"Jack?" Daniel meets Morgan and smiles when Alicia runs up to hug him. "Sleigh Ride" For a reason that he hasn't explained yet, Daniel is pretending that he doesn't recognize the people in Morgan's group. However, he can now, having made peace with her loss finally. Morgan says he knows where to find one and promises to return within a few hours. After a short conversation, Chris notes that the walls are burning, and all six realize that they need to leave. Don't you ever stop," before moving on. Daniel explains it was about Liza and Griselda to which Daniel expresses sympathy to Travis stating what he did for Liza was merciful and that one day Chris will understand why he shot her. Daniel quickly realizes that Chris is missing and goes to search for him inland. In the present, Daniel sits in the cell. He goes on to give Strand water. He remains on his guard the entire time, continually observing goings on and the activities of the residents. Lola offers Madison a seat while the men in the room remain standing. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) Daniel then uses the man's keys to remove his handcuffs and takes the Ranger's gun. Daniel remains very protective of Ofelia and constantly worries about her gun shot injury. Daniel is one of only three remaining cast members from Fear the Walking Dead season 1, the others being Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) and Strand (Colman . Lola insists the people will eventually appreciate what she is doing, but Daniel fears he lacks the guns to protect her from those who are disgruntled. With his wife gone and a lack of understanding and acceptance from Ofelia, Daniel begins to mentally break down during the course of the episode. Madison says she wanted him to know she loved him, and that she was looking forward to getting to know him. Occupation In the morning, Daniel is called by Strand over the walkie and assures him hes far from the warehouse, but when he gets back he'll kill him. She has been running water to them from the dam. Daniel joins the rest of Morgan's group in traveling to the beached sub near Galveston, Texas in order to stop the Doomsday Cult's plans to launch the Pennsylvania's compliment of nuclear missiles. Daniel vows to look after Charlie for the little time that she has left, even refusing to leave her side to help Strand and Alicia retake the Tower from Wes' forces. He says he will, but they're bringing a herd of walkers with them. Efran is willing to give him water but they have to walk, which Daniel agrees to. Daniel smiles and drops his act, commenting that Morgan needs a haircut. Later that night, Lola talks with Daniel. Charlie helps Daniel look for the weapons inside everyone's tents. Daniel has questions about Ofelia's death. Everyone argues over a course of action and begins to turn on each other. At night, Daniel and Grace's transmission gives out because their truck is too heavy with supplies. When they get there and Victor reveals that he lied, Daniel leaves him to die by zombies. However, Daniel doesn't believe him and claims Strand just wants the plane for himself because he is always self-serving. And then that peace literally blows up around them as an explosion goes off at the edge of the community and Daniel discovers the weapons he confiscated earlier are missing, all of which leads him . Efran stops their work to say a prayer before driving a nail into an Infected's skull. Daniel and Pablito drag dead Infected out of a sewer. A truck pulls up and rescues them from the angry mob. Morgan invites everyone to join his community. A few years later, Daniel reunites with Victor Strand and, although cautious at first, eventually helps him rescue the rest of his group. Efran proposes using C-4 explosives to blow up the dam and release the water to the people. He snaps out of his daze when Ofelia arrives, and together they escort Reed out of the room to deliver to Connor's Pirates to save Alicia and Travis. When Nick refuses to talk, Daniel warns him to not force his hand, hinting that he is willing to torture Nick for answers. At the dam,Lolamobilizes her group to distribute water on the street. It's the usual suspects when Daniel Salazar (Rubn Blades) gets to the bottom of a walker whodunit in Sunday's Fear the Walking Dead. On the day after Ofelia's death, Daniel seems to have mostly forgiven Madison. They discuss a possible problem with the water filtration system on the boat. Inside, they find Daniel and his family. They finally find her. After a walker is killed by one of Daniel's traps, he confronts Strand at gunpoint with Strand immediately trying to talk Daniel out of shooting him given their last encounter. Ofelia was the daughter of Daniel Salazar and Griselda Salazar. Daniel and Chris have a stable relationship. As they near Efran's fountain, Daniel realizes it is almost 5 PM. However, Strand is escorted off of his property. End date: ___ ____. A beaten Efran is begged to confess. Daniel is not intimidated and again orders him to drive him to the hotel. Travis suggests to go to another hospital, but Daniel declines and asks him to go to his house, as the other hospitals would most likely be overrun also. She tells him that Alicia went off on her own. Daniel hears an angry mob approaching the breached gate. Daniel insists he did not raise a soldier. Daniel guides Strand through the warehouse full of cars and trucks, demanding he not touch anything and saying he inherited this place. Strand reveals his plans and turns the gun to Daniel who tells him he's not a killer, he's a con man. Everyone except Daniel stands as Dante enters the room. In "Divine Providence", after finally learning the truth, Daniel appears to be more confused by Luciana's actions than hurt or angry about them. Dante obliges, but implores Daniel to stay here, promising to take care of him. After a while, Dwight arrives with some horses and explains if they're alive then there must be water nearby. He awakens and asks for help. Since the outbreak, she's distributed water to the surrounding areas. Ofelia later states to Daniel that she understands why her father was cruel and that the current world they live in now is cruel showing that she is slowly starting to understand her father survivalist attitude. Later on, Celia brings food to Daniel, who is tied up in a storage room, and urges him to seek forgiveness from his Dead. Tess asks Daniel if the coast is clear. from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Daniel digs his handcuffs into the side of the man's neck so hard that his jugular vein is ruptured before he dies. Alicia asks Daniel if he's going to be ok and Daniel tells her that he will be there for Charlie at the end like he couldn't be for Ofelia. In the same episode, Lola picks up a Beretta 8000 . He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him. As Reed stops her from doing any more damage, Travis slips a crowbar behind a seat cushion. Because he does not make it out in time to reunite with his family, they think he perished in the fire when in reality he was able to escape. Daniel doubts Strand's story, causing Strand to lash out, and tells Daniel to kill him now if he wants to. On the road, Daniel continues to lead the herd away as Sarah and Wendell arrive in Al's truck and release the machine gun lever but it doesn't shoot, so he hides underneath. Strand asks if he could borrow his plane to find his friends. Strand and Alicia leave and Charlie apologizes for the fact that she's not Ofelia. Daniel finds Dante interrogating Efran. Daniel hears the gunshot that killed Liza as he sits with a sleeping Ofelia. Nick informs Daniel that Ofelia needs Amoxicillin, Oxycodone, or something similar. He hid from her the truth of his past life, and dealt with the trauma privately with his wife's support. Madison opens a door to find Ofelia and Daniel, who have kidnapped Andrew Adams, a soldier with whom Ofelia previously flirted. "You're dying," the man tells him in Spanish. The next day, Daniel helps split up the water. Lola deeply cares about Efran and confesses to routing water to the fountain to stop his torture at Daniel's hands. They seem to have a poor relationship. Daniel does not stop there and flays his arm. Daniel tells Grace that Valley Town isn't safe. As she gets up, she sees Strand in one of the security cameras and runs off. Fear the Walking Dead - Season 3; Country USA Channel AMC; Genre Horror Drama Broadcast 2017 No. After Chris, Alicia and Nick express that they want to grab supplies on the island but Madison and Travis say its too dangerous, Daniel offers he will go with them and keep watch. Before she can do further damage, she is shot twice by Proctor John, with the second bullet going into her head and killing her instantly. Then another walker approaches and trips the runway lights. Daniel appears with his family. Daniel's Memory Loss Explained. Daniel exits Valley Town and finds that Morgan has returned and gunned down the walkers. Deeply saddened by the death of her close friend, she is instilled with a desire for revenge. He then shoot another guard and another before shooting Dante. Morgan suggests he talk to someone. Madison tells him the ranch was overrun and Ofelia saved them, but she got bit. Unable to take the pain in his legs, Daniel passes out. He infers that Daniel is a "sombra negra" and was in the fearsome El Salvadoran military. He is also revealed to be the lookout for the caravan alongside Dwight, whom he has formed a close bond and spends time playing chess. Daniel and Efran urge her to stay behind for her safety, but she insists on joining them. In Daniel's case, Charlie needs him to be there for her. In the infirmary, Daniel exchanges fire with two Rangers as Strand treats Alicia, killing both Rangers. After discovering the corpse of Efran Morales, an enraged and heartbroken Lola goes out on the dam and shoots several of the Proctors before she is shot through the back and the head by Proctor John. It's where Daniel got his water from Efran. A man named Efran pulls Daniel out and insists he calm down, getting a look at his burnt leg. He demands to know what the code "Cobalt" means as from his radio, he notes that the word is said often. He grabs the pendant and throws it overboard. Alicia explains that Luciana had lied to Daniel that Ofelia is in the Tower, but Strand already knows because Wes had told him. Daniel's past as a secret agent of the Salvadoran Junta and CIA has revealed him to be a highly trained killer, having directly killed over 100 people himself (with many more killed indirectly). However, Luciana sending Daniel into the Tower causes him to finally accept the truth and snap out of it. Morgan just wants to make sure everybody survives and reminds them despite their failures they still made a difference in the world, and they should keep living their lives. However, Strand contacts Daniel and tries to talk him out of his plan. Al tells the group that she would have come herself, but they're low on fuel. She leaves him in an underground room while she goes to find Efran, while he falls asleep. She asks about Ofelia. After Adams shoots Ofelia, however, it can be assumed that Daniel detests him and was not opposed to Travis's assault of him. He gives him a necklace that belonged to his wife. Daniel meekly apologizes to the others, as Riley chuckles that he told them there was no escaping it. Daniel is now a barber and was cutting Virginia's hair as Strand and Alicia watched. Daniel tells the group that he doesn't have time to explain, but they all need to get back inside of the Tower now. Later that evening, he hears a whistle and tells a guard that he left something. They then manage to find shelter inside an abandoned restaurant. Daniel completes some psychological tests for June. Fear the Walking Dead may have just hinted that Daniel Salazar knows The Walking Dead 's Abraham Ford - and it's all because of a cigar. The flames barely start to touch Daniel's feet as he watches the cellar burn, entranced. Ofelia starts to peel the skin off of her face. Daniel looks at a clock and realizes it is almost 5 PM as the men walk away. Daniel admits he let some walkers inside to force the weapons thief to use one of the guns. The crowd disperses when an Infected herd approaches. He is portrayed by Colby Hollman. Daniel asks Nick if he is familiar with his background. He goes on to state that he is aware Daniel's group thinks the cult is insane, but assures him that it's only the beginning, as the phoenix will rise quicker than he thinks. In the days that follow . Lola elects they will deal with them later. As Daniel goes on, Strand reveals that he had locked June, Grace and Wendell on the top floor after Mo's escape and that when they're freed and on their side, Daniel will have to relent. As the group prepares to leave, Rollie comments that they will get out of this yet, "like a phoenix." Daniel says he was spared and suggests it was the devil who helped him. At first Daniel and Victor have a more or less good relationship with Daniel being grateful for Victor saving the group and bringing them to his yacht, the Abigail. Daniel later finds a hidden map of the Mexican border to which he announces the destination to the rest of the group with Victor menacingly staring at him. When Daniel questions Madison on her whereabouts, she tells him that she left, having had enough of everything going on, to which Daniel states he doesn't blame her. Madison says Ofelia saved Alicia's life, and Daniel asks where Alicia is. At night, Daniel notices more infected have gotten in. Daniel attempts to shoot at the mob, but Efran orders him to stop. Several of the workers immediately intervene and Daniel panics, drawing his barber's blade and slashing one of them across the face. Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC. Daniel then tells Dwight he wants to cut his hair, claiming it will make him look more presentable. Dante hoarded the water as a currency, and selling them to the people with extortive prices. I don't know how but I got out." Although they aren't seen together much at first, Daniel and Luciana have a close friendship, particularly after Daniel begins developing his psychological issues. Daniel Salazar was born and raised in 1943 in the war-ridden El Salvador. Madison asks him to bring her group. Walker explains that she poisoned their enemies and saved many lives. She looks at Daniel, shocked, while he leaves with Dante. She then spots a guitar and suggests they teach Charlie with it. Image Gallery. Daniel tells his interrogator that he had to prepare for the worst. Lola is shot in the back and in the head by Proctor John. Status: on hiatus. She insists that they will die fighting Virginia, but Alicia wants to fight back. Daniel appears to think highly of Alicia, telling Victor that she is as resourceful as Madison, someone he greatly respected. "What about the one that haunts you now?" Daniel admits he is looking for her. Together they sing the chorus of "End of the Line". "100" Alicia orders the rest of the group to go back to the rafts and wait for her to radio them if she finds out where PADRE is, listing the various reasons that her friends can't risk their lives on this mission. On cue, the plane runs out of fuel and Wendell's forced to jump out of his chair to fix it. Fear the Walking Dead actor Daniel Sharman was cast in a new series set in Spain in the 1980s. Sherry and Strand demand their guns back, but Daniel insists they wait until Morgan returns with the SWAT truck and other guns. Charlie is sent inside warehouse to check out his plane, he finds her and tells Strand that he will take Charlie to protect her from him. TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Wes will appear in this season. That night, the group gets separated and driven away. As she walks away, Daniel shoots Ofelia prevent her from reanimation. Dante and J.C. take Efran, Lola, Strand and Pablito to the dam catwalk for execution. He became proficient in combat, murder and torture due to his professional trainings and battlefield experiences, something he is obviously not proud of as he didn't have a choice when he was enlisted. Daniel wants Nick to admit it so he can "get justice for his dead daughter." With the dead closing in, Daniel pressures Strand to tell the truth about where Ofelia is. Daniel suggests they post guards at the dam's entryways and use the explosives as a bargaining chip, threatening to blow up the dam if the Proctors don't negotiate with them. By Kristi Roe-Owen / June 30, 2022 1:14 pm EDT. Grace then reveals she wishes she could help Morgan more but Daniel assures her she already has. Daniel tells Lola that he led J.C. to Efran's hideout because J.C. was about to discover the fountain. Charlie recognizes it and the two begin to bond, teached by Grace and Daniel how to play guitar. From his cell, Strand asks Daniel why he is so intent on protecting Valley Town. Attention! Lola is next up to be executed. Starting out in Los Angeles in season 1 and then quickly moving to Mexico in season 2, Fear the Walking Dead 's core group has been on quite the journey over the years. Daniel walks away singing "down with the water queen" in Spanish. Alicia and Christopher are there, but their car was taken away by a few soldiers in the meantime. Pre-ApocalypseChief Water Utility Officer for the Gonzalez DamPost-ApocalypseLeader of the Gonzalez Dam In "Handle With Care," Strand returns Skidmark to Daniel after locating the cat for him. "She never did know the man that brought her to the United States," Daniel said. Status Later, as Wes prepares to execute a captured Strand and Alicia, Daniel suddenly appears and kills Wes' two guards. On their walk, Daniel encourages Morgan to say things he has to say because no one knows how long they have left in this world, implying he confesses his feelings to Grace. Daniel and the rest of the group clear the tunnel for Alicia, but Josiah warns her that they can't be sure that the tunnel will be stable for long. He adds that they were driving them someplace they'd have a prime view of the destruction to come. Madison stands up to tell Lola of the threats she will be facing. Lola is appalled by his decision, and is infuriated. However, after Daniel realizes that Rollie is a traitor, he asks Luciana for her gun and she gives it to him after a moment of hesitation, allowing Daniel to kill Rollie for his betrayal. "This place is perfect for you. Luciana reassures Daniel that he just needs a little help and that if they stick together, they'll be fine. When Lola is murdered and Daniel discovers her body, he becomes saddened by her death, and he putsOfelias rosary in Lolas hand, showing how much he cared for her. And, sure enough, some people lived,. As they reach the island Daniel with his M9 beretta in hand tells everyone to remain in eye length with one an another. He asks her to look after Charlie if anything ever happens to him, and she agrees. Andrew reappears and threatens Daniel with a gun. On the road, Charlie asks if Daniel set up the traps in the stores and he says he hasn't, so she asks why he's been disarming them. Reed tells Daniel that his brother, Connor, has a dozen men and five boats and will come looking for him. Inside the infected-filled wine cellar, Daniel pours gasoline lights it on fire. He pulls Daniel's lower lip down to reveal a tattoo indicating "Sombra Negra". Although reluctant, Daniel agrees to the change in plan. J.C. tells him someone is robbing them. Daniel can't say that he is, so Luciana decides they will go to the place Rollie wants. Female Nick flips the switch and detonates the explosives. When Efran is killed by the Proctors, Lola deeply morns her friend, showing how much she cares for him, while also apologizing to him. He talks to Griselda and reflects on all of the people hes killed. Two dam workers, Pablito and Everardo, discover Daniel while cleaning out litter from a sewage pipe. Daniel insists someone moved them there, then admits he is confused. Despite his murderous past, Daniel has demonstrated that he cares about his family more than anything else and is a loving husband and father who vowed to give his daughter the best life possible in the United States. Lola Guerrero, also known as "La Reina del Agua" (meaning The Water Queen), is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. She immediately recognizes Daniel. Daniel isn't surprised. After Luciana sees him at his worst and still expresses understanding towards him, an emotional Daniel declares that no matter what, they are now family. At the helicopter, the pilot doesn't speak but holds a walkie, from which Al speaks to the group. Instead of seeing the infected, he hallucinates all of the people he has killed when Griselda emerges from the crowd and smiles. After receiving an answer from him, she waves on the rest of the caravan to keep moving before returning to her assigned vehicle. Sometime later, an armed force led by the Municipal President Dante Esquivel took over the dam, and Lola obeyed to his command unwillingly. Strand admits that he no longer has control over the Rangers and they need his help to get past the Rangers to the roof. She then tells him to wait as she goes to find Efran. He adds a few more to the list when he . "She saw him once, for a moment, and it frightened her". Daniel and Strand enter the hotel and find blood all over the ground. Later, Daniel and the others rest on the side of the road before Morgan tells the group they should continue and Janis says it's what Tom would have wanted. Luciana asks Riley if Rollie was really a traitor, and the latter confirms, stating that Rollie lost his fate when he saw them turn on each other at the dam. Efran proposes using C-4 explosives to blow up the dam and release the water to the people. Strand reveals his plans and turns the gun to Daniel who says, "You are not a killer, you're a conman." For other pages with the same name, see: Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Strand and Sherry's groups hand their weapons to Daniel at the weapons depot. He takes out some shaves, which Adams immediately recognizes as a torture attempt and discloses her location in an attempt to avoid being tortured. Right then, Sarah finishes her repairs. A humble man who keeps to himself and shelters his family. They meet again later and are very wary of each other. From El Salvador. Unknown Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Lola guides an injured Daniel down the ladder from a manhole into a discreet underground passage. He also wants to get his hands on the weapons that . He threatens Strand. He later witness the aftermath of the attack on a sailing boat, and stands on guard with the shotgun in hand again. The Gonzalez Dam has been taken over by less savory forces and Lola now finds herself caught between her allegiance to the people and her need to defend the reservoir. While searching a trailer, Morgan finds a letter from Daniel alongside Grace's jumper. Suddenly, a woman contacts Morgan on the radio, asking if that was his plane flying overhead. Gender Later, Madison talks with Lola. Only when he returned and betray them did she see his true colors. Lola and Victor didn't interact very much while he stayed at the dam with Madison. Later, as everyone prepares to leave on the rafts, Daniel tells Charlie that it's time and sends her to her raft. "I woke up in a fire," Daniel said, which is where he heard Ofelia calling for him. He gives him instructions about returning but Sarah says she broke their fence down to free the plane. Their discussion is interrupted by Rangers opening fire on the group from the roof, forcing them to take cover, while the herd closes in from the other side. A gunfight ensues as Strand's rangers fire against Virginia's loyalists, including Hill. Daniel and the rest of the caravan keep traveling in search of a permanent home. Later on, Daniel is suspicious when the servants working for Celia confiscate the group's weapons. "You'd say anything to save your life," Daniel said. The group checks Grace with the fetal monitor. Back at the dam, they rush inside. Strand tells more lies about why he left the hotel; he doesn't mention that he was kicked out and decides to say that he left on his own accord to try and meet up with Dante. Daniel talks with Adams about the war in the 80s and what he did to keep both himself and Griselda alive. She asks about Ofelia. Lola still doesn't believe the people would revolt against her until they see an angry mob approaching. He subsequently came unhinged for a time and nearly killed himself. We just walk in circles." In a private meeting, Dante asks for Daniel's help tracking down a water thief. There's just something about . Lucy shows Morgan the weapons in Daniel's shed. Strand shoots Daniel in the chin in front of Lola. In the frenzy, he is overwhelmed by their numbers, and is punched several times in the face and subdued. Later that night, Lola talks with Daniel. Lola insists the people will eventually appreciate what she is doing, but Daniel fears he lacks the guns to protect her from those who are disgruntled. At the end of the episode, Daniel protects the people who protected him. Lola also demands that Ofelia show up at the exchange. Alicia tries to remind Daniel that Ofelia is dead and that Strand had helped Daniel search for her in Mexico but Ofelia got sick and they didn't get there in time. Before Riley can answer, the van comes to a screeching stop was the breaks malfunction. They teeter on the dam bridge as water fills the valley. Al then asks the group what each want, with Daniel hoping to become a dad Ofelia would be proud of. Later, when the two talked alone, Lola explained why she couldn't trade with them. Daniel feels the baby kicking in Grace's belly. Daniel assures Charlie everything will be fine and is separated from Skidmark. "People don't change. However, no one listens to Virginia and she orders her people to shoot their guns in the air so a nearby herd finds them. Fear The Walking Dead season 8 will premiere on AMC and AMC+ in 2023. "I've been many things. The first being. They then tie them all together. Nick however joins them camouflaged in blood keeping him disguised from the walkers. He notices dam water pumping in the wrong direction. Daniel tells Nick he will leave the medicine up to him. He rejects Daniel's belief that people are plotting to overtake the dam and maintains that Lola should release the water to everyone. [Warning: This story contains spoilers from Sunday's episode of Fear the Walking Dead, "VIP."]. Nick insists he and Troy tried to redirect the Infected after spotting them on the outskirts. If they see the water flow from the fountain they will know that it was Lola's doing. Daniel has released some two thousand undead, forcing the soldiers into defense and creating a distraction for his party. Madison opens a door to find one and promises to return within a few hours and subdued remains his. Passes out. the devil who helped him him inland day after Ofelia 's death, notices... Separated and driven away fountain to stop activities of the man tells him to there... 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