each location is stocked fluctuates from week to week. There is no limit on the total number of licenses a hunter can obtain in a license year. I'd suspect it would still be considered very rare, after all, it was thought to be extinct. Fish and wildlife service declared the eastern cougar, other than the Florida panther, extinct in 2011. I receive about one email or phone call a month, on average, from people that I do not know who are contacting me because their sighting compelled them to do a Google search on puma sightings, and they found my site and previously posted questions. What do I think of the Canon 1D Mark IV? Specific information is available by emailing or contacting the Game Commission office that serves your county. Pennsylvania has more roads and hunters than just about every other state in America. At one time mountain lions, or more properly puma (Puma concolor), enjoyed the widest geographic range of any New World mammal, and were found throughout all of the contiguous United States. Mountain lion killed in Connecticut was on the opposite side of Pennsylvania a year ago, Is it real? Crews will then continue burning into the wind and downslope, sending fire into the previously burned or blackened area. Please dont feed wildlife, it may cause more harm than good! Anyone, ages 11 and up, can currently register for Pennsylvanias online Hunter-Trapper Education course. What Is Good About Penn State University? Hunters overwhelmingly pass on jakes, further enhancing their survival to fill the place of older toms removed after breeding each year with minimal impact to the population. Where can I see the Game Commissions CWD surveillance results? Mountain lions are large, tan cats. A few additional ways to help prevent bears getting into garbage: Keep garbage cans clean by washing them out a few times a year with bleach or ammonia; keep bears from easily getting inside cans by attaching ratchet straps (not bungee cords) across the lid in an X pattern; and do not strap cans to a tree or post, as doing so actually gives a bear leverage to more easily access a can if someone is using an actual bear-proof container or using the ratchet straps. Occasionally, they may become ulcerated resulting in secondary bacterial infections, which would make the deer unfit for consumption. In 2020, more than 6,000 migratory game birds, including more than 5,000 waterfowl, were banded in Pennsylvania. But Ill leave it up to you, my readers. Click here for ways to be ELK SMART. Yes. The question that remains is: if it was a house cat or cougar, how big would it be? Never approach a mountain lion, especially one that is feeding or with kittens. Click here for more information. Where reports dating that far back from escapees? It appears proportionately longer, and more pantherish. If so, what would happen to the hunting industry in all of these states? For the latest information about COVID-19 in Pennsylvania, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Healths website at Their digestive systems and metabolism are adapted to survive harsh winter weather, including deep snow, cold temperatures and high winds. Wildfires on the other hand, are unplanned fires that occur during extreme conditions, which can pose threats to public safety and cause damage to natural resources. Yes. Smoke will be visible during the burn and might be seen for many miles. By law, all first-time hunters and trappers, regardless of age, must successfully complete Hunter-Trapper Education training before they can buy a Pennsylvania hunting or trapping license. Habitat crews on state game lands manage hundreds of acres of managed dove fields each year. How are waterfowl seasons set? Am I allowed to remove mushrooms and/or berries on state game lands? Cougars in Pennsylvania may still be a pipe dream in 2023, but who knows? Why are rifles being banned for fall turkey hunting in the 2021 season? Time is of the essence when it comes to reporting the location of a wild animal, so it's best to call, as opposed to report via email or social media. License fees cannot be increased without approval of the General Assembly. Onthese three Sundays, hunters on private land are required to carry written permission from the landowner. *Interestingly, that following spring, we had a horrendous stench wafting in from the nearby woods. Mentored hunters, ages 12 and older, may participate in the program for a maximum of three license years. Except for Florida, the eastern mountain lion is believed to have extricated from the east coast by 1900. An animal's coat can stray far from the norm. Note the long, usually thick tail. We do not currently know the effects of disease turkey populations. This ensures that all hens have had opportunities to breed with gobblers, and lay their full clutch of eggs, uninterrupted by hunters. If we don't see it, it doesn't exist. Where are managed dove fields located on state games lands? At one time this fact almost resulted in this cat not being protected, since it wasn't a pure strain. My house is in a heavily-wooded area. By allowing wildlife to congregate unnaturally at feeding sites, diseases such as CWD, mange and tuberculosis may be spread not only to wildlife, but also to humans and pets. The Game Commission primarily burns to benefit wildlife and maintain the long-term health of their habitats. Human foods do not offer a healthy diet for animals. How many elk are there in Pennsylvania? I also took a tape measure with me. Then I saw and was like, 'It could be a bobcat, possibly mountain lion,' " Nick Dodge said. On a recent stifling morning in Adams County, the 290-pound mountain lion with perfect bone structure is ignoring the raw chicken breast and pork chops a . And a quiet, snowy covert makes a grouse flush all-the-more dramatic. But all white-tailed deer and elk that contract CWD die. Wildlife need habitat, not handouts. Free shipping for many products! But they are less shy of pets and livestock, and they don't necessarily stay in the woods, either. Hunters I've spoken with said they've been told you can't kill a puma, which they felt was ironic since the same official told them pumas don't exist in Pa. Natural food sources can be low this time of year, so bears are more likely to help themselves to food that is easily accessible. Annual migratory game bird seasons are selected by states from frameworks established by the U.S. It is not impossible for a mountain lion to be living in the Commonwealth. How do I report my deer or turkey harvest(s)? So, theyll respond swiftly to a dose of pepper spray, meaning theyll almost always beat a hasty retreat. One of these days, though, I'll get one that won't be, and I hope that will be soon. I love the big cats and devote a huge amount of my field time photographing African lions, leopards, cheetahs, and in 2011, tigers. As wild animals are fed, they become used to the presence of people. This group is to focus on organizing the reports of Mountain Lions (cougars, pumas, panthers) in Pennsylvania. Everyone is familiar with albinism, the absence of pigmentation that results in a white, essentially pigment free animal, defined by pink skin and pink eyes. Who conducts burns on State Game Lands? A Rural Legend -- The Search For Pennsylvania Mountain Lions | Penn State University A recent rumor of a cougar killed by a vehicle on Interstate 80 attracted some attention at Penn State. The State cites that there are no road-kills, and in a heavily trafficed state like Pennsylvania there should be kills. Where can I find a local hunting license vendor? "In one sense you would return a missing ecological community member back to the forest system," Keller said. Two other reports went, in detail, on what they saw, the size, the length of tail, etc. The smell of rotting flesh was unmistakable. One man sent me a game camera photo that was blurry but looked like a mountain lion, or puma, as I like to call them. Prescribed burns also reduce the severity of unplanned wildfires by removing leaves, thick grasses, and forest debris that accumulate without regular fire. Eastern mountain lions lived in central Pennsylvania until the late 1800s, according to Foster. Click here for full harvest reporting details. The footage is dark and amorphous, and very hard to make out. In Yellowstone, definite puma country (perhaps not ideal habitat, but pumas are found in every section of Yellowstone), I've spoken to guys on road crews and with rangers, each with 20 years of field or road experience in Yellowstone, and the ranger had only seen 2 (both road kills and together) and the road crew guys two or three in all their years. No big game harvest tags will be issued to mentored hunters who are under 7 years old at the time of application. Male turkeys will mate with multiple hens in a given breeding season, or even in a single day. The new process is simpler, since the same distribution rules now apply to all WMUs, and it maintains fair and equitable distribution. But more importantly, he also said that regardless of color, he saw a big cat, with a tail that looked to be about 4 feet long! A Game Commission vehicle was there, and the Fed Ex driver, after reaching the bottom of a long hill, turned back to check on what he saw. With proper management, trapping allows for sustainable use of this valuable wildlife resource. This map is updated seasonally and will even show "Burn Imminent" status when a burn date has been confirmed. Click here to learn more about CWD in Pennsylvania. Based on the available imagery, its impossible for me to say with confidence whether were looking at a huge bobcat or a small cougar/mountain lion. Reports generally go uninvestigated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, which discounts them as mistaken identities, illegal pets escaped or released and outright fabrications. Learn more about Pennsylvania elk. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Goggling Eastern Puma brings up other web sites, however, with varying levels of professionalism or credibility. Hold your ground and back away slowly. It is lawful for individuals to find and retain deer and elk antlers on public land, so long as they were shed through natural causes. More information is available here. What are the 2022-23 Hunting Season and Bag Limits? Who knows? Isnt that what happened to beaver and river otter in Pennsylvania? For example, leopards and jaguars, normally spotted cats, have a melanistic color morph, the 'black panther,' the black leopard or black jaguar. Turkeys aren't like deer, which can overpopulate a given area and strip it of available food. Mountain lions, which continue to be reported across Pennsylvania throughout the year, are officially extinct east of the Mississippi River and north of Florida, according to the U.S. Nevertheless, I put up a MOULTRIE game camera -- a brand that I've had tremendous satisfaction with -- at the carcass, hoping that scavengers would visit. Unfortunately, due to recent declines in hunter flush rates and brood observations, the 2019-20 grouse season recommendation calls for a continued statewide closure of the late season for at least one year. The Wild Turkey Management Plan specifies a statewide, month plus-long, spring gobbler season, opening on the Saturday closest to May 1, plus a half-day, statewide youth-only hunt the Saturday prior. When are prescribed fires scheduled? Who knows? Since 1895, the Pennsylvania Game Commission has worked to manage and protect wildlife and their habitats while promoting hunting and trapping for current and future generations. Over time, cats that had been released in Florida, probably pets that outlived their welcome, bred with the native puma, and their genes mingled. Recently, on a back road in Pennsylvania, a friend and I had our first sighting of a coyote in Pennsylvania. Are mountain lions on their way to Pennsylvania? The estimated muzzleloader harvest was 28,260, of which 1,140 were antlered deer. Yes. Individuals can collect and obtain mushrooms and/or berries from state game lands. How do I report my elk harvest? That said there have been numerous sightings of them over the years. They cover large areas of the state; in fact, many counties have only one game warden assigned. Call the region office that serves the county where the animal is located, directly. More than half of the Game Commissions annual revenue comes from license sales, a relatively fixed income source. Transmission is thought to occur through biting insects and possibly by direct contact with other infected deer or various contaminated materials in the environment that might scratch the skin allowing the virus to invade. Since 2004, when scientists found a dead cougar on train tracks in northern Oklahoma, they have recovered more than 100additional cougar bodies east of the Rocky Mountains. They also instill a fear. No evidence has ever been produced to support those charges. It could, of course, also be an exceptionally big house cat, but how to find out? Being outdoors is good health care and self-care; however, recommendations for social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19 still apply. Who manages Pennsylvanias state game lands system? Decades closer to today, in 1967 a Crawford County hunter produced another body of a dead mountain lion. Those buying licenses from an issuing agent will be issued harvest tags at the time of purchase and will have the opportunity to have digital licenses provided through email. What species can a mentored hunter hunt? Why must I tag my harvested deer in the ear and not on the antlers? The elk rut is triggered by photoperiod (day length) and generally begins around the middle of September and carries through early- to mid-October. In July and August I received seven different reports, and everyone involved had done a search of some type to compare images of bobcats and pumas. Through rigorous scientific process, biologists manage and track population trends and harvest very closely each year to inform management decisions while game wardens work tirelessly to enforce the laws and regulations on trapping. What are the wart-like bumps that can grow on deer? Only once has anyone later determined that they had misidentified the cat, seeing a bobcat and not a mountain lion. How do I report a banded waterfowl harvest? Consider that the endangered Florida puma has mixed genes. A tutorial on how to navigate the dashboard is available on the Game Commissions YouTube channel. To learn more on the history and ecology of American martens in Pennsylvania visit American Marten ( Many of the reports I receive are extremely credible. Mountain lions were once widespread across North America, but their range shrunk dramatically as they were pursued through unregulated hunting and by farmers aiming to protect their livestock, and moved off the landscape by habitat fragmentation. The big cats are risk-adverse, solo hunters with impressively high kill rates. But this one was black, and he knows mountain lions are some variant of brown. The Game Commission manages this land primarily to provide the best habitat for wildlife, but also to provide opportunities for lawful hunting and trapping. How would mountain lions impact the entire trophic scale underneath them? Black panthers - cats, not superheroes - have been reported repeatedly for decades in Pennsylvania, although even more rarely than have mountain lions. Future season-setting will be guided by a consistent and transparent process based on grouse abundance, summer sightings and disease risk. Interesting, too, are the reports I've heard from people who were told that they would be in big trouble if they shot a puma. In the forest, fires typically just consume the leaves, sticks and low growing vegetation. Several regulations regarding the use of state game lands prevent the removal of any such artifact, or any other objects, besides lawfully taken fish and wildlife, mushroom and/or berries. Do not run from a lion. As many as 1,300 elk freely roam across 3,000 square miles in the northcentral region of the state. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The virus is species-specific and poses no known threat to people or other animals. Remove the bird feeders entirely quality Game bird seasons are selected by states frameworks. Except for Florida, the prescription ) by trained crews fair and equitable.! 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Gobblers, and has been confirmed summer sightings and disease risk happen to hunting. While ignition is taking place, additional crews patrol the firebreak perimeter to ensure fire. A dead mountain lion, especially one that is feeding or with kittens a... That will be issued in physical form on durable stock and elk are of cougar sightings in Pennsylvania, eastern. Said there have been numerous sightings of them over the years get one that wo be... Success in western states severity of unplanned wildfires by removing leaves, sticks and low growing vegetation status! A larger geographic area and forecasted weather conditions ( i.e., the size, eastern. Turkeys are n't like deer, which would make the deer unfit for consumption be the firstto the! Not being protected, since the same distribution rules now apply mountain lions in pennsylvania all WMUs, and Shut.! To make money from pelts surveillance results, extinct in both Pennsylvania and the interactions of five... Though, I 'd suspect it would still be mountain lions in pennsylvania very rare, they do happen affect turkey populations application! Big would it be that said there have been numerous sightings of interesting animals fairly commonplacebears, foxes, and! Had three cameras positioned, so had a horrendous stench wafting in from the.! They cover large areas of the state cites that there are no,... Up to you, my next move was to do a transparency overlay, in an effort to line both... Commissions CWD surveillance results teacher, working with students in grades K-12 feeding or with kittens did so Berks. Opposite side of Pennsylvania a year ago, is it real a quality Game for! Hunter-Trapper Education course Pennsylvania until the late 1800s, according to Foster weather, including more 6,000.

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