I didn't really understand what was going on. Youve got to make what Jesus did for you bigger than what anybody has done to you, and what Jesus said about you greater than what anyone else said. I will NOT throw out that message. 18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. One day all the walls that man created with denominations will fall and we will stand before our King and will most likely realize that none of us had it all rightas much as some of us might like to think. 1:19-20). I am hard pressed to think of a single Christian speaker or author who I agree with 100% of the time (based on my understanding of scripture), but I am discerning enough to know what to discard and when to take note of a truth they are speaking that I need to apply to my life. All rights reserved. External Communication Officer. Spend more time building your character than trying to build your platform. Then you cant judge anything outside of your sphere, and you judge me because I do make a judgement, I dont need to see C. Cain personally to hear one of her sermons or Joyce Meyer either, just pick up one of their books, watch one of their videos and their words either accuses or excuses their actions. To whoever wrote this, I pray that love invades your heart for a daughter of the King. They teach women and if men listen to them so be it. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Penso que isso seja inveja por Deus usar essas mulheres poderosamente!!! Kenyon (18671948) is usually given credit as the originator of Word of Faith teaching. At one point, 24 years ago, holding a toilet brush, I laughed out loud and thought, Wow, this is not what I thought ministry would look like. You can have a life beyond your past. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. they apply to Cain and Meyer. And so began the journey. Christine Caine engages in New Age practices condemned in the Bible, such as this impartation described in the link. In retrospect, Caine says she had to endure much despair in order to have a story of healing but it was because she ended up learning a lesson she thought she already knew. She is a product of, has held leadership positions at, and is closely affiliated with Hillsong, which is, undeniably, a Word of Faith church. Christine is a regular contributor to the Hillsong blog page, the Hillsong web site maintains a bio page on her, and she is a regularly featured speaker at Hillsongs Colour Conference for women and other Hillsong events. Why, because God has called them to that profession. . I dont share my faith enough (which is what Christine called outand evangelism IS BIBLICAL so Im thankful for it), and I have areas where I can demonstrate delayed or even a lack of obedience. In the end, I need to know what I believe, and make sure my life aligns with it, before I start pointing fingers at others. I'm basically a Greek Orthodox mother's nightmare: I didn't marry until I was 30, didn't have my first child until I was 35, and I travel the world and teach the Bible. Nothing loving here as far as i can see. Im very confident that if we apply those principles on an ongoing daily basis we can walk in victory. I do NOT comment on hearsay, other peoples experiences, other peoples commentary or who heard about who said what to who when. Say sorry really quickly. I do NOT comment on hearsay. I think thats where it got into me from a very young age, thinking, what is wrong with me?, there must be something wrong with me. Please show us where we have been prideful. Simon the Magician tired to grab the power of the Spirit the wrong way and he was cursed for it. (?) What should our motive be in bringing confrontation? False teachers are those who preach against Gods Word. Thank you, Amy, for cleaning up that mess. So you never know. It involves tearing down every speculation and lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). SO MANY THINGS WE CALL BIBLICAL ARE JUST CULTURAL, For those that have not come across you before, tell us a little about yourself. I pray that you would humble yourself before the mighty hand of God.. But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. When learning we have a responsibility to also study and pray with diligence and seek Gods will not blindly follow the teachings of any man or woman.. Home The fact that there is no mention of a man has been used to deduce that she was a widow. I know because the simple fact that you believe Please show proof. (Romans 16:17-18). talks faith in Jesus, the problem with Black Lives Matter, being a victim of 'cancel culture', New Yorker satire headline mocks those who 'search the Bible' for Gods views, Barry Black: America's first black Senate chaplain says this Bible verse saved him from a life of crime, Heaven will be diverse. What are churches to do when false teachers from outside a congregation exert an influence within the congregation? I can understand why so many people hate Christians. And this is very encouraging & very helpful to a whole lot of pole who have been hurt. 5; 2 Cor. I dont care if its a man or a woman who pulls me out of the oceans of apathy and despair, saving my life and soul. This was going to be yet another chance for me to practice what I so often preached to others.". 20 + years of applying her teachings and continuing to learn from her as well as many others has taught me that our God is so much bigg e and more amazing than any human mind can comprehend. You guys sound more like a Witch Hunt than Christians bad example for Christianity. Youre sitting behind a keyboard, hiding behind the well others did the confronting for me argument, which just isnt in scripture. Thank you. There was this dark secret going on. 32 Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me: 33 Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee? God bless Christine Caine as well as Joyce Meyer and every Maria Magdalene out there! NEW EPISODES POSTED WEEKLY. Continue reading. This not only applies to those whom we give our money. Evangelist Christine Caines 60-Second Testimony. Get encouraging stories and messages from Billy Graham delivered to your inbox every weekend. Remember Deborah was in the Bible and she was a prophetess is nothing wrong with women being in the ministry. Apollos was a man mighty in the scriptures who taught accurately about Jesus but who nevertheless was only familiar with Johns baptism. Do you want the standard canned answer I get? Amy, I am all for lovingly correcting others or discerning scriptures. We must refute and point to the truth! Anti-trafficking work, church planting, womens networks, speaking, writing is there any part of life that you dont want to tackle? Restoration is only possible for those who repent. they are still teaching the gospel and people are coming to Christ. They are not rightly preaching the word, along with a long list of other prosperity teachers. Just like any Christian today, either male or female. The hogwash that comes out of Caines mouth, tells me so. We did a lot of hard work before we got married, which has meant a lot less friction, because all those big conversations about purpose, travelling, doing whatever Jesus called us to do, family life and how that would look were done before we got married. When you're weak, hurting, uncertain, and afraid, one of the. 2:24-25). They took half of my thyroid; I won't need any more medication, and there is now no trace of cancer in my body. History tells us there's no such thing as a perfect revival, but Christine Caine at Orange Code: God Doesn't Believe in Expiration Dates, Former youth pastor gets 60 years in prison for sex crimes involving boys, 'Jesus Revolution' sees stunning opening weekend, finishes third at box office: 'miraculous', Hilarion Heagy, Eastern Catholic monk, renounces Christianity for Islam, Megachurch votes to leave UMC after trying to disaffiliate without congregational vote, Vineyard Church senior pastor resigns amid misconduct allegations against son, This week in Christian history: Shahbaz Bhattimartyred, Methodist hymnwriter born, Anne Graham Lotz wonders if Asbury revival sparked last great awakening before Christs return. I ask these questions in curiosity as Im truly baffled by the material I find here and all in the name of the same Christ that I follow. You live all of your life with the utmost transparency including your family life. I was honored when my former boss (who is male) told me that seeing the way I live my life inspired him to get back into his Bible and find a church for his family, as he had walked away from his faith after 12 frustrating years of Catholic school. I think Im living proof that you can start bad and finish good. 35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses. Be kind and good. I encourage you to respect that just as you throw away everything that comes out of the mouths of Caine, Meyer, et al, please respect those who are able to throw away what they disagree with while also taking in what they find to be Biblical. Instead of this kind of criticism, you should do as they do, pick a subject on your experiences, teach & encourage pole to walk in Jesus Christ. 6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. ~ Christine Caine. Let's not forget that, Why revival must be tethered to Scripture, Revelation 9: The pit, the smoke and hideous demon creatures, Lessons from the old Jesus Revolution for the new Jesus Revolution, Age is a mindset: How mental outlook and actions impact an aging mind, How to handle any criticism thrown at you, 5 reasons why the disappearance of the offering plate is so significant for churches. So I grew up feeling a lot of rejection, shame, insecurity, fear, and anger. Galatians 1:8-9. Christ and Paul confronted people DIRECTLY. There is no direct evidence that Lydia had once been a slave, but the fact that her name is her place of origin rather than a personal name suggests this as at least a possibility. You know for someone who looks down on judging, you sure do a lot of it. Woman can be used and will be used by God wether some like it or not. The reality is that while these religions are easily identifiable in places like the Congo, Haiti and Mongolia, they arent so easily identified here. Her mother's name was listed as "Panagiota." Her father's name was listed as "Unknown" - one word with seven letters numbed her. At the time, she was set to take part in speaking engagements, go on a worship tour with Kari Job and release her new book, Unstoppable. The mass followings, the hundreds for Christ are just numbers. No, not really wanting to be right before God by contending for the faith biblically, of that I am guilty! Ill call it straight to their face! After reading several, my discernment tells me this is nothing less than a cult. People seeking God care about others. I did grow to understand the writing style of scripture and understand why Lydia, Priscilla, and other women of the Bible were called out in specific order. I know I am using a generalized context, as some would argue that ministering is different then preaching or teaching. You are not confronting directly, and you know it. Mormonism Whether you point that out or not. Here are the lessons the Church needs to learn, The Profile: In-depth interviews with hundreds of inspiring Christians. . It was a fantastic interview from a man who showed he was searching for truth and was willing to change. Treating God as a Source of power and energy for the purpose of our bidding is no different than conjuring spirits from the dead. Christ said, They will know you by your love for one another., not differences. To believe a womans place is smaller than a mans is at best silly and at worst disingenuous to what God offers. International preacher, speaker and author Christine Caine recently revealed that she had been diagnosed with cancer. Recalcitrance in the face of correction is dangerous, and it is why the apostles would often apply some of the most bone-chilling descriptors to unrepentant false teachers. Christine Caine regularly associates and partners in ministry with false teachers. In Galatians 2, Paul says that he opposed Peter for not being straightforward about the truth of the gospel (Gal. I follow many of these people and you know what, I leave what doesnt line up with God to God to deal with. These clowns do not preach the word of God. In today's world real hope is hard to find. While Caine and others have been proven by some, to someones level of satisfaction, to be wolves, ( I personally dont care, and the reasons wil be explained below ) I find the idea you have put God in a box to be the hardest partt to swallow. A couple years after that, I ended up in a local church in Sydney, where I really started to grow as a disciple of Jesus.It shows you that there is a spirit realm to all this, which gives me great faith for the gospel around the world. Where did you meet? His grace would be sufficient for me," says Caine. You are also bearing false witness ( you accuse of jealousy, envy and trouble making) and youre judging out of pride and emotion, this is the way Christ forbids us to judge. Im only ever one thought away from thinking how I used to think, she said. Waiting rooms are waiting for us.". And that brings us to our second point. She adds, "I was blindsided by a surprise attack, but God was not. II John 9-11. Courage, after all, is not the absence of fear. What was Yahwehs word for them repent, return or you will be judged. But if you are the kind of person who always shrinks back from conflicteither because youre afraid or because you dont want to risk offending people or risk your chance at gathering a megachurchif you always shrink back from the conflict that sound doctrine brings, then you are not qualified to be a pastor. Gods Word and his truth are more important than how you feel about it. Moreover, the congregation must not behave in any way that might indicate endorsement of their false teaching. - Christine Caine. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. In person, Caine is funny, loud and unapologetic. This slideshow is only available for subscribers.Please log in or subscribe to view the slideshow. The first three points more or less presuppose the context of a local congregation. How can anyone hear the voice of the Holy Spirit with all these self proclaimed wise know it alls. Listen in as Christine Caine opens up about her past and how God can use you no matter what's been done to you or what you've done to others. But again, I think there is another way to inquire about someones search than to ask such condescending questions. #Past #Trials #Tests "Often the very things that you think have disqualified you are the ones that qualify you to do what God has . While I have a lot of Biblical knowledge (Ive been a Christian and serious student of the word for nearly 15 years), I was very convicted in how it had been a few years since I had won anyone to Christ. What Im reading are a whole bunch of prideful Im SO right and they are SO wrong! posts that arent helping anyone but perhaps the ego of the posters. I site that purposes to tear down people that are of the faith. I am not sure how you expect abusedand sexually abused women to be taught who they are in Christ by men, either. Luke 19:39-40 3 9Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, Teacher, rebuke your disciples! 40I tell you, he replied, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.. We asked him about this seemingly unique warning about Covid-19, and how he feels about being labelled both charismatic and progressive, The Bible teacher and founder of Living Proof Ministries speaks candidly about her knotted-up life, From living in open community with drug addicts to raising his family in a Cambodian slum, Craig Greenfield has spent decades living in some of the poorest places on earth. Christines book Unashamed is the third in a series including Undaunted and Unstoppable. Loved the circle maker. Theres no room for compromising. They are not the true church. Its Gods job to judge them, and those who were false teachers will be judged all the more sternly. And is that true? Presumably, Apollos responded favorably to their correction such that Paul would later identify Apollos as a co-laborer in preaching the gospel (1 Cor. As Priscilla is always paired with her husband, Aquila, it is difficult to separate her and place her on a pedestal of her own. As soon as I walked in I knew, This is what I've been wanting all my life. As we came closer to the time of Christ, mankind in its rebellious teenage years, we had the lessons of the prophets. Ok, Ill step out of the conversation again. Well said. She travels without her husband! Pluease! 30 And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt. I think the Lord has given us this invitation. Also, I was the victim of sexual abuse for many years. perverted and sinful, being self-condemned (Titus 3:11) The baskets kept filling up no matter how much food they distributed. God bless. 287610) and as a company limited by guarantee (no. 14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. Besides usurping the pastor role, her teachings are not biblical. Paul wrote letters DIRECTLY to those who were out of linehe didnt write to everyone else BUT them. Incredible! And to whom am I calling anything behind their back? We asked Matt Redman what listeners can expect from Lamb of God, how he defines success and why we need to be singing more about the holiness of God. 7:8 & 28), in order to devote whole-hearted service to God without distraction or obligation of the family. I have already shared my comfort level (or lack thereof) with talking about people I dont know without confronting them first, or speaking about ministries I have not had any interaction with. evil men and impostors deceiving and being deceived (2 Ti m. 3:13) Nevertheless, even pastors in non-congregational churches must still rely upon the congregations cooperation for excommunication to work. Thats not in scripture. I dont think I ever felt I could write it before now, because its the biggest thing that Ive had to struggle with throughout my whole life and my Christian life, she said. We need to be careful not to underestimate how important our response to correction is. I am willing to bet you do NOT personally know the people you talk about on this site. I am curious to know the biblical basis for those who are unmarried to not be able to minister? Because women did not possess the same equality rights as modern women, it appears unusual that Lydia would be capable of inviting a group of foreign men to her house without a mans consent. It is articles like this and people like you that make people afraid to go to church. YOU have an issue. And shes passionate about helping to free others from the burden of shame too whether theyve suffered abuse, or simply struggle with everyday mummy-guilt. We won't be quick to criticise or condemn. The Judge is standing at the door! James 5:9, But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. James 3:14, who are you to judge people, especially servants of God I believe that instead of writing false things, I pray God gives you the same discernment concerning your life. My life was as far away from God at that point as you could imagine [but] I went into this seminar, and this dude speaks the gospel in a way that was just so profound to me. Together with her husband, Nick, they founded Equip & Empower Ministries, A21, Propel Women, and Zoe Churches. > Quotable Quote. Would anyone who claims to be a Christ follower choose to wear a pentagram? Christine Caine: Unleashing Your Life. Oh, but in those same few years, I had attended plenty of Bible conferences and classes and had plenty to anonymously post about other people and their ministry on message boards! How did they respond? We need to get that place where we can rest in Christ and get our identity and value in Him and not in media or other people. Compassion overwhelmed me, and I knew why I was there. I hope your eyes will be opened to see the crass apostasy infecting church. GD is calling out His bride from dead Churchianity. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#ChristineCaine 24 And the Lords bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, 25 with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will (2 Timothy 2:24-26). What about Ruth? Michelle, if the Christ you follow is the Christ that Christine Caine espouses, then its not the Christ of the Bible. Everyone can smell that rot from a mile away, and its not very becoming of a man of God (Rom. ( 1 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 2:20) 3. Heres what she discovered, Three years before the pandemic struck, Greg Boyd received an unusual prophetic word, which prompted him to move his churchs material online. When I became engaged to my husband, Nick, I did a round of what I would call deep, intensive counseling. The couple also run a network of churches in Europe, as well as Propel Women, a ministry that aims to equip women to fulfil their God-given purpose. So bnos na minha vida e de milhares!!! 5. Every time we put a trafficker in jail, I feel like Joseph in Genesis 50:20, who says to his brothers: You meant this for evil against me, but God meant it for this very purpose. The greatest thing I can do is bear much fruit. Get more articles like this delivered straight to your inbox! Christine Caine: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus For the New Year, Christine Caine shares a word of encouragement to help you grow in your faith. Totally agree with her being a false teacher and not a pastor as its not Biblical. Dont sit back and have others do the work for you. I feel like its almost life and death in this hour. But Christine Caine is here to speak above that noise with the truth of how God sees you, and who he's created you to be, so you can make his name famous! Just like peter you dont know what spirit you are speaking from. I thought making disciples was a command of Christwhy is it bad I was called to do that? Why do you cite verses out of context and with no relevance to cause fear and that let see through such envy and bitterness? Sorry Michael, the Catholic faith bows down to Mary, the mother, youll hardly ever talk about JESUS, mary didnt hang on the cross 4 us, JESUS did, n when u speak of women shouldnt lead in churches, I believe thats in the old testament, not the Gospels, rock on Christine caine. I lived most of my life with that thought. It was very difficult for my family in the early days to cope with. If so, how in the world would you relate it to pagan / witchcraft practices? There are no super-Christians, theres an amazing God. CAN YOU CAST THE FIRST STONE? Why arent you obeying Matthew 18 and seeking ways to reach out to these people yourself? Wolves are loners. In 2016, Christian author Carey Scott was the victim of plagiarism by a major celebrityinternational speaker and evangelist Christine Caine. Published on 06 December 2016. What scriptures did you use? Is it winning people to Christ? So we became absolutists until our faith grew enough to believe Gods plan was bigger than all of us. Thats the sign of a person whos self-promoting through public pugnacity. God, not us, instituted the hierarchy in His church. We strive to bring His word to people! At 22, a friend took me to Hillsong Church in Sydney. Christine's desperate search for her roots turned up a birth certificate. Realisation of editorial materials (brochures, booklets, leaflets) and multimedia (clips, films) In charge of the Internet website's editorial. Also to you clueless ignorants and your weak pitiful statements and untruths saying who are you to judge and stop pointing the finger type things, .stating and pointing out facts is not judging, lol. Hagin (19172003) believed that it is Gods will that believers would always be in good health, financially successful, and happy. Youll find her corrupt theology lacking. You are even going by a username that hides your real identity. I also hope this person finds truth and happiness in God and in his word. There is one church and we should be united. 12:18). Joyce Meyer brought me closer to my walk with JESUS and my daughter is going into ministry to teach people about Jesus and HIS LOVE for his people! 3. She was approached by a woman citing Timothy, and that she was in the wrong and my daughter said, Well I have a hard time believing that Jesus would disallow my entrance into heaven for dedicating my life to HIS word and for bring people to HIM. Seriously wake up you people who instead of spewing hatred for people, love and let JESUS make the judgements. Just love God, love people, love each other. Christine Caine is an Australian born, Greek blooded, lover of Jesus, a sought-after international speaker, author and activist. Visiting Sydney from her California base to attend Hillsong's Colour conference this week, Caine says she was "all in" for Christ from the moment she . CT's weekly newsletter highlighting the voices of women writers. Shes as passionate about seeing souls saved as she is about social justice Im like an old-school revivalist! she tells me. As Christians, we need to compare the current, mainstream teachings to the Israelites of the minor prophet era they were mixing in unholy sacrifice and worship. 4So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.. I guess you guys would be the first to throw the first stone. Inside the fastest growing religious movement on earth, Greg Boyd: The progressive preacher on spiritual gifts, racism and Covid prophecy, An incredible mission that is helping unemployed adults back to work, Craig Greenfield moved his family to a Cambodian slum. Shame eats away at the core of who we are. Kudos to the author for speaking out. Spoke at Bethel Church, delivered there a false testimony and strongly unbiblical teachings. 2Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. Weak and shallow theology is taught, and many grab onto it because they do not read Gods word as intended. Are you kidding? Theologians disagree as to whether Lydia was a free woman or servant. What part are you using to back up your claim to defend Cain and Meyer? Over the years I've had to fight to renew my mind to a place where I understand at the core of my being that Jesus is trustworthy. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. I would say the fawning over Christine Caine and other false teachers is more akin to being cult like. How is a comment like Michaels supposed to attract a lost soul? They preach the word. You have yet to back up with scripture how what you are doing is the appropriate way of handling false teachers, by Denny Burk on April 8, 2014 in Christianity, Theology/Bible. A prophetess is nothing less than a mans is at best silly and at worst disingenuous to what offers. Lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God ( Rom willing bet! 2016, Christian author Carey Scott was the victim of sexual abuse for many years we closer. Church and we should be christine caine testimony unchanged and happy curious to know biblical! Argument, which just isnt in scripture writing is there any part of life that you would humble yourself the! 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Preaching or teaching not behave in any way that might indicate endorsement of their false teaching condescending...

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