The common descriptions of the African traditional family in the literature is Eurocentric and biased. They are regarded as honest. Some of them are (i) Rites of passage (2) Good morals (3) Participation in communal activities such as ceremonies, work, leisure activities and worship (4) Sharing of property and ideas (5) Division of labour. 47 Mwizenge S. Tembo, A Sociological Analysis of the African Personality Among Zambian Students. - Land can now be sold or auctioned. Third, certain distinguishing personal names. iii. If they float, the clan chief accepts the children as legitimate; but if the cord sinks, the child to whom it belongs is considered born in adultery and disowned.18, After this part of the ceremony, a feast is held. African societies are complex and diverse, requiring an interdisciplinary approach to evaluate and understand the continent's economic, political, social, and cultural institutions and change. Department of Sociology The paternal grandfather recites many names of the clans dead ancestors. Land was owned by the community. Responsibility of elders: - They help in the settlement of disputes. They advise the expectant mother on how to take care of herself. They at times suffer from loneliness and psychological problems How the aged are taken care of today 1. vii. Some reflect the condition of weather or season at the time of birth. - The placenta is disposed of ceremoniously e.g. The paternal grandmothers drop the cords into a can, which contains beer, milk, and water. A Bemba belongs to his mothers clan (umukoa), a group of relatives more or less distantly connected, who reckon descent from real or fictitious common ancestries, use a common totem name, and a series of praise titles, recite a common legend of origin and accept certain joint obligations.30. He is currently Assistant Professor of Sociology at Bridgewater College in Virginia. (East Lansing, Michigan State University, 1980) p.11 Unpublished M.A. 8 It brings poverty to the family involved as sometimes it takes the bread winner 9 At times it brings misunderstanding in the community when the cause of death is blamed on someone or some people. Meanwhile the man and her married sister do not live in one locality, as they must maintain their marriages. It gives the mans family time to prepare for the dowry payment. The degree of relatedness of carer to the child, socio-economic status of fostering households, gender and age were identified as factors contributing to the well-being of children in kinship care. It does not give warning. Goldthorpe, J.E., The Sociology of the Third World: Disparity and Development. ii. Dowry is important in that:- 1. After burial, close relatives shave their hair as a sign that one of the members has been separated from and for cleansing impurities. Those related by blood have common ancestors. The gift replaces her reminding the family that she has left her people yet she is not dead. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN AFRICAN UNDERSTANDING Today many people talk of the way things were sometimes back many factors have affected the African culture. a. They are consulted in cases where western medicine has failed. 7. Family plays a central role in African society. - Misuse of sex. - The wife or orphans sometimes get mistreated. Changing attitudes to birth and naming 1. Naming gives identity to a person before a child is given a name she or he is not considered as having full identity. Explaining Caribbean Family Patterns. - Life also progress from one stage to another. It is a way of compensating the brides family for the loss of a member. Early marriages are encountered to reduce fornication. Barnes, J.A., Marriage in a Changing Society: a Study in Structural Change among the Fort Jameson Ngoni, The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1951, 1970. Changing Family Patterns: Sub-Saharan Africa, in World Revolution and Family Patterns. - Kinship helps to care for the less fortunate members of the society e.g. T/F: Through slavery, forced separation of spouses, siblings, and parents from children led to a more expansive definition of kinship, and thus an extended family model took root. Virginity is not highly valued and many people break their virginity at stage of adolescence. A curse by the community. among the Luos a person who comes out with the placenta would be called Obiero or Awino. v. They drive a way witches and evil spirits. ELDERS They are people who are elderly in society. To give the mother instructions on how to take care of the child. Western Culture: Has provided the spirit of individualization. Factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in African communities. - It is through marriage that children are born to the community. (Buffalo: Amulefi Publishing Company, 1980). politicians. But however, after a few years of contact with white civilization and subsequent social change, the custom has gradually changed. The midwives perform the following:- 1. He was a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Zambia from 1977 to 1990. Mair, Lucy P., African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life. Before initiation, one is viewed as a child no matter the age. Still, traditional families such as those in Family Ties and The Cosby Show dominated the ratings. Second, an identifying drum beat used at ceremonies. The clan is linked by four factors. - The naming of the child takes place some days after birth. These rules would differ from one community to another. Courage is usually praised. - Presents are given to the baby and mother as a sign of good will. Anything described in these terms must inherently be bad, primitive and, therefore, undesirable.41, Typical of this Eurocentric characterization of the traditional African family is often not only the contention that there cannot be genuine love in a polygamous marriages but that even monogamous ones lack genuine love. Death must have a cause. 28 Son-in-laws working under the orders of the father-in-law is perhaps a reflection of how informants or an outsider might describe a social phenomenon rather than what happens in reality. Birth and naming 2. 5. That is, kinship is a network of relationships in which each tie is influenced by, and in turn influences, the others. - Also include the dead and those yet to be born and the departed relatives. In the African understanding, it is believed that there is no natural death. If there is agreement, this marks the beginning of courtship period. Boys will live with the brothers of their father and until marriage, girls live in the home of a married elder brother or with the brother of the father. Defines kinship and explains its importance. (New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1961) p.68, 23 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life. 9. 2. The father knows that his children are not his ultimate responsibility but his sisters children. This was because: - i. Africans believe that land was given to them by God. Babbie, Earl R., Sociology: An Introduction. viii. 10. This article looks at the societies and cultures of sub-Saharan Africa in pre-modern history. However, as a prospective husband, you are told to pay for the marriage and not the bride. Children among the matrilineal peoples are brought up in a similar traditional extended family village social environment. Urbanization: Those who move away from home to towns in search of Jobs are drawn from their ancestral homes. - Life also continues after death, death does not mark the end of life but is just a change of state. iii. Adams, Bert N., The Family: A Sociological Interpretation, 4th Edition, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1986. First, two animal totems from one of which the clan derives its name. 11 This study was conducted in the late 1800s when inter-tribal warfare and capturing of slaves from the wars was still very common. Dr. Mwizenge S. Tembo - Marriage also unites the living and the dead. 25 likes 25,448 views. People who have become educated consider the shaving of the hair unnecessary. could advice on when to go to war. 8. The subject of traditional family patterns in Africa is so broad that it cannot be adequately addressed in one chapter. 4. - In some communities it would be thrown in rivers, forest in Banana plantations. b) Outline the role of priests in Traditional African communities. - Life is also considered to be more precious and highly valued. - Some people acquire wealth through dishonest means e.g. In some communities girls are given to kings or chiefs as gifts. In addition, the women who have got gainful jobs seek more freedom in many aspects. Circumcision is carried out at times in hospitals for health reasons. Certain countries have also adopted national dress code Revision question Discus certain aspects of African ways of worship that have been incorporated in Christian. They affect all aspects of Africa, including care, marriages, and social status, since kinship controls people's relationships, moral values, and attitudes. Makini. Boys herd goats, cows, and livestock. It cements the relationship between the two families through the exchange of gifts. It was used to bury the dead, the spirits were believed to dwell on land or below the ground. - They help the priests to performing certain rituals such as sacrifices. However dowry payment has been hindered by several factors today e.g. It can determine a person's political identity and the way money and property are transferred. The clan is linked by four factors. Traditional African Society. In the U.S., it is highly unusual for adult children to continue living with their families, although this phenomenon has increased recently strictly as a function of the current economic recession and the comparative . Kinship is at the heart of First Nations society. Education of children has been left to teachers. 2. Problems experienced by widows and orphans - They suffer from lack of company because they feel abandoned. - Thankfulness. This report defines kinship care arrangements that occur without child welfare system involvement as private and those that occur with child welfare involvement as public. Many communities made clothes from animal skins, bark of trees, sisal and leaves. - There is individual ownership of property. - The practices vary from one community to another. in women. They also do the work of advisors e.g. - An orphan is a child whose both parents are dead. - There are rites of passage that one has to undergo. This culture was pre-literate, pre-scientific and pre-industrial. Girls at an early age are taught a wide range of household and agricultural duties including cooking, cultivation and tending children. 7. Initiation 3. The effective boundaries of the network vary for different people, over time and for different contents. Schapera, Isaac., Married Life in an African Tribe. 1967. They also perform light duties for relatives. There are three main types of kinship: lineal, collateral, and affinal. 2. Impact of Modernism on Family. iv. They do not have good food or accommodation. Africa's traditional religion is based on the Ubuntu philosophy, which is a Zulu word for human-ness, and was developed over many centuries in traditional African culture. The youth are ritually introduced to the communal living. 2. 2. Western culture and education has really affected marriage. Family advocates Malinowski is the cornerstone of every society and culture. Kinship refers to relationship between people through blood, marriage or adoption. Today marriage is for companionship and it is considered to be complete even if there are no children. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS - A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. - Kinship ties assist people to live peacefully and in harmony with others. - The introduction of money economy has reduced the value of land. 4. vii. They heal various diseases using herbs. Names are also given in honor of ancestors. Queen, Stuart A., Habestein, Robert W., and Adams, John B., The Family in Various Cultures. theories regarding family structure" (D . The celebration that marked the end of initiation is slowly dying out due to economic constraints. If he did, it would be like selling her. Factors that have affected Kinship system 1. ii. Marriage 4. The naming of a child is therefore an important occasion, which is often marked with ceremonies. Price, Thomas., A Short English-Nyanja Vocabulary. It is also a symbolic act of breaking the bride completely from the state of unmarried life once dowry is paid she becomes full and mature person. Characteristics of African community 1. Through dreams and vision v. Through observation and practice MEDICINE MEN They have the knowledge of healing certain diseases in the community. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1956, 1966, 1971. The author obtained his B.A in Sociology and Psychology at University of Zambia in 1976, M.A, Ph. h. Among the Luos animals are driven over the graveside, people run in the homestead with spears. The mothers bring children of both sexes with the umbilical cords carefully kept after birth. Therefore, the new families tend to generally live near or with the husbands parents. Others reflect the problems the parents faced e.g. ii. Hotel Hope Ministries is a fully registered South African non-profit organisation established with aim of ensuring that each and every child is brought up in a safe, happy and healthy home so that they can grow up and develop into responsible and positive adults. These changes have been brought about by:- i. It is not possible to gather initiates together in some communities. 2. iii. - They suffer from psychological and emotional problems - Sometimes widows face lack of essentials such as food. - They act as a court of law to errant members of the society. A mock wrestling sometimes would be organized between the boy and the girl. They act as counselors and guide the people on all issues of life. ix. Challenges facing herbalists 1. Less traditional family structures in sitcoms gained popularity in the 1980s with shows such as Diff'rent Strokes (a widowed man with two adopted African American sons) and One Day at a Time (a divorced woman with two teenage daughters). 3. In some instances a go between would be used to identify a suitable partner. Even traditionally, ordinary citizens could not achieve marrying more than one wife. Bridgewater College Children could be named after their dead relatives. v. It brings people together; relatives and friends co me together hence strengthening kinship ties. 16. It shows an act of bravery and hardship one I s to meet in life. Relevance of diviners and medicine men today 1) Diviners and Mediums are still important in Kenya today. Coser, Rose Lamb., (Ed.) The houses of grandparents form their sleeping places. They act as intermediaries between God and human beings. a child born after a long period of childless marriage is called Ogwedhi among the Luo. They are those who do not believe in traditional medicine. - Prayers are also offered to God for protection. Through supernatural powers iii. fellow Christians. What was the structure of the polygynous family? a person born during locusts invasion can be called Adede among the luo. - They are concerned with maintenance of law and order in the community. People in the traditional African communities were afraid of acquiring property unlawfully for fear of curse. The literature on the subject is truly as vast and reflects traditional patterns that are as diverse as the variations of the physical looks of the people found on the continent. 8. 2 Traditional foster care arrangements are referred to as non-kin foster care. 2. These institutions are a cultural universal i.e. 3. How the of rites passage inculcate moral values In the traditional African communities, people learn the moral values through every days activities and through education provided. - The girls would take back the sheet with a lot of ululation and rejoicing and one girl would remain behind to study the character of the man. Kinship relationships also determine social obligations and responsibilities, such as who has the right to inherit property or who is responsible for caring for children Death always strikes unexpectedly. A community has distinct beliefs, customs and cultural practices. It is also a taboo to marry close relative. - Children made marriage complete. 6. ix. Kinship refers to the relationships between people. There are also accidental deaths e.g. - They ensure the values and culture of the community is observed. The mother may hug or caress the child and comfort it when hurt or in distress. The introduction of formal education Formal education has weakened the role of parents and grandparents. Grandparents are charged with the duty of counseling. The wishes of parents and the dead were honored. Wedding ceremony - After the negotiation the wedding ceremonies are arranged. People learn to be thankful to God, parents, relatives and one another AFRICAN UNDERSTANDING OF COMMUNITY AND KINSHIP African community is used to refer to a group of people occupying a particular geographical area, share common interest and practices a sense of togetherness. The descriptions implicitly portray (to the African and Westerner) African relationships as being negative, rigid and miserable. By 1935, for example, anthropologists like Mair and Richards and no doubt many others were already noticing change in marriage and family patterns.36. Today the dead can be buried in cemeteries in towns. Some have even gone as far as saying that for the African husband nothing else matters so long as he impregnates his wife every few years.42 In the study of the Baganda traditional family cited earlier, the author describes how children are raised among the Baganda. Third, certain distinguishing personal names. 2. vi. 2. Similar systems of kinship terminology can be found, for example, among the Ndebele of Zimbabwe, the Zulu of South Africa, the Ngoni and Tumbuka of Eastern Zambia. 4. false T/F: Female slaves generally worked outdoors while male slaves did domestic work. Yet in some communities when a woman is pregnant she is not allowed to talk to her husband directly. - They give instructions to the younger generation on their roles and duties. Follow. It is believed that after death one continues to live in the spirit world and therefore the dead relatives are to be given descent burial so that they cannot harm the living. During this period he conducted extensive research and field work in rural Zambia particularly in the Eastern and Southern Provinces of the country. Lobola is widely used among the Bantu peoples of Central and Southern Africa.39, Avoidance, segregated relationships, lack of love and tenderness in traditional African marriages and the family has been a common theme among European scholars. (Lusaka: Nalinga Consultancy/Sol-Consult A/S Limited, 1989), 38 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life, Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953) p. 126. The dramatic social changes in Africa during the last three decades of political independence from European colonialism have obviously affected the traditional family. New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1961. - They are many types of the wedding ceremonies. The verb kulobola is very specific meaning the valuables that are given partially or in full to the girls people to legitimate or seal the marriage. 5. Importance of Kinship - Kinship system defines how members relate to one another i.e. The anthropology of the Caribbean has been called "the battle ground for competing. - When the baby arrives, the sex of the baby is announced by ululations. Your husband or wife, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law are all kinsmen related to you through marriage. The contention that questions the existence of African traditional society and culture has been clearly beyond reasonable doubt asserted to agreement however there are presences of constraints towards the flourishing of these societies as, Internal factors which include; Lack of unity among members of the society, differentiation of ideologies . 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Alberta Unsolved Murders, Articles F