If your brain and body like it your brain and your body will talk you into trying it again.. and again and before you know itand pretty soon you cant stop itand even if your brain and your body agree with your heartdrug addiction is cunning. Last Updated on November 8, 2022 by Baib Ngwan, Demri Parrotts Family and Life Before She Met Layne, What to Know About Her Career and Artistic Life, Demri Parrot Met Layne in 1988 and Dated for About 6 Years. They can seduce you and make you feel like nothing else can be as good to you. Chris Cornell talks about mikes shirt etc. I found this online, in case some of you havens seen it before. "Died" takes this Up to Eleven. Love to you all, from Scotland Read that on someones Pinterest. When faced with a simple decision, the butterfly effect comes into play, hurtling Layne into a timeline where events in his life occur as follows: first, Layne moves up the date for his wedding to longtime fiance Demri Lara Parrott; second, Demri reveals that she's pregnant; third, Layne realizes that he has some confusing, conflicting . Big hugs! Age at death: 27 years old And what does Jerrys songwriting abilities have to do with him being an asshole? Dear Susan, Bless you. But also open dialogue about drugs and continued thinking of the young that this could never happen to them. Wish me luck xxx. Remember life is short and so special..love your loved ones today because we might not have a tomorrow. They were always fine with my vegetarian dishes but I wanted to get some nutrients in them and meat on their bones, which is pretty much all I could really do to help. I have been a long time fan of Layne Staley. Scared of what? So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. Just wanted to say hi and that I really love all the site and all the posts about Layne and Demris music, art and lives. Died: October 29, 1996 Hair: Brown Eyes: green Height: 5'0" (152cm) Demri was passionate about many things and excelled in art and theatre. I love this site and thanks Barbara for all the work you put into it. I know we all hear this and we all have been told over and over to stay away from drugs but I wish I could drill it into kids heads who might consider trying it. Can't feel sorry for people who have made mistakes because there are people in 3rd world counties who have it worse. My daughter was actually a big reason why I fell into darkness because her mom was making my life miserable and it made me feel absolutely worthless and then I would get high bc then I wouldnt think about it. But of course I would hate to spread any lies or speculation; if youre a friend or relative that somehow comes across this and would like anything removed please let me know. I love it! Then, two things changed. It tries to steal your life and the sparkle or energy that flows within us all. The surgeon wants me to prove ive been clean for 9 months before she will do it. I know that this might sound discouraging for the addicts whose reading this but if theyre heroin addicts then they already know the harsh truth. We were buddies and got closer when he was engaged to Miranda because he really wanted to do right by her. She has been an extremely impressionable part of my lifeand it warms my heart to see her honored. I think that a lot of facts that she put on the story are true, BUT..she def. Im not saying they were gay, lol! But he never said so outright. I see a lot of conjecture and guessing about the nature of these relationships and its bugged me for years. Its extremely heartbreaking. . Demri's obituary. Hadnt seen that one in a while,its been around forever. We live in a world of selfishness. Im grateful to be 19 years clean and sober and also I stopped before my body got thrashed ( although coke alcohol and pot were my drugs of choice, not heroin). Cover for 'Alice and Chains: The Untold Story,' by David de Sola. God bless her, and God bless Layne, not just because I feel for them both, but because I hope that both are pain free in Heaven. Demri and Rosheen loved each other very much and I loved them both. are you Barbara, sure that your friend Rosheen died in 1997? History has proven that young people experiment without clearly thinking of their mortality. I hate to stop before I am finished with something and will work 72 hours straight to get something finished no matter what even being my own boss. All text content on this website is copyrighted by , DARIN LAMBS GUEST POST ONE OF LAYNE AND DEMRIS BEST FRIENDS AND MY EX-BOYFRIEND, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot0g2SWqnK8, http://grungestorytellers.xanaland.com/2013/02/happy-birthday-demri-crew-guy-recalls.html, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlGZfqQzpvU, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQA98ZTJDTc. Courtney Love tried to chase him down following Cobain's death. :)), Thanks for this site and sharing so much about your friends. I would love to read more about this era and i know there is alot of crap out there but in your opinion which book written about that time in history on AIC and even mentioning Demri would you think is the most accurate?? I heard a lot of nice things about how Layne how he was a very down to earth person but, we need to remember we are all human and we all make mistakes in life. Truly a loving person. Take care, stay strong. Addicts in your life should never be seen as selfish assholes.. most are actually just broken and sad and while they may come off as being selfish because they wont get clean for you most are just not equipped to know HOW to get clean or are too scared to try. I thought here may be a good place. For my own sobriety I need to stay away from addicts. This may be too personal to ask, but I have been curious. What could he dofight back? I tried to tell myself its all in my head and that it would get better but no matter what the drug strips you of your ability to compromise and feelings about how things affect others. Hi Susan, my name is Layla and I saw your comment about your cancer situation. I needed to get back to work and Id drive them crazy getting up every couple hours and putting my ears to their mouth to make sure they were breathing. A google search for Demri and Layne brought me here at last. So for all the AIC fans who hate Demri because of this, you are all wrong. "He was sort of a classic destroyer of hotel rooms.". Maybe Ill find a little peace now even without credibility, just like you always thought was possible. I wrote the following tweetstorm to remember her (and him) for the occasion: Most, if not all of that material was in my book, where Layne and Demri's relationship and her . She was also seeing this new guy that her family hadnt met. We all were our suing a buzz in those days and the idea was to just be careful. I remember I was shooting video for Nancy at one of those tributes five years ago -shooting man on the street interviews outside, and Mike pulled up in a limo and talked to some of us , and we chatted but he was high as a kite. When did Demri Parrott die? Its a tribute vid, and at 5:45 (and I mean exactly easy to miss!) He lived through it, but they were kicked out of the apartment. Heroin is a beast of a drug all its own in short or in laymans terms..it ruins your ability to be naturally happy. Mike Starr said he was going to be best man at Layne and Demri's wedding. For life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://alice-in-chains.livejournal.com/103699.html?thread=559635#t559635, https://icepicksandnukes.com/2011/12/16/setting-the-alice-in-chains-record-straight/. For instance, I would never trade my mother for anything in the world and she would give her last breath for me. Let this be a good story to stop people from picking up for the first time. I also want to be straight up about why Demri, Layne, Rosheen and Mike are gone now theyre stories should never be romanticized. Im trying to post a comment and a link to a video, but all that appears when I try to publish it in this site is: your comment is awaitting moderation!! Demri counted on Layne & others to help, & they did. You are not invincible and you cant just experiment with Heroin. More rehab for both. Is it possible to be Demri on the left? In turn, Silver called Staleys mother, Nancy McCallum who called 911. anyhow He was like Laynes pimp, only he couldnt get Layne to work. Demri went to rehab a few times and she had a pig valve in her heart. She also used the surname Murphy and had three younger brothers, Devin, Derek and David. Thanks for keeping this site up. Demri has 3 brothers: Devin Derek Demri Parrott's brother, David, is still alive and kicking. She also told Starr something that very likely helped him sleep better at night: "Layne would forgive you. Not to mention the way she speaks about Jerry Lets not forget that the guy wrote (and still writes) most of the beautiful and haunting AIC music. Heroin doesnt turn you into an asshole. He struggled with addiction for much of his life, and as Steven Hyden of the A.V. Stay strong, stay strong, you can beat this. SORRY, but no one Ive known has ever STAYED clean for someone elses sake, because theyve been shamed or guilt tripped into getting clean. But I wound up in Seattle , playing led guitar in the lare eighties and early nineties. I wasnt even sure where to post this comment but whatever. Haha! How does one know which ones will get stuck there and get in the grips of addiction? I never wanted [the publics] thumbs up about this fucking drug use. Soon I heard he had passed on. I had nothing left of them myself so it was like a true gift and to find pictures of my loved ones online. I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. You are so missed. I hated that no one knew who she was. Mad Season released only one album, "Above", in March 1995.Both Demri and Layne became drug addicts, hooked to heroin. I was probably 18 and super-shy and I Anyways, I would love to hear an update from you, as to how youre doing, and hopefully feeling better. It was for that, not because he was mean or wanted to date, he just wanted them both to get well and even said he wished Rehab had Co-Addictive Behavior Counselling for couples, which I was trying to help with at Wickenburg. Most and foremost many people are dying everyday like me and I am talking about how I just found out I am dying and they are such an jerk to come behind me and talk about how they got so much living to do!! beautiful post, beautiful website and beautiful comment thread . Im confused. Was it the greater love that made them sole matesdrugs? Thats what all 4 of my friends whose lifes are over would tell you all who are hear reading this. You have to completely get away from your environment you used in like the whole city you gotta find all new friends and you need to want it more then anything else!! Given the seriousness of why you were there you thought she would be upset and she was glad to have you there and her gone. The drs told my family that my chances didnt look good because the infection was too out of control n i probably wouldnt make it through surgery. I offered to go if it would help in any way (work was my drug) friends suck it up and help eachother. Its not Angry Chair, its the revised addition, Get Born Again. Demri lost that place in Feb. Because she could no longer afford the rent on her own. Youve lived through so much loss and heartache, and youre still there for the real fans, speaking the truth. We are all human. And thank you for your website. Im not jumping on this now just because our wonderful Layne is gone as much as because of the conjecture. Demri Parrott, with, I believe, her brother, Devin Remme (also deceased). Dear Barbara, thanks so so much for this post. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Layne loved Clean Demri it gave him hope. DAVID DUET At our next rehearsal, Demri and Layne walked in together, and within a month I was doing guest appearances with Alice in Chains, singin Bowie songs and stuff. But miraculously i stabilized and had open heart surgery to replace my valve..im so sorry this is so long but im not done yet. He also thought Damon was spying when it was obvious, no one had to tell. Every now and then Ill go through a phase where I read as much as I can about her, it never really feels like I know enough. She had her own connections for buying heroin and she could afford that, but it was LAYNES fault that she got sick b/c he hadnt bought her cotton before he left. It sucks that NOBODY commented other than the one person but most people are so busy they dont even know its Oct 29th. Bigs hugs! "Died" is a song by Alice in Chains and the final one recorded with vocalist Layne Staley before his death in 2002. Oh man, the Koa story. Thank you for sharing. Wed hide and they would sit on the porch for hours to the point Demri almost got evicted so she let them in. Same symptoms. So right now and since june of 18 ive been sick as hell waiting to have my new valve replaced again. But with Demri Im not alone, and there are so many people who, like me, only know her through pictures and stories and are similarly fascinated by her. watch?v=dBZm-_6Qa3k Thanks for your compassion. My sister also was an addict and passed away in 2008. demri parrott. Most of her friends described her as a very sweet and beautiful person, kind, peaceful and artistic.She met musician Layne Staley of Alice in Chains at a store called "Saturdays" where she was working, in 1988. Thought the site was abandoned but I know life gets in the way. Youre in my thoughts and prayers. When I called Christy about Demris Wake she asked what happened because Demri had just been there Monday night, which was the 28th which matched with Tom. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley.Demri was born in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of America's Pacific Northwest. I ask them to send me the strength I need. Parrott had died in October 1996. Unconditional love? Jerry is one of the best melody writers ever, and Layne was a virtuoso vocalist and obviously his lyrics resonate with so many people. made up, its like she takes on real situations and then adds ugly false details here and there.. yes I have read several times that Layne and Mark Lanegan lived together for a time. I know that you have a busy life, but Ill never forget that you emailed me info on Demri, such as her liking of decoupage with Angels & Victorian art, which she used & put on boxes as gifts for friends. Laynes riff with Jerry was for telling him he needed to go to rehab and not going himself, hearing Laynes solo music and taking it to the band and borrowing his 8-track and erasing his stuff with Maynard (I dont think Jerry noticed it was on there). JOHNNY BACOLAS I found out Layne was on heroin after the Van Halen tour in 91. Some people say that, on tour, Layne ran out of coke, and Demri went looking but found Herion instead. (At the time, Layne didnt know what happened with MS. Id heard it from one of the people I knew who also lived there. Like you said Barbara some things sound partially right. I loved Layne and Demri was a beautiful girl and the whole situation is tragic and if they survived maybe rock would still be mainstream. RIP Layne, Demri, Mike, rosheen, Andrew, Chris, and everyone else who left this life untimely. Thank you so much and its always great to hear that people are enjoying the website AND finding more about the truth compared to the hype. There was no question about that. He is still my favorite singer of all time to this day; that will never change I dont think. They started dating around spring or summer that year, she is thanked in the liner notes of "Facelift", which was released on August 1990.She is not, as widely but wrongly believed, the woman on the cover of Alice in Chains's album "Dirt", released on September 29, 1992, that is model and actress Mariah O'Brien.Layne Staley and Demri Parrott were, according to close friends and band-mates, described as perfect for each other and the term "soulmates" has been used more than once to define their relationship. But if it was Amber Feranno who said someone else made that hat, I am really confused, I talk to her often enough and she knows I designed and made ALL of Andys hats and clothing. Finally, Starr left angry. I know I will personally miss Demri as long as I live but today marks the day that Demri was taken from us ALL forever. I relapsed and used from april to june of 18. Lanegan was really sick for a while and Layne was like a Florence Nightingale. They broke up, in part because she couldn't accept his relentless womanizing. I cannot imagine how you feel I have so much empathy for you. She attended school in Arlington, Washington. Him and his girlfriend Demri both lived with me at the time. In 1993, when the band was touring in support of "Dirt," Staley would walk offstage midsong to get high. If somebody else would have commented it would have showed in my email and somebody didon the 30th thats why I was here. I hope they are in peace and my prayers are with the family and friends. Most of us refused to turn someone on for the first time. His father was six years clean when they rekindled their relationship, but he soon started using again, and the two of them were getting high together. DAVID DUET Before I left Seattle, Alice in Chains was having their big Bumbershoot show and Facelift was out. Demri Parrott. Have a look see and enjoy! I think at that point Jerry got pissed and tired of waiting around and did his own music. As a loved one, you have to be alert. It was just so shocking and upsetting. So go to youtube and search for this: In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. MRSA has been around for quite some timeI first found out about it back in 1994/95 with some of my first nursing home patients that I transported to the E.R. But, success is no good, if theyre not here. Beautiful, dedication, Demri, Demri Parrot, Picture, Pictures, Rest in Peace. I dont think that her and Layne had a healthy relationship and I dont think it should be idealised. had an issue and he couldnt stop. Her memorial service took place on November 2 at Neighborhood Christian Center, and donations were made to Harborview Adult Medicine Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation, Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. The talent and beauty he had surrendered to drug addiction and the rest was due to depression due to his drug use so all of it was due to heroin. He became sort of ashamed and let it go longer than he should have. After all of their struggles, the frustration, the blame, Layne still loved Demri, desperately, and her death destroyed him. Rosheen was clean at the time and doing awesome.. but then she relapsed and on June 19th 1997 she passed awayshe was only 22 years old. You can read more about her on her FB tribute page. I have not read any of the books written about the era or the books written about my friends Mike and Layne. We will met them (again) and all together we will party and laught up avobe someday. People call to make sure they are listed in the Thank Yous on an album. theres a black and white photo of Layne and a girl who looks like Demri, to me at least. She wanted the 27 club, and she got it, much to everyone who loved her, bringing them such sorrow. R.I.P. That doesnt mean nobody cares that simply means people have priorities. I remember also reading that Layne took Andys death badly. My heart goes out to Demris mother and family, same with Laynes. She was interested in philosophy and poetry, loved to collect vintage clothes, make decoupage, and play in front of the camera. But like Demri i have a death sentence hanging over my head because my heart could fail at any time. Yes people who werent there and did not know the facts were always injecting their two cents and conjuring up untruths because asking made too much sense. Sure, that might work for a short while but ultimately addicts need more incentives in their life then how someone else feels and those two things shame and guilt can also completly back fire on family members who always seem to try this route too and it will just cause their addict to go deeper and farther into their addiction and they may begin to isolate themselves emotionally and physically away from the people who made them feel that way because they dont wanna let them down anymore or let them see the disgusting mess they know theyve become.. so theyll just remove themselves from their lives instead.. breaking everyones hearts including their own. or Tracy Johnson.. all of them can be found on my Facebook friends list. I always had faith in you though. I first read that on the findadeath.com forum many years ago maybe 06 or 07? Such a sad story. Id love to know more about her in her younger years before she went out with Layne. When cleaning I didnt know what belonged to who, which is risky). Just human. Dating seems illogical. Im at a low point in my life, and any more information about Demri would be greatly appreciated. Im loving this website and to found out more about Layne and Demri and how unique they were makes me really happy| . He thought because he wasnt living there he shouldnt have to. Im pretty sure about it , Much love, peace and good karma to you! For all the site! I was her Respiratory Therapist in charge of her breathing support. I have been to many drug places. I dont remember the exact story Lanegan told in Sing Backwards and Weep, but seems to me that after she got the pacemaker, she left the hospital (possible with an IV pole?) . Happy to hear youve enjoyed it. Drugs make you paranoid. That doesnt mean I dont care that just means I wasnt aware. I have always speculated that the girl he was referring to was her. Maybe Koa was referring to one of them. The facts, and I will allow myself to speak of them as facts, as I have 100% trust in Barbaras descriptions and tellings, are staggering. It didnt matter if I was exhausted. Demri and I share the same birthday. Most heroin addicts who manage to get clean.. will also eventually relapse. Prayers are with the family and friends drug ) friends suck it up and help eachother there. Comment thread ca n't feel sorry for people who have made mistakes because there people... 4 of my lifeand it warms my heart goes out to Demris mother and family same. Extremely impressionable part of my loved ones today because we might not have a death sentence hanging my..., same with Laynes after all of them can be found on my Facebook friends list now just because wonderful. Johnny BACOLAS i found this online, in case some of you havens seen it before and! Can seduce you and make you feel like nothing else can be on. Out with Layne as good to you beautiful comment thread away in 2008. Demri Parrott,,... 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