The company agrees that they will not use charitable immunity as a defense in claims against the insured. Excludes errors and omissions in connection with the insured's telecommunications services. $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 general aggregate; $2,000,000 products aggregate; Property - no restriction on value. See CG 33 96 for the special Texas endorsement introduced in 2012 but withdrawn in 2013. Excludes the professional liability exposures of computer manufacturers, sellers and franchisers. CG 27 00 Category 27 Claims-Made Endorsements 27 02 - 27 11. This endorsement makes the CGL of a real estate management firm excess over coverage provided by the property owner's CGL. Adds a designated person or organization as an additional insured for liability arising out of the named insured's premises or operations. This is a professional liability exclusion for the specific risks named. This is a claims-made endorsement for use with coverage part CG 00 39, Pollution Liability. Excludes the liability arising out of the insured's activities (inspection, supervision, etc.) IL 02 75 - Texas Changes - Cancellation and Nonrenewal Provisions for Casualty Lines and Commercial Package Policies. The products distributed are specified on the endorsement (See CG 24 10, Excess Provision - Vendor). Mandatory endorsement - modifies notice requirement such that failure to notify company of occurrence will not affect coverage, unless such failure prejudices insurer's rights or defense. Coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. See CG 33 95 for the special Texas endorsement introduced in 2012 but withdrawn in 2013. Bars coverage for products liability claims between named insureds on the policy. - Please confirm on the certificate or by uploading endorsement(s) that Additional Insured . The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. Same as CG 21 60 except it applies only to exposures in the products and completed operations hazard. Under our policy, the aggregate is three times the per event limit. - Confirm on certificate that General Aggregate is Per Project. CG 25 03 Designated Construction Projects(s) General Aggregate Limit. Coverage B applies to liability caused by the independent contractor. By having a per project aggregate endorsement on their CGL, it means that the $2,000,000 aggregate illustrated above would apply to each individual project. A separate Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit applies to each des-ignated construction project, and that limit is equal to the amount of the Other Than Prod-ucts/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. (See CG 22 74). (See CG 20 33 above to provide additional insured status only to the party with which the insured has entered into a contract or agreement.) Provides malpractice insurance for optometrists and hearing aid establishments. Major federal programs and agencies included the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Farm Security Administration (FSA), the . The deductible, if any, may not exceed $5,000.00 per occurrence. Excludes property damage caused by saline contamination for an oil or gas operating risk. Coverage for an occurrence which results in 3rd party's BI and/or PD. Same as CG 22 94 above, except it applies only to work sites or operations described in the endorsement. Provides additional insured status to a designated person or organization on a contractor's policy for completed operations exposures. PNC endorsement Fill in the Blank: A is sent to the insured to collect additional information regarding business operations as it relates to the industry. Blanket coverage is one of those concepts that is more easily understood with examples. Temperature over 300 F (149 C) Inland Marine - no restriction on value. Provides protection for financial institutions (including officers, employees and trust beneficiaries) for liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of property in any trust for which the named insured is acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Excludes liability arising out of those services named on the endorsement, such as cosmetic massage, optometrical, and others. See CG 33 90 for the special Texas endorsement introduced in 2012 but withdrawn in 2013. It is usually provided by the contractor performing operations for the named insured. CG 33 97 Texas Additional Insured - Lessor of Leased Equipment - Automatic Status When Required in Lease Agreement with You. Per Project Aggregate Endorsement f. Contractor 's Liability Insurance under 5.1.C through 5.1.E and 5.1.G may be satisfied by primary insurance or a combination of primary and excess or umbrella insurance. This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2013. Excludes the professional liability exposures of web site designers and consultants. This endorsement is used when the company wants to avoid the entire products and completed operations exposure, or when all premises and operations classifications on the policy include this exposure and a separate limit for this coverage is not needed. This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2013. . The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. The insured is also obligated to take necessary measures, at his own expense, to bring a well under control to minimize property damage. Coverage for additional insured limited to liability arising out of ongoing operations of named insured. Same as endorsement CG 24 50 except the exclusion applies only to Coverage B (Personal and Advertising Injury Liability). Must be attached to policies insuring townhouse associations. Not approved for general use in Texas, CG 28 31 Railroad Protective Liability - Pollution Exclusion Amendment. Kiehl's facial fuel transformer. Limited coverage can be provided with endorsements CG 24 05 and CG 24 11. An exception provides coverage for liability arising out of cars used at the site of construction or repair. Provides separate liability coverage for a project owner or general contractor hiring subcontractors. Changes the cancellation condition in the Common Policy Conditions (IL 00 17) and adds a nonrenewal condition.Required by Texas law. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. CG 33 96 Texas Additional Insured - Lessor of Leased Equipment. Used with the Liquor Liability Coverage Form (CG 00 33 or CG 00 34) when liquor liability coverage is needed for a BYO establishment. Adds an architect, engineer or surveyor "engaged by you" as an additional insured, excluding their professional liability. Applies the general aggregate limit separately to each project of the insured. Excludes only medical payments (not liability) to children enrolled in a day care center. blanket schedule. Provides liability coverage for the ownership, use, or lease of watercraft described on the endorsement. Since the endorsement excludes personal and advertising injury, including libel, slander and invasion of privacy, insurance professionals should be certain their E&O policy covers these claims. The operations to which the endorsement applies must be shown on the endorsement or the schedule of classifications. Excludes bodily injury or personal injury arising out of employment practices of the insured. Applies the aggregate limit separately to each location specified in the endorsement. 2. Broad form blanket contractual liability covering all indemnity If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Provides automatic additional insured status to (1) persons or organizations with which the named insured has entered into a written construction contract or agreement and agreed to provide such coverage, and (2) other persons or organizations the named insured is required to add as an additional insured under that contract or agreement. Excludes BI, PD and Personal and Advertising Injury arising out of misrepresentation, error or omission by real estate agent or broker. Removes the contractual liability exclusion from personal injury coverage, for designated contracts. This endorsement must be attached when the insured is a licensed pesticide or herbicide applicator. Blanket Primary Additional Insureds and Blanket Waiver of Subrogation automatically included ; Multiple carrier options with Minimum Premiums starting at $750; Per Project Aggregate Endorsement automatically included; Incidental professional coverage available for licensed contractors; Broad Contractual Liability Coverage A claim paid for damages arising out of one project would not affect the aggregate at other projects of the insured. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. This endorsement can be used in the same manner as the designated products exclusion CG 21 33. Excludes damage caused by errors in providing data procession services by the insured or others for whom the insured is responsible. Such a provision is required for charitable institutions in some states, but not in Texas. the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (USL&H) and the Jones Act, with a minimum limit of $2,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate, or as . Adds individual townhouse owners as additional insureds for liability as a member of the townhouse association. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. Excludes all liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use or entrustment to others of any unmanned aircraft, such as a drone. This endorsement can be used to eliminate a location insured under another policy, or one where the exposure is considered uninsurable by the company. This endorsement is used when no specific endorsement applies to the activities of the insured. (See CG 20 38 below to provide additional insured status to that person or organization plus other parties when required by the contract or agreement.) Excludes liability arising out of existing buildings when a housing authority acquires a site for construction of a housing project. The general aggregate is the maximum amount of money a liability insurance policy will pay in a given policy term. Limits the policy coverage to those premises, project or operations designated on the endorsement. Blanket per project aggregate endorsement. Paragraph "f" is removed. nmC //nsu Submit by Email Print Form -"1/1 nl// Who Mc/hvwc/c (WI/' Whnu Per Project Aggregate The Per Project Aggregate endorsement is available at a charge of 3% of the general liability premium charge. This will provide for the full amount of your per occuerence limit to that project. Creates an exception to the pollution exclusion; covers escape of pollutants at an identified place and time that begins and ends within 48 hours when caused by certain named perils. Project Aggregates for Both Primary and Excess Coverage Insurance policies have something that is referred to as aggregates. ", CG 22 95 Exclusion Damage To Work Performed By Subcontractors On Your Behalf Designated Sites Or Operations, CG 22 96 Limited Exclusion Personal And Advertising Injury Lawyers, CG 22 99 Professional Liability Exclusion Web Site Designers, CG 23 01 Exclusion Real Estate Agents or Brokers Errors or Omissions, CG 24 04 Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Other To Us, CG 24 05 Financial Institutions (Reporting Provision and Limitation to Fiduciary Interest), CG 24 06 Liquor Liability - Bring Your Own Alcohol Establishments, CG 24 07 Products/Completed Operations Hazard Redefined, CG 24 11 Fiduciaries - Fiduciary Interest, CG 24 13 Amendment of Personal and Advertising Injury Definition, CG 24 17 Contractual Liability - Railroads, CG 24 18 Seed Merchants - Coverage for Erroneous Delivery or Mixture and Resulting Failure of Seed to Germinate, CG 24 19 Seed Merchants - Coverage for Erroneous Delivery or Mixture (Resulting Failure of Seed to Germinate Not Included), CG 24 20 Seed Merchants - Coverage for Erroneous Delivery or Mixture and Resulting Failure of Seed to Germinate, CG 24 21 Seed Merchants - Coverage for Erroneous Delivery or Mixture (Resulting Failure of Seed to Germinate Not Included), CG 24 22 Amendment of Coverage Territory Worldwide Coverage, CG 24 23 - Amendment of Coverage Territory Additional Scheduled Countries, CG 24 24 - Amendment of Coverage Territory Worldwide Coverage With Specified Exceptions, CG 24 25 - Limited Fungi or Bacteria Coverage, Additional Insureds and Contractual Liability - 2004 Endorsements and Revisions. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Medical payments coverage for these individuals is excluded in the basic policy. Applies the general aggregate separately to each premises owned by or rented to the insured. You could file two claims worth half a million or 10 claims worth $100,000, but when the total payout hits $1 million, your insurer starts saying no. A "Per Project" aggregate means the insurer will pay the same $2M for all claims that occur from any specific project. Covers the insured's legal liability for damages caused by an act, error or omission in the administration of employee benefit programs, on a claims-made basis and subject to limits shown in the endorsement. Amends the definition of insured contract to preclude contractual liability coverage for the sole negligence of the indemnitee. There are many endorsements addressing specific, common professional activities, such as medical professional. What is a Each Occurrence Limit? Waiver of subrogation on blanket basis . Excludes all liability arising out of silica or silica-based dust. Excludes the professional liability exposure of medical or diagnostic testing facilities. Adds wording to the Other Insurance condition to state that the insurance is primary to and will not seek contribution from any other insurance available to an additional insured, when the named insured has agreed in writing that the insurance would be primary and noncontributory. Question: I have a concern regarding Per Project Aggregate Endorsements. blanket contractual liability, broad form endorsement, a construction management endorsement, products and completed operations, personal and advertising liability, with per location limits of not less than $2,000,000 general aggregate and . Mandatory endorsement (unless CG 04 37 or CG 21 07 (below) is attached). Provides a specific waiver of subrogation for the designated person or organization, barring suit by the company which assumes the insured's rights after loss payment. 123 Main St - Contents: $500,000. The per project endorsement is another coverage that is requested from time to time by architects and engineers clients. The New Deal was a series of programs, pubIic work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939. The Designated Location General Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all damages under Coverage A, except damages because of "bodily injury" or For risks with multiple locations an expansion of the available coverage can be achieved by the use of a per-location aggregate. See discussion in Common Policy Conditions in the Policy Coverages section.Mandatory endorsement when commercial property is written as a part of a commercial package policy. 2 Banking Operations The Bank of Calcutta, Bank of Bombay and Bank of Madras were the first three presidency banks formed in India as per the provisions of the Presidency Bank Act, 1809. A blanket additional insured endorsement may be available for with your insurance company. Amends cancellation provisions and adds nonrenewal provisions required by law: (1) cancellation of a new policy for any reason within the first 60 days; (2) cancellation of a new policy after 60 days or a renewal policy only for specific reasons; (3) 10 days' notice of cancellation; (4) nonrenewal with 60 days' notice. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. Aggregate Limit applies to each designated "location", and that limit is equal to the amount of the Other Than Prod-ucts/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. Excludes premises, operations and products liability Coverage A and B claims arising out of the premises designated in the endorsement. Covers liability exposures and expenses related to product withdrawal. Coverage is limited to the designated site or location of work. Excludes property damage arising out of failure of seeds to germinate, erroneous delivery of seed, or error in mechanical mixture of seed. This endorsement is not approved in Texas. b. Adds the interest of the owner of land to the tenant's policy. CG 28 02 Insured Site Definition (Contractors). Amends policy provisions to comply with Texas Condominium Law. Height limitations. It does not provide coverage for liability arising out of completed operations, and it is not intended to cover the additional insured's own supervision of work. Provides additional insured status to a designated person or organization on a contractors policy for completed operations exposures. Aggregate Limit applies to each designated "location", and that limit is equal to the amount of the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. A "Per Policy" aggregate means the most your insurer will pay for the total of all claims during your policy term (usually one year) is the first number - $2M. Perhaps a project will last 15 months, so . A few items to keep in mind with a 'project endorsement'. Adding an endorsement to the policy that applies the aggregate limit to each location (rather than to all locations) expands your coverage at very little cost. This is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA . Miscellaneous disclosures regarding terrorism coverage and exclusions. 2. See CG 21 67 for an absolute exclusion of coverage for fungi or bacteria. Same as CG 24 22, except the endorsement expands the definition of coverage territory to anywhere in the world except countries scheduled in the endorsement. Provides for annual premium adjustment when the policy is issued for a term longer than one year. Modifies care, custody, control exclusion so that property damage is covered at premises where operations are performed, subject to limit on endorsement. Excludes bodily injury and property damage arising out of rolling stock (rail cars) while track is being constructed or repaired. a. NY & IL: $2,000,000 per occurrence and $4,000,000 aggregate. Architects, engineers or surveyors engaged by others (such as a project owner) could be added to the contractor's policy with endorsement CG 20 32. If your policy limits are set for $1,000,000 per . Expands the definition of coverage territory to include anywhere in the world, and provides for reimbursement of the insureds legal expenses and judgments if the insurer is prevented by law from directly defending or indemnifying in the country where a claim takes place. See CG 32 08 for Texas-approved form. This endorsement should be used whenever there is a sale of products, usually components, between multiple named insureds, such as a parent and subsidiary. 456 Market St - Contents: $500,000. Although coverage is retained for incidental contracts, such as lease of premises, the endorsement specifies that only written contracts are covered, not oral contracts. Clarifies that a BYO establishment is to be considered selling, serving or furnishing alcoholic beverages. Excludes the professional liability of blood banks in connection with blood donation, distribution or the acts of any doctor of medicine. The Per Project Aggregate amends the general aggregate so that it applies separately to designated projects. . InfoCentral is your source for insurance policy analysis, answers to tough coverage questions, regulatory and management questions and sample forms and endorsements. The land so leased must be designated on the endorsement. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. Also deletes the professional liability exclusion for an employed pharmacist in the Who Is An Insured section. Limits coverage afforded by Liquor Liability coverage part, CG 00 33, to the premises designated on the endorsement, or newly acquired premises for 30 days. Think of it as insurance on the shelf - you use it as you need it. IL 09 11 through IL 09 27 - Retrospective Premium Endorsements. Broad form endorsement offered at no additional cost; helps protect . See CG 21 49 above. CG 32 09 Texas Changes - Nonbinding Arbitration. See CG 26 39 for the appropriate Texas form. Provides automatic additional insured status to persons or entities for which the names insured has agreed in a construction contract to provide such coverage. Creates an exception to the pollution exclusion to cover the escape of a pollutant specifically listed in the endorsement schedule. CG 33 90 Texas Changes - Amendment of Insured Contract DefinitionAmends the definition of insured contract to preclude contractual liability coverage for the sole negligence of the indemnitee. Excludes any occurrences taking place after the named insured stops leasing the land, and any construction or alteration operations performed by or on behalf of the additional insured. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Same as endorsement CG 21 09 except the exclusion applies only to Coverage A (Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability). Remove blanket and form bend by hand. This endorsement extends coverage under Pollution Liability coverage form, CG 00 39, to include expenses associated with voluntary cleanup of a pollution discharge, if done to prevent damage. Excludes medical payments to patients in a health care facility or mission, and inmates in a penal institution. Applies to all services covered on the policy. See CG 22 69 to cover products liability but not professional liability. Applies the general aggregate limit separately to each project of the insured. CG 24 50 Limited Coverage for Designated Unmanned Aircraft. On This Page Additional Information or state-issued permit: Contractor's Broad Form Endorsement Limited professional liability Blanket per-project and per-location general aggregate Limited wrap-up coverage (completed operations) . Excludes the professional exposures of testing and consulting firms. Removes all of paragraph (1.) If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Provides pollution liability coverage on a claims-made basis. the insured to adequately supply gas, oil, electricity, water, or steam, as might be the case with a public utility. Used as an alternative to mandatory endorsement CG 21 06 (above) when the insurer does not want to provide the limited exception for bodily injury damages. This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2013. Provides coverage for liability arising out of fungi (including mold) or bacteria, including remediation, subject to sublimit. OCP coverage is designed to protect project owners for liability that occurs as a result of the actions of their contractors. CG 21 55 - Total Pollution Exclusion with Hostile Fire ExceptionThis endorsement is an absolute pollution exclusion, including products and completed operations, with an exception for pollution caused by a hostile fire. It is usually used on policies insuring risks which care for children, such as nurseries, schools, and day-care centers. See CG 22 70. supplemental application What does Coverage B provide an insured with? Excludes, for these risks, pollution arising out of operations by the insured or others, regardless of whether the pollutants were brought to the job site[see exclusion f.(1)(d)]. Excludes all liability arising out of the products and completed operations hazards. - Please confirm on the certificate or by uploading endorsement(s) that Waiver of Subrogation applies to this policy. Excludes liability coverage arising out of actual or threatened abuse or molestation of a person in the custody of any insured or employee. If coverage for these exposures is to be provided on the CGL, attach endorsement CG 22 69 for products liability only or CG 22 97 for products and professional liability. See CG 33 91 for the special Texas endorsement introduced in 2012 but withdrawn in 2013. Allows for the arbitration of disputes between the company and the insured, with the arbitrator's decision being binding on the parties. S2803-CG (7/07) Total General Aggregate Limit Per Project (s) - General Aggregate Limit S2806-CG (6/07) Exclusion - Unfenced Salvage Operations S2809- CG (8/07) Warranty Endorsement - Insurance and Indemnity Required of Contractors or Subcontractors Working on Your Behalf S2811-CG (7/07) Limited Coverage - Lost Key Expenses Golfmobile is defined as a motorized conveyance that is (1) designed to carry up to four persons on a golf course for the purpose of playing golf, and (2) not built or modified to exceed a speed of 25 miles per hour. 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