There isnt a template in 5e as WOtC has workedreasonably hard to eliminate the chosen this edition. Is my Red Wizard prestige class for 5e balanced? It does make me sad that they have done that. In the ensuing battle, Sammaster was stripped of his Chosen powers by Mystra and would have been killed if not for Algashon. I thought he was prolonging his life through a spell or elixir. [19], He could create traps that caused tumors to grow inside people, which resonated with external energies to afflict even the most warded person, in a manner akin to the necrotic cyst spell. It just makes the purpose and the game feel less grand. [25], In Flamerule of the Year of the Lost Keep, 1379 DR, Qilu Veladorn was killed by Halisstra Melarn using the Crescent Blade. More than any of the other Sisters, because of her service to (and her being a chosen of) two free-spirited goddesses (Eilistraee and MystraThe Two Who Watch, as she called the goddesses when weary of their directives), she was always careful of her power and of using it properly[9][10]. Side notes: The FR Campaign Setting is a pretty awesome book, and worth finding for Realms fans. This holy relic is still used by the many members of the Cult of the Dragon to raise their own dracolich allies. [5], Mnethos noted, around 817 DR, that Sammaster had a nervous, excitable disposition, with acute senses that often led to his agitation. Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? Born [31], A memorial stone dedicated to Qilu could be found in the Dancing Dell, within Ardeep Forest.[36]. She tends to the Weave constantly, making possible all the miracles and mysteries wrought by magic and users of magic. 0000002920 00000 n Her other major concern was to convert (or, if truly forced to, destroy) the increasing numbers of drow who came to the temple complex with hostile intent, as the Promenade was seen as an abomination to be destroyed by most followers of Lolth, Ghaunadaur, and even Vhaeraun. A mighty warrior who is now a great king with many capable children, is married to the woman of his dreams. They can steal bodies to prolong their lifespan, but if they choose not to they eventually die and return to the Weave until Mystra makes them a new body. Edition neutral current lore from recent Ed Greenwood books: Current Chosen of Mystra do not need to sleep and upon killing become Weaveghosts (their consciousness melds with the Weave and can communicate with other Chosen). It is not a prestige class. Mystra's Light: As a reaction, the Chosen can use the properties of the Shield spell to negate a Magic Missile attack. In addition, many also develop immunities to magic, and eventually immunities to disease and poison. The Chosen of Myrkul gains the following benefits. But I would like to read a bit more about their actual powers in previous editions. [13] He also knew a shapeshifting spell, almost certainly shapechange. He had large, "somber" brown eyes. The validity of these translations is highly speculated, and it is suspected that they were just a means for him to promote his new ideals. [citationneeded]. In the ruins of Neverwinter, Farideh's doubts get tangled up in a devilish snare six layers deep. From his research he quickly became convinced that 'dead dragons' would one day rule over Toril. Most of those base modes are available as either feats or epic boons that could be granted. [41], In 902 DR, having set up in Chondathan (later to be renamed Saerloon) with Algashon and their followers, Sammaster successfully created the first Cult dracolich, named Shargrailar. The Chosen of Mystra are, similarly to the Chosen of other deities, mortals who have been specifically blessed by Mystra. This is an acquired template, and a Chosen of Mystra has its power only at the will of Mystra; should she decide to remove Chosen of Mystra status from the character, then he reverts to his original abilities. They are meant to be NPCs just as they essentially were in the FR novels. Imagine it as something Mystra gives to all her acolytes, with only a fully-fledged Chosen getting the actual Silver Fire ability. I believe there was a template (in 3.5e?) I am currently playing a chosen of Mystra Wizard( 5e) using the Theurgy tradition flavored as their powers. Cleric 16 Divine disciple 3 0000001183 00000 n She kept it loaded with the spells find traps, locate object, remove curse, fire storm, regeneration, and sunray. As all priestesses of Eilistraee, Qilu could manifest her Moonfire. 0000002720 00000 n The other drow of the temple regarded her as the Chosen of the Chosen (Chosen of Eilistraee was often used as an alias by her followers), as she was a leader and an inspiration to them: they looked to her as an exemplar and both respected and loved her. In the subsequent years, following the instructions of the Dark Dancer, Qilu and the rest of the Chosen of Eilistraee (the title that the drow gave themselves) started to regularly patrol the region, checking for signs of ghaunadan activity (which often led other inhabitants of the area to mockingly refer those patrols as promenades, even though the Chosen proudly used the term as a name for the temple that they would later build). Gallery The army took the Bloodstone gates and flooded into Damara. - Immunity to disease and poison andmagic can't put you to sleep. I think the chosen are pretty cool. But thats all interesting, I've been wondering how did Elminster lived so long being a human. [10] Even if Eilistraee's clergy didn't have a hierarchy, most priestesses (within the Promenade and outside it), recognized Qilu as a guiding figure.[11]. This research lasted several years and resulted in the creation of several original necromantic enchantments. [35], In 861 DR, after ending his research, Sammaster once again began traveling Faern. rev2023.3.1.43268. They trusted her word and often didn't hesitate to redirect lost adventurers (or individuals who felt lost in their lives) to see Qilu, because: The Dark Sister was angered by tyrants and slavers, and anything that would oppress intelligent creatures. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? They took pages to explain. Where the character starts at their most powerful, but through a series of events, has all that power stripped away until he is relying on others to make up for his weaknesses. Chosen of Mystra gain many benefits from her blessing, but there are a few notable powers that they gain. [10], When not dancing to the goddess, Qilu wore a robe that flickered with a shifting, silvery glow. He basically thinks he is a monster and wants to get rid of his magic before he hurts anyone else. Chosen of Mystraare able to cast more often with less effort. 0000008098 00000 n Dedicate hundreds of years of life to studying and advancing magic, creating a few spells on the way. This might be similar to the Sentry's Rest feature of Warforged? The queen manages to trick the dragon, escapes and returns home to lead a successful coup against her husband. Eilistraee inhabited the body of her chosen to try to free Halisstra's from Lolth's influence, but Wendonai tricked her into killing Qilu before that could happen, making her believe that the chosen and her goddess were actually Lolth (supposedly slaying the Masked Lady as well in the process). So, you, the only one who took history class, start to explain how it was once a floating city ruled by one of the greatest Netherese. I know he has a low DEX, but he relies more on armour anyway, and hopefully, Mystra will gift him a magic item to improve his DEX at level 5. This single event is widely attributed as turning Sammaster mad, and turning him towards evil. Steve rogers was a scrawny guy from the Bronx. He also began to encourage Sammaster to use his silver fire as much as possible, so that he could study it, for the benefit of Bane. \,l -ViHv"|THry.Vau,bnC,s. He takes his family on on pilagramate to the singing caves, that unbeknownst to him, have been taken over by a dragon. In the end, if you want something that over powered in your game, you have to work out how to make it work. 2023 Wizards. But also, I should probably get some of his books on my reading list. She also had other powers, but those remained mysterious to most. She particularly enjoyed taking Laeral's appearance, and her wild, mischievous ways and dalliances with human men gained her sister quite a reputation among the nobility. Mystra's Chosen are all concerned with fighting evil and imbalances in the Weave. 3e The creature began forming an army from humanoids, undead, and dragons. Historically she should be immune to both and a host of other conditions but 5E has fewer status effects and categories for monster immunities and her stat block only lists poison as an immunity. With the protection of the Dark Maiden, they fought their way to the Pit, where Qilu faced an avatar of Ghaunadaur. They do not need to sleep, but must still rest to memorize spells. [26], It is believed that after his parents' deaths, Sammaster was raised by relatives or friends, but that his life was not pleasant, contributing to his behaviours later in life. Except in this case the magic item is a boon that has no form and cannot be taken or dispelled except by the Deity in question. It draws me back to the single spell Vajra casted when muted in the Blackstaff Tower novel. [5] Her appearance was so awe-inspiring, imperious at times, that Liriel Baenre believed Qilu to be Eilistraee herself when meeting her for the first time. What non-explicitly-psionic Prestige Classess advance psionic manifesting? Rules Information [7] The Dark Sister chose to remove herself from mortal affairs, at least for a time, but she still talked and interacted with mortals through altars and sacred places,[34][35] much like the other "dead" seven sisters could while waiting for Mystra to recreate their bodies. Qilu Veladorn was the youngest of the Seven Sisters, the Chosen family of Mystra, goddess of magic, and was a drow cleric of Eilistraee as of the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR.[4]. Early entry into mindbender prestige class. They were all spellcasters born to the ranger Dornal Silverhand and his wife Elu Silverhand, whom Mystra possessed to give birth to the children. Gone are the demons of the abyss and their eternalstruggleagainst the corrupted soldiers of some long-dead God, who have styled themselves as devils andtrick and trap mortal souls to use them as soldiers in their war. If thats not enough, more boons to increase the number and level of signature spells. Qilu could be firm and commanding when needed, but she usually was a kind and warm person (even if she could also be impish and rather irreverent). People would rather play as something original than as a walking stereotype that has been done to death? She didn't wear the bracer when dancing to Eilistraee. The errata reduces E's CR from 45 to 39. [5] When he asked for the reason that Mystra had chosen him, she replied that she had foreseen that one of her Chosen would be killed in battle, and he would be the replacement. As for now, I had already a great help from everyone that awnsered me. The magic classes seem lacklustre, and the martial classes seem dull. One of the main powers the Chosen of Mystra gain is the Silver Fire. Every Chosen of Mystra enacts her will in the realms directly. 0000005794 00000 n Saint-like template/prestige class for villains, Prestige Classes for a stealthy Barbarian/Rogue. Chaotic good Drow[4] I believe there was a template (in 3.5e?) 0 I would play it with the character (and the player) not knowing they are Chosen, but occassionally noticing strange powers. The Kingfights the dragon, but the dragonmocks him, and he eventually loses. Children grow up to become skilful warriors in their own right, and eveyonelives happily ever after. 0000009288 00000 n They become much more hardy, showing a toughness uncharacteristic of most mages.,, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Due to this blessing they gain access to unprecedented magical power. Since Eilistraee was trying to find a way to save her follower, Mystra offered to replace the dead baby with the soul of the seventh sister, Qilu, to save both. You tell them that you think so just so the poking will stop, and everyone cheers before marching off single file in the wrong direction, chanting,adventure, adventure, we're going on an adventure.. I can't name their exact powers, but they basically contain a bit of Mystra's power. He compiled accounts of the rituals and components necessary to create a dracolich in a book entitled Tome of the Dragon. [10][16], Qilu had a daughter named Ysolde Veladorn, who was also priestess of Eilistraee[17] until her death in the Year of Maidens, 1361 DR.[18], Elkantar Iluim, a former drow noble who had been sold into slavery by his matron mother because of his rebellious tendencies, was her consort[19] until his death at the hands of Gorlist, also in 1361 DR.[20], Qilu took a liking to Liriel Baenre, who was found by Ysolde in the Land Above[21]. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The current decrease in power could also be due to her recent resurrection in 1479DR, as much of her energy could be devoted to fixing wrinkles or tears in the weave leftover from the Spellplague rather than mortal affairs. She could choose to selectively block items or use the energy of one item to power the effects of another. Feel free to browse our collection of released mods, view information about mods in progress, check . He left this encounter feeling as though he and Mystra were in love. Surrounded by a glowing aura, symbol of Eilistraee's favor, Qilu led her friends from their drow settlement of Buiyrandyn in this quest. He is no longer a great and powerful king or a mighty warrior; he is an older man past his prime, living in a peasant's hut and married to a baker's daughter - but he is happy. Frodo was a rich kid who inherited his uncles jewelry. Chosen of Mystra are able to cast more often with less effort. 0000013543 00000 n Make them learn their abilities as they go, then at some plot-critical point let them know the truth. The number of distinct words in a sentence. [33], Sammaster encountered a Zhent caravan between Cormyr and the Dalelands, and saw that they were keeping slaves in cages. You stare at their blank faces for a while and then give up and ask the DM if you can roll to see if you know where the treasure room mightbe. Qilu Veladorn was the high priestess of the Promenade of the Dark Maiden, a temple to Eilistraee that she founded near Skullport, in the Undermountain, an underground dungeon that laid below the city of Waterdeep. These three spell-like powers duplicate the effect of any one single spell At level 5 the chosen may cast the spells animate dead and vampiric touch two times per day. [22][23], As a child, Qilu dwelt in Buiyrandyn, a tiny drow settlement in the Underdark beneath the northern Sword Mountains that had spurned Lolth and the other drow gods.[24]. He is believed to have had many relationships and possibly borne children, but there is no record of who these individuals are. Boy chosen by Pelor to be the living embodiment of light and goodness in the world seems grand. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. [13] Finally, he was adept enough at magic to alter even an ancient elven mythal. Others could be covered with permanent spells/abilities applied. as in example? She supported her, seeing her good intentions, but mostly, because Liriel showed clear signs of Eilistraee's favor, who would not favor an evil drow. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [5], In the course of his final battle, despite being caught largely unprepared, Sammaster proved to have a tarnished silver ring, which he could use to call on a host of planar dragons, including hellfire wyrms, howling dragons, pyroclastic dragons,[6] and chaos dragons[7] as well as abyssal drakes. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Class is there a chinese version of ex. It also generated a holy relic of Lathander known as the Blood of Lathander. WildBill: Monk 3/Ranger 17/Psion 13/Wizard 25 as of the end of D&D 3.5. Or Cone 70 feet wide that cause no damage, but banished dead magic areaforever, instantly restoring such an area's connection with the Goddess of All Magic. Then there is the Weavemastery - several Chosen of Mystra are able to work the raw Weave in order to achieve desired effects as opposed to casting regular spells. He was also still in possession of limited powers of the Chosen of Mystra: the ability to heal very rapidly, and to avoid aging. The chosen of all the various gods who had them, though obviously as someone who loves magic, the chosen of mystra are myfavourite. Spell immunity to one spell of each level. Algashon aimed to steal Alustriel's silver fire rather than kill Sammaster to gain his. IMHO, the Chosen template is most suitable for NPCs, as enforcers of Mystra's will, unless the DM is really ready to run entire campaigns geared around the Chosen's duties. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. He continued until he had killed all of the Zhent forces, but the prisoners were in a state of panic, many still confined, causing them further injury, and many would not leave their cages for fear of Sammaster. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. [36][35], Sammaster soon met and befriended Algashon Nathaire, in or around the city of Baldur's Gate. Eilistraee[5] They just don't want to try to balance such a thing. This could be something like this for exemple; - Cast 1st level and 2nd level spells without expending spell slots. I can't imagine it would be a fun prestige class to play in the super crunchy way that 3.5 played. Buiyrandyn[3] In the 3.x Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Greenwood, Reynolds, Williams, Heinsoo; ISBN-10 0786918365), there are some details about the Chosen of Mystra on p247. He still doesn't know where all that magic power came from, or that he is decended from Mystras bloodline. Is it a fictional PC only or is it described somewhere? One bonus spell of each spell level, which is a single spell that cannot change, and can be used as a spell-like ability. I looked up Storm Silverhand in the FRCS and they had "(Chosen of Mystra)" after her name, rather than in their class listing. His mother is said to have been a fiend from another plane, an escaped slave, a wood nymph, a priestess from Mulhorand, or an incarnation of Sharess. Gone are the dragons and the giants and their everlastingfeuds. [2][31][40] This belief became known as the Scaly Way. [23], By 855 DR, Sammaster had acquired a Robe of the archmagi and a staff of the magi. Mystra was only concerned with his furthering of the theories of magic, and did not prevent him from deeds perceived as evil. Here is a quick reference to get you started:, I checked on the wiki before making this post, I got a general idea but I would like to know a little better. It does seem like wizards are trying to move away from the times when adventurers were somehow special, children of the gods or favoured kings, long forgotten beings from the depths of time, or scared by horrors unimaginable to mortal kind. Chosen of Mystra Your patron is one of the Chosen of Mystra: mortals of great power who serve Mystra, the mother of all magic. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French). [10], Qilu possessed a unique singing sword that could be stored in an extradimensional space located within the Weave and drawn from there at will. The battle destroyed what was left of Sammaster's sanity and from that point on, he fully embraced evil. I've read a lot about it in stories, but can't find anything in the rulebooks. @JonathanHobbs The Chosen of Mystra template was never intended for PCs, and is wildly overpowered for them. As a childhood habit (that carried on to her adulthood), she used to take Laeral's appearance to wander the surface world, play pranks, or join nobles' parties, at times getting her sister in real trouble. Like most clerics, she possessed a medallion, symbol of Eilistraee, that she could use for clerical spells [14] Powers Mystra gifted Qilu the power to disrupt any magical item within 90 feet of her body. How is "He who Remains" different from "Kang the Conqueror"? Chosen of Mystra gain many benefits from her blessing, but there are a few notable powers that they gain. Immunity to aging, disease, disintegration, and poison. Sammaster was known for founding the Cult of the Dragon and discovering the process which turns a dragon into a dracolich. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The thing I like the most, though, is the silver fire - pure raw magical energy, which under the right circumstances, would tear apart the fabric of the multiverse. Iluemeirarra could see through the sword and telepathically speak to Qilu (or other wielders, as well as to creatures wounded by the blade) to warn her of eventual approachers. It only takes a minute to sign up. Maybe they only seem gone to me because lately, everyone wants to play Joe, the son of Kevin, the butcher who ran away from home because he had some gambling debts. Is that a bad thing? 0000001322 00000 n Mystra is a fictional goddess in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Most of those who received her help showed deep gratitude, seeming to almost revere her. His philosophy and beliefs of the Cult of the Dragon also began spreading across Faern, and it was at this time that the name "Cult of the Dragon" became widely adopted. [27], Sammaster traveled a lot during this period following his apprenticeship, and his own eccentricities led to chaotic behaviour. Nonetheless, Qilu was concerned by the happenings in Waterdeep. trailer << /Size 51 /Info 14 0 R /Encrypt 18 0 R /Root 17 0 R /Prev 37489 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 17 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 15 0 R /OpenAction [ 19 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone >> endobj 18 0 obj << /Filter /Standard /R 2 /O (0k5bX_D!) The news of this event reached the Master Harpers, as well as Storm Silverhand and Elminster, who chose to do nothing about it. Aliases The survivors confirmed that this creature was in fact Sammaster. [28], In 851 DR the goddess Mystra appeared to Sammaster in the Dalelands, not far from Myth Drannor,[5] and offered to make him one of her Chosen. Chosen of Mystra: Elminster Aumar, Dove Falconhand, and the Simbul. Keep adventuring because they've become romantically involved with another party member or NPC. Its what character arcs are made of. Sammaster began to believe that all of his problems had began when he accepted his role as Chosen of Mystra. He survives a series of traps in which all his childrenare killed. They were all spellcasters born to the ranger Dornal Silverhand and his wife Elu Silverhand, whom Mystra possessed to give birth to the children. [citationneeded], Chosen of Mystra gain many benefits from her blessing, but there are a few notable powers that they gain. They also become more familiar with magic; able to detect its presence. 0000006974 00000 n It seems like being a chosen of Mystra represents the very pinnacle of a mortal's ability to perform magic. She also despised all drow who acted with arrogance and cruelty, and all those people whose prejudice led them to draw their weapon against drow, expecting them to be enemies even before a single word could be spoken. Meanwhile, Barry is busy picking his nose and eating the boogers and Joe, the butcher's son wants to know where the treasure room is, and Maria, the loli blood hunter, is brooding in the corner again because there are no wolves for her to kill and she wants to kill wolves. His hair . If the character gets into adventuring because of owing people money, it absolutely doesn't have to end because they've paid those people off. - Matthew Najmon Jul 21, 2014 at 16:35 Add a comment 1 0000006996 00000 n The Dark Sister The Simbul for example was a high level sorceress with wizard levels aswell and used wish spells to repick her sorceress spells if she felt the need to and was one of the main reasons Thay didn't dare to invade Aglarond because they feared what would happen if she were to unleash her full fury on them. Meanwhile, Barry is busy picking his nose and eating the boogers and Joe, the butcher's son wants to know where the treasure room is, and Maria, the loli blood hunter, is brooding in the corner again because there are no wolves for her to kill and she wants to kill wolves. The Gibberlings Three (G3) is a very active modding community for the Infinity Engine, which powers games such as Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II and Planescape: Torment, both the originals and the Enhanced Editions. '' different from `` Kang the Conqueror '' using this DMCA report form and advancing magic and. Of most mages escapes and returns home to lead a successful coup against her husband aging, disease disintegration. Disease, disintegration, and is wildly overpowered for them nonetheless, Qilu could manifest Moonfire... One item to power the effects of another Algashon Nathaire, in DR... Creating a few spells on the way dragon to raise their own right, did. Many capable children, but there are a few notable powers that they have done that adventuring because they become! Living embodiment of light and goodness in the ensuing battle, Sammaster soon met and befriended Nathaire... 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