Resources & Capabilities that other firms cannot easily obtain or develop, Direct Duplication and/or Substitution is possible, set of business activities in which a firm engages to develop, produce, and market its products or services. -TQM: comprehensive approach led by top management and supported throughout the organization dedicated to improvement, training, customer satisfaction Firms costs fall as a function of production (downward slope). -Juran and Deming: u of m alum 1904-2008, Carlson school hosts Juran center for quality and leadership founded with help of Dr. Juran, The concept of the Learning Organization and its importance, -Organization that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge How can interest groups help their members become informed voters? answer choices Planning, directing, organizing and delegating C. Stay quiet until they break the silence, 3. People are not motivated when they do not have clear goals and do not know what is expected of them. How are these evaluations typically used? Decide if the product will be successful -Behavioral: supportive, likes suggestions, show warmth, likes verbal instead of written, low tolerance to ambiguity, Ineffective responses to a decision situation: Relaxed avoidance, relaxed change, defensive avoidance and panic, Relaxed avoidance, relaxed change, defensive avoidance, panic, Three effective reactions and Steven Coveys Urgency Importance matrix, -Availability bias, confirmation bias, representativeness bias, sunk cost bias, anchoring and adjustment bias, escalation of commitment bias, -Greater pool of knowledge, different perspectives, intellectual stimulation, better understanding of decision rationale, Groupthink, satisficing and goal displacement concepts, Vroom-Jagon diagnostic questions pertaining to decision making, -Helps gauge the appropriate amount of participation for subordinates in process, -Listen to all ideas, no criticism, build on others ideas, -Adapt to change and uncertainty, discover errors, reduce costs, increase productivity, complexity, Three types of control: Feed forward, concurrent and feedback control, -Feed Forward: preliminary or preventative control Health And Wellness Stress Management Flashcards Quizlet (RUN!) -Intuition model: making a choice without the use of conscious thought or logical inference, -Case reality, problem/question, conceptual model, solution, Two dimensions of the personal decision framework, -Dimension 1: reflects the extent to which a person focuses on either task and technical concerns or people and social concerns when making decisions A firm's ________ is really no more than a socially complex relationship between a firm and itscustomers and can serve as a basis for product differentiation. -Integration: tendency of the parts of an organization to draw together to achieve a common purpose, Stages in the life of the organization, the transitions from small to large firms, and the pyramid of organizational development tasks, -Birth stage: organization is created B. Introducing Cram Folders! B. - Project Benefits Management Plan - 6 cards. B. Follow a product through its lifecycle Hiring staff to support the holiday rush, An example of managerial organizing would be B. economic Method of measurement 5. When the company neglects this to make more money, consumers are quick to criticize. One of his rules was that C. Empowerment -Risk: decision has clear goals, info is available, future outcomes are subject to chance A. Importance And Importance Of Project Management There is a need for knowledge and control of projects and resource commitment in the organization. C. Tasks and responsibilities are shared within teams. -More economic value than competitors. Goal Google's motto is "Don't be evil." C. commodity, 1. The percentages next to the main topics indicate the approximate percentage of exam questions on that topic. C. Thank her and tell her who authored the report. One of your team members actually authored the report. B. consulting, excellent A. require employees to choose their own work and train themselves The rate of return that a firm promises to pay its suppliers of capital (debt & equity) to induce them to invest in the firm. valuable and rare but not costly to imitate. C. Tooling One graphic representation of the tasks required over the course of a project is called Generally, when receiving a business card from an international business person you should: Industries in which a large number of small or medium-sized firms operate and no small set offirms has dominant market share or creates dominant technologies are called ________ industries. Correct Answer: C. You, as a project manager, need to collect as much input and feedback is time and resources for Risk Management allows. Follow a product through its lifecycle, . What is one of the most important things you should focus on? Reporting structure, culture, planning & controlling mechanisms, etc. A. informational The threat of new entrants in Porter's Five Forces analysis is often the most important force affecting an industry. A. clients, competitors, suppliers, regulations, and adversaries C. Thank her and tell her who authored the report. Xat January 2013: Verbal And Logical Ability Solved Question Paper, Cosmetology State Board Exam: Hair Styling Practice Test, Quiz: Nursing Entrance Exam Questions And Answers, British Standards BS 7671 Electrical Installation Exam Practice Test. sequential set of analyses and choices through which managers determine a strategy for the enterprise to pursue its objectives. What types of managers are associated with specific areas within the organization? Name at least three goods that could be bought as complements to hamburgers. Managers must motivate employees, negotiate salaries, and encourage employees toward innovation and creativity. Immediately recall the product. A. sequential set of analyses and choices through which managers determine a strategy for the enterprise to pursue its objectives. Prepare the appropriate journal entry to record Ameens 2021 income taxes. Management activities are often grouped into four categories. WebManagement Module Test Flashcards | Quizlet Management Module Test 5.0 (7 reviews) Term 1 / 32 Which is an advantage of a matrix organization? Some of these are pretest questions that will not be scored. Financial managers C. Operations managers D. Human resource managers E. Administrative managers F. Top managers G. Middle managers H. First-line managers 2. D. All stakeholders except clients. Management activities are often grouped into four categories. B. make manual labor run more efficiently A. These are aspects of which macro term? B. substitute products C. Ask for a translator to make communication easier. A. Protecting the company's financial position. Project Phase / Phase Gate - 5 cards. 1-5 Mid-term Exam. Further suppose that your economist gives you the following demand and supply functions: Demand: QD=452PQ^{D} = 45 - 2PQD=452P WebManagement function that involves setting goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities. But Google still has the basic levels of management, including, top, middle, and first-level management and team leaders, 1. C. Product design schedules Raw materials are widely and readily available at a competitive price. -Measurementship: lack of congruence created by motivation to look good in terms of the measures used in control systems, -Budget: formal financial projection Solve the problem without assigning blame, 8. Management is to plan, organize, direct, and control available human, material, and financial resources to deliver quality care to patients and families. -Decision-making: process of identifying problems and opportunities and then resolving them, Programmed (rational) versus non-programmed (non-rational) decisions, -Programmed (rational) decisions: rules developed from frequent occurrences, response to recurring organizational problems B. commitment to the plan The subject matter of the Principles of Management exam is drawn from the following topics. In the United States you are very good at organizing and keeping meetings on schedule. These are. What are 3 strategic responses a firm can make to their competitors? WebProject management is the art of handling the work and its deliverables with an aim to create finished products or services. C. Mary Parker Follett, 1. Behavioral science, Early behaviorism, Hugo Munsterberg and the concepts underlying Industrial Psychology, -Munsterberg: father of industrial psychology B. B. The process of delegating instruction without consent of the employees Question 8 30 seconds Q. Substitutes are an issue due to the fact that the retail industry offers a wide range of products (Investopedia Staff, n.d.). Quiz: Are You A Lion, A Tiger, Or A Bear? What is the four functions of management? -Flat structure: wide span and fewer levels, -Centralization: decision authority is located near the top of the organization Middle Which is not true concerning corporate downsizing? The pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by integrating the work of people through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organizations resources. 1. A. Humanistic What should you do? B. entrepreneur, employee selector, and negotiator In the food truck industry, for example, it is easy for new firms to enter and compete. C. value proposition, 1. Management function that involves working with and through people WebWhich level of management has the primary functions of interpreting and integrating? C. ecological, 1. -Satisficing models: managers seek alternatives until they find one that is satisfactory, not optimal, -Bounded rationality and satisficing model: managers seek alternatives until they find one that is satisfactory Which of the following is NOT included in what Configuration Management does to answer its goal? Competitive Advantage. -Delegation: process managers use to transfer authority to the lowest possible level, -Tall structure: narrow span and more levels A. Controlling may be the most important management function. Principles Of Management Quiz Questions With Answers, Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Quiz. Which of the following is NOT a basic management task? C. that human resources hires the right people, B. that the people in the organization support the strategy, 1. Finances A robust competitive analysis will allow you to focus on those companies that will compete for customers A. Determine the quality of the product Employees should be hired on the basis of their interest and desire in the work. 1.00 - 27 cards. Only Project Manager. Web1. -Audit, Total Quality Management and the Deming philosophy including the PDCA cycle, definition, its two core principles, the RATER scale, quality circles, benchmarking, -Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer The best example of a firm following a cost-leadership business strategy is. answer choices Legal Financial Historical All the above Question 3 10 seconds Q. -Accountability: mechanism through which authority and responsibility are brought into alignment & 4 Project Charter/PMP, Success measures - 4 cards. Years ahead." A. A. that the control systems support the strategy A. B. 2. WebDefine the Strategic Management Process & Identify the Stages. There were no other temporary differences and no permanent differences. Health And Wellness Stress Management Flashcards Quizlet (RUN!) Records management is the systematic control of records, from the creation or receipt of the record to its final disposition. 1-5 Mid-term Exam","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/strategic-management-ch-1-5-mid-term-exam-6276236","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v12.0","language":"en_US"}}. Integrated Management Of Childhood Illness (Imci) Quiz. B. Our online risk management trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top risk management quizzes. All of the following are elements of the general environment except. Cost-leadership and product-differentiation strategies are so widely recognized that they are oftencalled, When managers committed to an incorrect course of action increase their commitment to this actioneven as its limitations become manifest, this is known as, Cost-leadership firms are typically characterized by very ________ cost-control systems, The ability of companies that produce complex software packages to tailor these packages to thespecific needs of their customers is an example of product differentiation through. B. Porter's Five Forces D. Hire the best people for the project, C. Identifying the impact of design delays, HR is typically responsible for leading and directing employee: -Parochial: narrow view in which people see things solely through their own views -Must provide info about the results of operations and peoples performance, -Physical, HR, informational, financial, structural, cultural, The seven key components of a performance management system, -1. A. strategic partnerships, research and development -Non-programmed (nonrational) decisions: unique, poorly defined and unstructed, important consequences, The different decision-making environments (certainty, risk, uncertainty and ambiguity), -Certainty: all the info is fully available What is the A comprehensive database of more than 31 risk management quizzes online, test your knowledge with risk management quiz questions. -Geocentric: accepts differences and similarities between home and foreign personnel and practices, Availability of supplies, new markets, lower labor costs, access to finance capital, avoid tariffs and import quotas, Global outsourcing, importing and exporting and counter trading, licensing and franchising, joint ventures, wholly owned subsidiaries, Barriers to international trade (tariffs, import quotas and embargoes), -Tariffs: duty or tax mainly on imports This is Google's Which of the following is not a potential source of diseconomies of scale? What types of managers are associated with specific areas within the organization? Objectives 3. This is an example of: According to Mintzberg, which role would a manager assume if she were trying to convince union members to accept a 25-cent-per-hour reduction in pay in order to keep the manufacturing plant open? These are. Research shows that when actions are coordinated and focused on specific outcomes, they are much more effective. Workers were able to eliminate movements in product assembly, making labor more efficient. C. process of continual adjustment, 1. This section includes practice questions related to leadership and management. Why do many interest groups spend their time and money educating citizens on legislative issues and candidates? separated, 1. The general environment analysis considers broad societal dimensions influencing the industry or firms within it. C. recording all administrative decisions in writing, A. optimizing the work process and training employees to follow it, 1. C. negotiator, 1. And Google uses the following sweeping statement to inspire employees and stakeholders: "to provide access to the world's information in one click." Taylor said managers had responsibilities such as What are the VRIO attributes of R&Cs producing temporary Competitive Advantage? A. B. Operations management is the management of: -conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that satisfy both, work process should be under control of workers with relevant knowledge, Early behaviorism, Elton Mayo, and the principles derived from the Hawthorne effect, -Hawthorne effect: employees work harder if they receive added attention, believe that managers care Thank her and don't mention the report. Process Groups - 7 cards. 1. A comprehensive database of more than 31 risk management quizzes online, test your knowledge with risk management quiz questions. -Unity of command: each employee accountable to one supervisor - Project Benefits Management Plan - 6 cards. B. value proposition charge a higher price than it would otherwise be able to do. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. A comprehensive database of more than 257 management quizzes online, test your knowledge with management quiz questions. The company could lose a large amount of money if customers find out about the problem. D. Equipment upgrades, 19. What is the difference between algorithms and heuristics? The advertisements for the Apple MacBook show an edge-on image of a MacBook with the caption "MacBook: Light. The food truck industry would benefit if there were ________, such as required and restricted licenses. Questions on the Principles of Management exam require test takers to demonstrate one or more of the following abilities in the approximate proportions indicated. D. Let customers know about the high quality, B. B. hiring new employees based on their degree or family ties Talk to your coworkers. A. lifetime employment guarantees 1. What is the consumer surplus in this market? WebQ. What types of managers are associated with specific areas within the organization? The threat of direct competition tends to be high when. A. differentiated Take these online management aptitude test quizzes that have questions based on all important concepts to help you prepare for the exam. -Beliefs: assumptions that individuals hold about themselves, their customers and organization -Norms: rules of behavior that address such issues as how employees dress and interact, usually found in employee handbook, The four function of organization culture, -Organizational identity, collective commitment, social system stability, sense making device, -Level 1: observable artifacts (enacted culture) B. A. -Project Management Processes - 4 cards. WebWhat is management? Which of the following is a characteristic of a good manager? C. Identify the impact of design delays B. scheduling chart C. a clear mission, 1. Principles from the ________ school of management were originally designed to prevent favoritism and incompetence. Financial strength can be a competitive advantage. Manage the corporate culture, -Decision: choice made from available alternatives WebDefine the Strategic Management Process & Identify the Stages. -Scalar principle: clearly defined line of authority in the organization that included all employees, Authority, responsibility, accountability and delegation, -Authority: formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issues orders, and allocate resources A. These include Make sure products meet the company's standards. Your schedule B. a core competency B. B. defining objectives C. bureaucratic, 1. 1.00 - 27 cards. B. Individualism/collectivism 2. Only Project Manager. C. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. You will also be required to apply knowledge, general concepts, and principles to specific problems. -Concurrent: assess current work activities, rules and regulations, ensures to produce correct results A. a competitive advantage C. entrepreneur, controller, and negotiator, A. resource allocator, disturbance handler, and negotiator, 1. C. communication between managers and workers and between workers, worker productivity by scientific analysis, 1. WebDefine the Strategic Management Process & Identify the Stages. Records management is the systematic control of records, from the creation or receipt of the record to its final disposition. A. diverse, new Scientific answer choices True False Question 2 20 seconds Q. Customers demonstrate a preference for the firms offerings. Health And Wellness Stress Management Flashcards Quizlet (RUN!) -Organizing: development of resources to achieve strategic goals, -Division of labor, tasks are subdivided into jobs, employees perform specialized tasks, jobs are small but efficient, The chain of command, unity of command and the scalar principle, -Chain of command: line of authority that links all persons in an organization, shows who reports to whom answer choices True False Question 2 20 seconds Q. -Divisional: people with diverse occupational specialties are put together in formal groups by similar products, customers, or geographic regions, Organization structure: matrix, team-based, net work and modular, -Matrix: organization combines functional and divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures-vertical and horizontal This set includes 80 practice questions divided into two parts. C. make workers solely responsible for improving their conditions. Model of firm performance that focuses on the resources and capabilities controlled by a firm as sources of competitive advantage. Jim Roth, dell worker, related to his factory team by doing what? Music Taste Quiz: What Is My Music Taste? -Important: work activity was amenable to a rational approach, boost productivity, The Behavioral viewpoint and its progression (three phases): Early behaviorism, the human relations movement and behavioral science, -Behavioral viewpoint: emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and motivating employees toward achievement WebWhich level of management has the primary functions of interpreting and integrating? firms are unable to differentiate their products. -Pert diagrams: must do things in order, program evaluation and review technique, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. You have created 2 folders. Apple's current vision statement was introduced by CEO Tim Cook, who stated, "We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products." WebThe exam contains approximately 100 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Walmart has exceptional logistics, but in 2014, Walmart was criticized for unusual shortages. -Ambiguity: goals to be achieved or the problem to be solved is unclear, alternatives are difficult to define, into about outcomes is unavailable, -Bounded rationality: ability of decision makers to be rational is limited by numerous constraints What should you do? Leading. The Principles of Management exam requires knowledge of human resources and operational and functional aspects of management. -Uncertainty: managers know which goals they wish to achieve, info is incomplete, may need to develop creative alternatives (Choose multiple) A. This is called A. environmental What should you do if you have trouble communicating with her? A. A. The managers who focus in this area are. D. Customers What are the 4 indicators of barriers to entry? -Espoused vs enacted: do the actions of employees reflect what is stated, Definition of the organization and organizing, -Organization: system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two of more people Planning is a Middle Which is not true concerning corporate downsizing? Mintzberg classified management decision roles into four types. C. set stretch goals for each employee so they'll be motivated to grow, A. jointly agree on goals, so that the employee commits to the goals, Management: Environments and Strategic Manage, CHAPITRE 2 - LES EPITHELIUMS - les pithlium, Environment and strategic management (Busines, Business management (Planning and Mission) Mo, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. B. planning, hiring, directing, and controlling. Human Resources works with managers to do employee evaluations. The classical management perspective major branches are as follows: What management function needs setting goals and objectives, and creating specific plans for creating them? A. jointly agree on goals, so that the employee commits to the goals -Responsibility: duty to perform the task or activity the employee has been assigned B. vision Productivity A. -Decentralization: decision authority is pushed downward to lower organizational levels, -Visual representation, set of formal tasks, framework for vertical control, formal reporting relationships, Organization structures: Simple, functional, divisional, Organization structures: how tasks are divided, resources are deployed, and departments are coordinated Amber had an idea for a change she thought they should make to a group project she was part of for a marketing class but didn't say anything because she didn't want to make the other group members mad. A. planning, organizing, directing, and feedback. A. planning, organizing, directing, and feedback. A. C. setting an attainable goal, A. measuring the past and not planning for future growth, 1. Knowledge and Skills Required Questions on the Principles of Management exam require test takers to demonstrate one or more of the following abilities in the approximate proportions indicated. WebManagement Flashcards. -Open system: continually interacts with its environment The opacity of the language leaves the law open to manipulation on political grounds. Through which bases of competitive advantage do firms attempt to alter the perceptions of currentand potential customers, whether or not specific attributes of a firm's products or services arealtered? Do a financial impact study before taking action. Write a review of the demo(s)you view and the trial version of any product(s) you test. Planning is boring. B. branded Buildings Date A. once-a-year process - Project Benefits Management Plan - 6 cards. -McGregor: theory X: pessimistic view of workers, theory Y: optimistic view of workers, The Quantitative Management theory and its underlying principles, Quantitative management: application to management of quantitative techniques, such as statistic and computer science, operations management, The Management Science theory and its underlying principles, Stresses the use of rational, science based techniques to improve decision making and strategic planning.scheduling, planning, The Operations Management theory and its underlying principles, Managing the production and delivery of an organizations products or services more effectively, The Systems Viewpoint including the concept of open and closed systems, -Organization as a system of interrelated parts, subsystems, part of the larger environment 90 minutes are coordinated and focused on specific outcomes, they are more... 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