You can configure Visual Studio Code to your liking through its various settings. // Terminal style of locally echoed text; either a font style or an RGB color. // Validate duplicated definitions in the current file. // Controls if the untitled text hint should be visible in the editor. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `interface`-suggestions. Text will show with jagged sharp edges. // - smart: Adds a number at the end of the duplicated name. // Enable/disable strict null checks in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. The error can be as simple as a missing comma or incorrect setting value. You can quickly clear a search term or filter with the Clear Settings Search Input button at the right of the Search bar. // Whether new shells should inherit their environment from VS Code, which may source a login shell to ensure $PATH and other development variables are initialized. // When enabled, Outline shows `class`-symbols. The trace may contain file paths, source code, and other potentially sensitive information from your project. // - 21: White on black or black on white. // Scroll only along the predominant axis when scrolling both vertically and horizontally at the same time. // - force-expand-multiline: Wrap each attribute. Advisory. They had hardcoded paths to c:\whatever), During development I sometimes check out multiple versions of the source to different directoies - if only to find out that the version committed into the version control system of the day really has every file checked in. // Controls whether the editor should automatically close quotes after the user adds an opening quote. // Controls whether and how symbols are shown in the breadcrumbs view. project application single folder structure default creating visual studio angularjs base so techfunda Not all User settings are available as Workspace settings. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. When set to empty, the `editor.fontFamily` is used. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. // - highlight: Highlight elements when searching. Selection will stick to tab stops. // Controls whether a window should restore to full screen mode if it was exited in full screen mode. If your user settings set the editor backgrounds to blue and green: And your open workspace settings set the editor foreground to red: The result, when that workspace is open, is the combination of those two color customizations, as if you had specified: If there are conflicting values, such as editor.selectionBackground in the example above, the usual override behavior occurs, with workspace values taking precedence over user values, and language-specific values taking precedence over non-language-specific values. Nearly every part of VS Code's editor, user interface, and functional behavior has options you can modify. Either `floating` in all views, `docked` in the debug view, or `hidden`. Language-specific editor settings always override non-language-specific editor settings, even if the non-language-specific setting // Mark the current editor selection in the Markdown preview. // When set to `false`, the whole file is parsed to determine if current position is valid for expanding Emmet abbreviations. 9 Answers. // Controls if the UI should run in a mode where it is optimized for screen readers. // Import statements do not load in parallel. // Restores the ports you forwarded in a workspace. // Maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk, when `less.format.preserveNewLines` is enabled. // - Values between 0 and 8 will be used as a multiplier with the font size. // Controls whether to use the message from the commit input box as the default stash message. // Controls whether to show or hide icons in suggestions. I want to install the application inside C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder. // - toggles: Shows several buttons for toggling the visibility of the panels and side bar. Hi I'm trying to package up Visual Studio 2017 Community edition for deployment in an FE College environment and have run into a bit of a snag. // Controls if TypeScript launches a dedicated server to more quickly handle syntax related operations, such as computing code folding. This is not a security or rights problems, it is about setting a default location for all users of the PC, including future users who have never used the PC before. // Control whether a repository in parent folders of workspaces or open files should be opened. If source control can't be used, then the whole file will be formatted. // Enable/disable inlay hints for parameter names: "javascript.inlayHints.parameterNames.enabled". // - whenNoFolderOpen: Only open in current window when no folder is opened. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions". One way to customize language-specific settings is by opening the Settings editor, pressing on the filter button, and selecting the language option to add a language filter. If this setting is turned off, only failed tests will be revealed. // - separate: Untracked changes appear separately in the Source Control view. // When enabled, Outline shows `enum`-symbols. "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle", "typescript.preferences.useAliasesForRenames". I use SUBST (run on startup) to map some random folder to a high-lettered drive. // Scale of content drawn in the minimap: 1, 2 or 3. // Plays a sound when the active line has an error. "workbench.preferredHighContrastLightColorTheme". WebFor desktop systems, the default user interface is usually graphical, although the CLI is commonly available through terminal emulator windows or on a separate virtual console . // Remove trailing auto inserted whitespace. // - none: Don't run any command after a commit. // Whether to display the environment changes indicator on each terminal which explains whether extensions have made, or want to make changes to the terminal's environment. // - welcomePage: Open the Welcome page, with content to aid in getting started with VS Code and extensions. This opens the Language Mode picker with an option Configure 'language_name' language based settings. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `package`-symbols. The type of quotes can be configured by `html.completion.attributeDefaultValue`. Use 0 to compute the line height from the font size. Language-specific workspace settings - Same as Workspace settings, but specific to a language. // - recentlyUsed: Select recent suggestions unless further typing selects one, e.g. // Controls whether a window should restore to Zen Mode if it was exited in Zen Mode. // Configure settings to be overridden for the yaml language. // Controls whether the Linux primary clipboard should be supported. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `terminal.integrated.scrollback`. // Specifies the product icon theme used. Glyph margin is mostly used for debugging. // The default character set encoding to use when reading and writing files. // Controls whether unsaved files are remembered between sessions, allowing the save prompt when exiting the editor to be skipped. `explorer.fileNesting.enabled` must be set for this to take effect. For new paths, add file extensions. But, once I have connected to the Team Explorer, even I unlink it, the default project location still is C:\Users\Admin\source\repos, because the VS save the last modified path by default. // Controls whether or not WSL distros are shown in the terminal dropdown. These headers only appear when there is more than one provider. // Controls auto save of editors that have unsaved changes. Policy settings - Set by the system administrator, these values always override other setting values. // - on: Always render with reduced motion. // The height of the horizontal scrollbar. // Controls the font family in the Debug Console. You can enable Settings Sync via the Turn on Settings Sync command on the right of the Settings editor or on the Accounts Activity Bar context menu. // - never: Never show the folding controls and reduce the gutter size. Useful for Java package structures, for example. // List of dictionaries used for the randomly generated branch name. // Controls whether characters in strings should also be subject to Unicode highlighting. // Dispatches most keybindings to the terminal instead of the workbench, overriding `terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell`, which can be used alternatively for fine tuning. If you are constantly writing web apps, here's what works for me: One advantage this setup might have is that, its easier for you to navigate your site in the browser, i.e less typing, easier to remember, standardization for all your other apps. You can delete it as part of the build process. Disabled extensions are not updated automatically. // Whether to include results from a global symbol search in the file results for Quick Open. You can specify the location of output generated by your project on a per-configuration basis (for debug, release, or both). // Controls whether Quick Open should close automatically once it loses focus. // - keyboardOnly: Only ask for confirmation if a keybinding was used. // Path and filename of the git executable, e.g. // Controls whether or not the empty window is trusted by default within VS Code. // Controls whether copying without a selection copies the current line. "less.completion.completePropertyWithSemicolon", "less.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion". On Windows, this behaves the same as initial. it is better to keep your project in the other partition else than window and i think as i do Many menu commands are available from the right-click context menu on various items in Solution Explorer. d:\projects\universry\examination // Controls the font size in pixels of the terminal. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Setting it to 'true' creates a
for newlines inside paragraphs. You can review and edit this file directly by opening it in the editor with the Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Type Definition' is the current location. // When enabled, Outline shows `interface`-symbols. // - Current: Open the diff view in the current editor group. // Controls the font size in pixels in the Debug Console. some extension provided tree view items). to save the project elsewhere. // Controls whether to enable the natural language search mode for settings. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterConstructor", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements". // Controls the font family for CodeLens. Redirection of folders and the use of UEV for settings is the primary solution providing a data and settings follow me experience. // The default language identifier that is assigned to new files. Disabling this will keep the editor open on such an event. Read about the new features and fixes from March. // Control the visibility of the menu bar. // - none: Don't save any editors before starting a debug session. Also, I don't backup source code and database files like I do with my other documents since I use a VCS for source code. I preferred location at another partition. In the past, I resisted storing anything in the various "My Documents" folders established by Win 95, Win 98, and XP. // Force git to use rebase when running the sync command. // Defines the bracket symbols that increase or decrease the indentation. // Do not use duplicate style definitions. Add a mapping here between the language and Emmet supported language. // - true: Scan for both subfolders of the current opened folder and parent folders of open files. // Enables logging of the TS server to a file. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Implementation' is the current location. // - distribute: Splits all the editor groups to equal parts. Over the years I have vacillated between having my project/source folders in a directory one level removed from the root (e.g. // - auto: Type over closing quotes or brackets only if they were automatically inserted. When you open the Settings editor, you can search and discover the settings you are looking for. // - on: Lines will wrap at the viewport width. Repeat steps 1-4 for all projects in the solution. Your terminals will be set at this current working directory (cwd) as for your root directory in the explorer, (here "/home/oldman/C#/ASP.MVC" on linux, and "C:\Users\oldman\C#\ASP.MVC"). To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. to open the current directory in Visual Studio Code. // The proxy setting to use. // Enable/disable inlay hints for implicit return types on function signatures: "javascript.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled". This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. // Controls whether the cursor should be hidden in the overview ruler. Workspace settings are specific to a project and can be shared across developers on a project. Note that name suggestions are always disabled in JavaScript code that is semantically checked using `@ts-check` or `checkJs`. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. If not set, the host name is used. // The default click action used in the NPM Scripts Explorer: `open` or `run`, the default is `open`. // Whether or not to allow chord keybindings in the terminal. Note: Terminals need to be restarted to pick up a change in this setting. // Additional paths to discover TypeScript Language Service plugins. So I think it is rather irrelevant where your development directory is, as long as the path is typable for you (I prefer short paths) and does not contain white space for the usual reasons on windows (if you want to do some scripting). Visual Studio Code Tab Key does not insert a tab. // Controls whether a pattern is used for the diff decorations in gutter. // Controls whether tabs are closed in most recently used order or from left to right. // Controls the font size (in pixels) of the screencast mode keyboard. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `snippet`-suggestions. Requires `search.useIgnoreFiles` to be enabled. Modified settings are indicated with a blue line similar to modified lines in the editor. // - openEditors: Scan for parent folders of open files. Such information and instructions include the content, platform requirements, versioning information, web server or database server settings, and the tasks to perform. // Controls whether the Explorer should render folders in a compact form. // Controls the visibility of the horizontal scrollbar. // Configure settings to be overridden for the git-rebase language. // Enable some language-neutral replacement and quotes beautification in the Markdown preview. // Controls whether the editor should highlight semantic symbol occurrences. // Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders in fulltext searches and quick open. // Controls the terminal title. // - insert: Insert semicolons at statement ends. // When enabled, Outline shows `key`-symbols. "workbench.editor.openSideBySideDirection". Otherwise the regular editor will be opened. // Controls whether the lines in output should wrap. // Controls whether or not Workspace Trust is enabled within VS Code. // Defines whether an open brace is put onto a new line for functions or not. // - never: Never turn on Find in Selection automatically (default). // Controls whether the editor should remove adjacent closing quotes or brackets when deleting. // - never: Do not ask for trust when an untrusted workspace is opened. // Controls how type navigation works in lists and trees in the workbench. // - focused: Show the count badge of the focused Source Control Provider. // A set of messages that when encountered in the terminal will be automatically responded to. Folders are displayed before files. Each __Value__ represents a comma separated list of the child patterns that should be shown nested under a given parent. If you want to put the project name in the path, you can reference it by using the MSBuild properties $(MSBuildProjectName), $(MSBuildProjectDirectory). // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on Windows. // - languageDefined: Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose brackets. // Controls how to open items in trees and lists using the mouse (if supported). // Override the virtual workspaces support of an extension. Use File > New > Project to select a project template. // Controls the behavior of empty editor groups when the last tab in the group is closed. // - always: Always maximize the panel when opening it. Some settings allow you to specify an executable that VS Code will run to perform certain operations. Folders are displayed before files. In its most simple way, the component just needs an array of . // Defines space handling after a comma delimiter. // - always: Show the inline suggestion toolbar whenever an inline suggestion is shown. When you create a new project, Visual Studio saves it to its default location, %USERPROFILE%\source\repos. // - default: Uppercase and lowercase names are mixed together. "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.osx". // Plays a sound when the active line has an inline suggestion. The updates are fetched from a Microsoft online service. This just isn't acceptable to ask students to change this each time especially as it should be an easily configurable admin task. // Controls whether to ask for confirmation before committing without verification. // Controls the sizing of pinned editor tabs. This order is respected in all three cases. "javascript.preferences.renameShorthandProperties", "javascript.preferences.useAliasesForRenames". // - prompt: Ask how to handle untrusted files for each workspace. A formatter must be available, the file must not be saved after delay, and the editor must not be shutting down. // When the terminal process must be shut down (for example on window or application close), this determines when the previous terminal session contents/history should be restored and processes be recreated when the workspace is next opened. Edit the text or select the option you want to change to the desired settings. // - disabled: Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar. // Controls the width(px) of diff decorations in gutter (added & modified). // Controls which date to use for items in the Timeline view. // Controls the line height of the terminal. The Index is a conceptual place that also physically resides in the . This is useful for languages like Markdown that often contain other languages that might trick language detection into thinking it's the embedded language and not Markdown. Sometimes, things can go wrong. "workbench.editor.centeredLayoutAutoResize". If you decide not to keep the download cache, the location is used only temporarily. Changing this will take effect only in new terminals. // On window reload, reconnect to tasks that have problem matchers. // - selection: Render whitespace characters only on selected text. // Configure paths or glob patterns to exclude from file watching. // Plays a sound when terminal Quick Fixes are available. // Show tag and attribute documentation in LESS hovers. A project also contains compiler settings and other configuration files that might be needed by various services or components that your program communicates with. In a Visual Studio Setup project, you control the default install path by setting the DefaultLocation property of the Application Folder folder, within the File System Editor. // - true: Ignore leading and trailing whitespace. In standard tuning, does guitar string 6 produce E3 or E2? // - insert: Insert suggestion without overwriting text right of the cursor. // The minimum number of editor slots shown in the Open Editors pane. from the command line), an empty window will appear. Note: Terminals need to be restarted to pick up a change in this setting. // If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme. Installed templates and user templates are stored in two different locations. // Enable/disable auto creation of quotes for HTML attribute assignment. // Controls whether to open a repository automatically after cloning. I never had any reason to use ano It's also convenient for backups, format/reinstall, etc. // - newUntitledFile: Open a new untitled text file (only applies when opening an empty window). // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty braces. You can edit via the Settings editor Workspace tab or open that tab directly with the Preferences: Open Workspace Settings command. It's much more easy to get quickly to that folder (even if VS2008 has this nice "Open Folder in windows explorer" now). // Enable highlighting link occurrences in the current document. Note: It is advisable NOT to use the system partition for development as software development really fragments the disk. "markdown.validate.duplicateLinkDefinitions.enabled". // When enabled, Outline shows `null`-symbols. // - advanced: The editor will keep the current line's indentation, honor language defined brackets and invoke special onEnterRules defined by languages. From the top menu of Visual Studio 2015, open tools, click on options. // Controls when the debug Status bar should be visible. Use this task to run unit and functional tests (Selenium, Appium, Coded UI test, and more) using the Visual Studio Test Runner. // Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts. Then it becomes visible to show the execution status. The reason? Visual Studio installs the core product and includes files that are specific to this version of Visual Studio. If you are constantly writing web apps, here's what works for me: // - hide: Hide the Table of Contents while searching. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `file`-symbols. // Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable). "javascript.suggest.completeFunctionCalls". So back to your questions. You can change the default to whatever you like. Can make the font appear lighter overall. I can confirm that this is also an issue for us in a classroom environment. // Controls whether the editor should highlight folded ranges. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. // Controls the default search result view mode. "css.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties". // Customizes which terminal to run on Linux. In a logical sense, a project contains all files that are compiled into an executable, library, or website. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. If your system drive is a solid-state drive (SSD), we recommend that you keep the core product on your system drive. The steps in this section depend on what Project Designer you're using. // Ignores the warning when there are too many changes in a repository. // Specify glob patterns of files to exclude from auto imports. // Controls if the lines should wrap in the Debug Console. WebWe can build many containers from a single image. // - minimal: Shorten `./component/index.js` to `./component`. This requires a file icon theme to be enabled as well. A list of previously opened windows with unsaved files can be accessed via `File > Open Recent > More`, // - onExitAndWindowClose: Hot exit will be triggered when the last window is closed on Windows/Linux or when the `workbench.action.quit` command is triggered (command palette, keybinding, menu), and also for any window with a folder opened regardless of whether it's the last window. When set to `0`, the value of `editor.lineHeight` is used. Requires enabling `markdown.validate.enabled`. Setting to `null` (the default) will automatically choose a page size based on the visible area of the Timeline view. "markdown.validate.unusedLinkDefinitions.enabled". // - preserve: Always reopen all windows. // Show errors and warnings on Outline elements. This setting will currently be ignored if either `` or `terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux` are set. Can be either a boolean to enable/disable ligatures or a string for the value of the CSS 'font-feature-settings' property. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `constructor`-suggestions. // - on: Optimize for usage with a Screen Reader. You can reduce the installation footprint of Visual Studio on your system drive by changing the location for some of its files. Despite its name, a solution isn't an "answer". This number is relative to the font size. // - editorOrder: Editors are ordered in the same order editor tabs are shown. -1) represents zooming 20% larger or smaller. If you've closed Solution Explorer and you want to open it again, choose View > Solution Explorer from the menu bar, or press Ctrl+Alt+L. // Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on Enter in the Debug Console. // The terminal profile to use for automation-related terminal usage like tasks and debug. // - none: Do not show the diff decorations. >> This visual studio configuration issue prevents that and results in a data loss opportunity for student work if they do not manually change the setting If your system drive is a solid-state drive (SSD), we recommend that you accept the default location on your system drive. // Controls whether the editor should highlight matches similar to the selection. // - antialiased: Smooth the font on the level of the pixel, as opposed to the subpixel. // Plays a sound when a task fails (non-zero exit code). This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. 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