An executive order is especially broad in scope for a president. Executive orders are used to direct federal agencies and officials to take certain actions or to prohibit certain actions. All rights reserved. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided on this website is accurate, individuals must not rely on this information to make a financial or investment decision. Only facts. And thats how theyd go about tracking all transactions. If I told you that the experimental shots have injured at least 1.3 million people, killed at least another 29,000, killed almost 8,000 people within 2 days of getting the shot, and are in such low demand that 82.2 Million vials have been discarded as of mid-May according to research performed by the Childrens Health Defensewould you consider them safe? TheFederal Reserve and other agencies are simply evaluating the feasibility of a central bank digital currency through Biden's executive order. Some argue that executive orders are a violation of the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government. The state and federal governments took advantage of Covid-19 to further sink their claws into our lives and manipulate our behavior. The Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, more commonly referred to as Executive Order 14067[1], was signed by President Biden on March 9, 2022. Terminology Privacy Policy FAQ | Facebook Google Instagram Youtube Twitter Copyright 2023 Scottsdale Bullion & Coin. Biden's executive order does not authorize the creation of a central bank digital currency in December or otherwise, John Rizzo, a Treasury Department Experts said they are unclear who the elites arereferenced in thearticle. When they tell lies, they brazenly project the blame on others, usually MAGA Conservatives, for doing precisely what it is they are doing. U.S. leadership in the global financial system and economic competitiveness, Legal government surveillance of all U.S. citizens, Total control over your bank accounts and purchases, The ability to silence all dissenting voices for good. The Nashville shooter was wearing different pairs of shoes before and after being killed. Efforts to impose restrictions on unconstitutional presidential exercises of power by Senators Church and Mathias in the 1970s have been ineffective. Or, as YouTube account I Allegedly suggests, they could take it a step further and assign you a social credit score that is determined by the things you buy. Maybe you should sound a little less condescending in your speech. Silver notes of commerce backed by Gold and other assets on deposit at the nations Currency reserve institution. Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is dominated by CCP and coordinated by the global pro-CCP Christians around the world have begun Holy Week. A TikTok video claimed that Executive Order 14067 allows the federal government to "turn on and turn off your money.". This piece did not sound the least bit condescending. Executive Order 13132 is in effect at all executive branch agencies. Executive orders are one of the presidents most powerful tools for shaping public policy. Instead, the order directed the Federal Reserve to weigh the risks of using digital currency and research the possibility of using a central bank digital currency. Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that a cash-free digital currency is coming in December. Easily unsubscribe anytime. Remember that Trump is the president of the United States, and he has the authority to issue such an executive order. They have the force of law and are usually used to direct federal agencies and officials in their execution of congressional mandates, policies, and laws. 20006, Florida In the United States, executive orders are directives issued by the President of the United States and intended to manage the operations of the federal government. As the U.S. economy pivots to a CBDC, it's time to understand the implications of the digital dollar and the executive order that is paving the way. So regardless of Mr. Trumps innocence or probable trial acquittal, he will forever bear the Scarlett Letter of being arraigned in court as a felon, by Karen Schoen | Apr 4, 2023 | Education, Politics, The Prism of Americas Education with Host Karen Schoen America is now seeing the results of decades of indoctrination techniques, all under the guise of social justice. Theyvedestroyed the historical context of our nations founding, corrupted young minds along the way, and now their sights are on the radicalization of, by Seth Holehouse | Apr 4, 2023 | Global, Health, Politics, Seth Holehouse, Man in America I recently had the opportunity to interview Dr. Peter Breggin, and it was an incredible conversation the man is brilliant. Ill start at the beginning how I found (or perhaps was found by) Christ, Whistleblower Report with DrLee4America The public does not yet realize there is no legal accountability or liability for death, injury, or damage because the DoD has militarized a medical martial law operation that created immunity under a situation of war. The 10Letters Project provides the tools and resources to fight back, Blood damage that has been detailed through sophisticated research methods is the missing link to explain many negative health conditions ranging from heart problems, cancers, reduced immunity, and death. Many people believe that the executive order is unconstitutional and necessary to protect the United States from terrorist attacks, while others believe it is unnecessary. We have arrived at a watershed moment in financial servicesthe decisions made today will have far-reaching implications tomorrow. The order, according to the White House, focuses on six areas: The Order lays out a national policy for digital assets across six key priorities: consumer and investor protection; financial stability; illicit finance; U.S. leadership in the global financial system and economic competitiveness; financial inclusion; and responsible innovation. The executive branchs mandates and powers are governed by executive orders, and they have the effect of law. For example, President Trump has used executive orders to advance his policy agenda on immigration, trade, and the environment. Steve Jobs Final Prophecy is Coming True Right Now, How to Profit from Financial Disaster in 2023, Jim Rickards: Prepare for 2023 Economic Collapse, Dan Ferris: Recession Proof Stock Strategy, oil prices, currency speculators, greedy businessmen, and avaricious union leaders, food stamps, housing vouchers, and health care,, Jim Rickards: 'Biden Bucks' & Executive Order 14067 Protection (, Get Jim Rickards Full Report on Asset Emancipation. CBDCs are more than a potential, I think, seem like they are the planned way to combat decentralized digital money which does threaten the power and control governments around the world happen. Post-WWII Federal Reserve policies allowed for excessive growth in the money supply and caused the national debt to swell. It seems the governments push towards a digital future is supported, at least in practice, by the majority of Americans. On the surface, nothing is worrying about Biden Bucks. For several months, the government has been pushing for the United States to change to digital currency. The Democrats utilize the concept of PROJECTION constantly. Thats because a CBDC is a direct liability of the Federal Reserve, not a commercial bank. It may be overturned if it is found to be unconstitutional. WebNew standards set to improve security and reduce risks of software supply chain hacks. President Joe Biden signed an executive order on March 9 to promote the development of digital assets and cryptocurrencies. It puts the focus on secure development. Section 4 also specifically states that, hypothetically, if the U.S. were to implement a future digital monetary system, it would have to protect the rights of citizens in keeping with, "democratic values, including privacy protections, and that ensures the global financial system has appropriate transparency, connectivity, and platform and architecture interoperability or transferability, as appropriate.". Clay Clark, the author and podcast host, along with Pastor Craig Hagin, discusses Executive Order 14067 with the host of After Dark. When discussing education savings accounts, "We would be 31st in the nation to have these policies going forward on behalf of kids.. Prasad said aslong as the Federal Reserve retains its independence, politicians would have no direct role in the creation or distribution of either physical or digital currency. My Journey to Jesus The order does not give the government the ability to take away physical currency, nor does it implement a digital currency. by Edward Haugland | Apr 5, 2023 | Global, Politics, The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland Why is the likelihood of an America Armageddon in a week, a month, or year(s)? Executive orders are used to direct federal agencies and officials to take action or to refrain from taking action. What Executive Order 14067 Could Mean For Your Saving And Retirement The Biden Administration has hidden, in a seemingly innocent executive order numbered For example, the order says officials should consider the extent to which digital currency would either enhance or impede monetary policy or whether legislative changes are necessary to implement such a currency if it were deemed appropriate. America's Electrical Grid Vulnerability is Very Real. 4. We show the main pros and cons of common digital currency variants and explain how noteworthy existing CBDC pilot projects fit into our classification. The first of the transformational acts was the, by Truth For Health Team | Apr 4, 2023 | Health, Politics, Whistleblower Report with DrLee4America These new findings help to explain new US data showing the COVID-19 shots have caused more than 300,000 excess deaths, injured 26.6 million people, disabled 1.36 million people, and cost the economy an estimated $147 billion in damage. Right now, your money belongs to you, but after December 13, 2022, a new world financial order will be in place if Biden successfully implements Executive Order 14067, your bank account and how and when you access the money could change. The fact is President Biden has not officially replaced paper money with a digital dollar. Listen to other episodes ofAfter Dark, available on podcast. Federal agencies are encouraged to collaborate with state and local officials to develop policies and programs that best meet the needs of the communities they serve. And thats part of WebThe Biden Administration has hidden, in a seemingly innocent executive order numbered 14067, a potentially radical reform that threatens the financial security of millions of Joel Litmans #1 Stock Pick: Why Invest in Natural Gas? Additionally, the stimulus checks alone, without accounting for the other initiatives, allegedly reduced Black poverty by 29%, Latino poverty by 26%, and white poverty by 25%. But, unfortunately, this is both a political persecution and legal prosecution meant Looks like there has been a massive undercounting of COVID and vaccine deaths. Andy Schlafly is general counsel to the AAPS, by Military and Intel Experts | Apr 4, 2023 | Law and Order, Politics, The National Security Hour with Dr. Michael Scheuer & Colonel Mike The transformation of Americas justice system is highlighted by the circus in the big tent of New York corruption on Tuesday, with Ringmaster Bragg attempting mental gymnastics that can only be seen in third-world countries. Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote the political diversity of conservatism through social media. Thanks, this was very concise. Each President is listed in a list of executive orders kept by the National Archives. It is my opinion that SARS-CoV-2 causes an infection in humans that results in robust, complete, and durable immunity, and is superior to vaccine immunity which by comparison has demonstrated massive failure. But now, with Biden Bucks, you can receive a government check if you have a kid. In any case, if a central bank digital currency were created it would be subject to all the guardrails and likely many more that currently exist with commercial banking and the government, Josh Lipsky, senior director of the GeoEconomics Center at the Atlantic Council, told USA TODAY in an email. Central banks have also focused on cryptocurrencies, other digital assets, and digital currencies. By nature, an executive order means that the president didnt need the approval of Congress or any U.S. state. Edward Haugland discusses the potential of Americas Armageddon by imagining the art of the possible and the degree of disruption, by DrLee4America | Apr 5, 2023 | Lifestyle, Politics, Self-Improvement, Whistleblower Report with DrLee4America The 55th anniversary, April 4, 2023, of Dr. Martin Luther Kings assassination in Memphis, TN, shook America. President Obamas Cabinet is made up of highly skilled individuals with the necessary experience and knowledge to carry out the presidents goals. We spent a lot of time discussing the psychological effects the Covid fear campaign had on the masses, and how so much of the campaign methodology was exactly the same as, by Dr. Steve LaTulippe | Apr 4, 2023 | Faith, Politics, Unity Without Compromise with Dr. Steven LaTulippe Both soft and severe persecution will grow as the Biden regime and shadow government desperately accelerate their coup efforts. A central bank digital currency is "virtual money backed and issued by a central bank," according to the Atlantic Council, a nonpartisan think tank. Executive Order 14067 directed the federal government to weigh the risks of using digital currency and research the possibility of using a central bank digital currency. Actual Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets here. Yet, with the Inflation Reduction Act and other radical initiatives, the Biden administration wants to make it permanent. Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. The article claims this action will take place through Biden's Executive Order 14067, which it says will give elites the power to distribute this currency at will, steal them from you whenever they want, and shut it off if you do something they dont approve of.". However, America Out Loud takes no responsibility for, nor are we, and will not be liable for being temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties beyond our control. This Executive Order does several things. However, deeper in the 4th paragraph of the executive order is something more consequential for you and your future replacing the U.S. dollar with a digital dollar. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Instead, Executive Order 14067 directs the government to weigh the risks and potential benefits of using digital assets such as bitcoin, according to a White House fact sheet. Secure an equitable and fair-access framework of financial services. Following this order, a significant increase in the number of black officers in the U.S. military and a significant increase in the number of black employees at military bases occurred. Many rumors have been swirling around online since the announcement of Executive Order 14067 about the governments issuing of a digital currency and the number of negative repercussions that might follow. The executive order signed by President Donald Trump temporarily banning travel from several Muslim-majority countries is causing a lot of debate. A central bank digital currency is "virtual money backed and issued by a central bank," according to the Atlantic Council, a think tank focusing on economic and politicalchanges. While we endeavor to keep this information up to date and correct, the information provided by America Out Loud, its website(s), and any properties (including its radio shows and podcasts) makes no representations, or warranties of any kind, expressed, or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to its website(s) or the information, products, services or related graphics and images contained on the website(s) for any purpose. Watch the Trailer.It's Time For Action. Theres a tsunami coming, but not all is lost- especially if you follow the advice in his asset emancipation report. Because of Executive Order 14067, "the government will be able to turn on and turn off your money," said a TikTok user in an Aug. 29 video. In addition to the economic impact, executive orders can also have a significant impact, as was the case with Trumans Executive Order 9981, which ended racial segregation in the U.S. military. Executive orders are not without controversy, however. On January 27, 2017, Trump signed an executive order that temporarily halted the admission of refugees and the entry of refugees from seven majority-Muslim countries. Following is an excerpt from that article. Do those Biden Bucks still seem helpful and innocent? China has the e-CNY. When we talk about CCPs cognitive war, it sounds far away from Americans. The Executive Order is critical for ensuring that federal agencies comply with the Constitutions division of governmental powers. As you may have guessed, theres more to it than meets the eye, so lets explore the pros and cons of Executive Order 14067. Central banks around the world are trying to outdo one another on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). 1. Out of that group, 11 countries have launched the currency and 14 countries are in the pilot stage. They want people to know how this order will affect them and their finances. Whitney Tilson Books & Other Publications, Whitney Tilsons Prediction & Top Stock Picks for 2023. You might be more likable that way. Some opponents argue that it violates the Bill of Rights, which would lead to chaos and division in the United States. Is Gun Control the Solution To Ending School Shootings? Unfortunately, there are a host of negatives associated with order 14067. Maybe people should read, and think, before they speak, like you do. could give the government unprecedented control over your money and freedom. The Cabinet is an important part of the executive branch, with its members in charge of carrying out the Presidents policies. An EO XXXXX is assigned to each of them. The legal fights to reign in government overreach are about more than Covid. More than 120,000 people were held under the order, many of whom were innocent of any crime. The Progressive Left's most recent attempt to politically assassinate Donald J. Trump is another instance in a string of perpetual, uncouth attacks by them over the past seven years. USA TODAY reached out to the social media users who shared the claim for comment. Executive orders issued by the president that are unconstitutional are challenged in federal and state courts. As a result of Executive Order 13486, a working group dedicated to strengthening the United Statess biodefense capabilities is formed. Fine. Frequently Asked Questions. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,,to%20reduce%20or%20replace%20them. Agencies must consider the needs of their local communities as well as the impact of their decisions on them when making decisions. The potential of a digital US dollar has many investors concerned about the future of wealth, privacy, and autonomy. The executive branch, in addition to carrying out and administering public policy enacted and funded by the legislative branch, has the authority to make and enforce public policy. There are pros and cons to the universal banking model, which exists in many other parts of the world such as Asia, Canada and Europe. A digital dollar would just need to go through the Fed account. Whether 2023 turns out to be the year of the CBDC remains to be seen. Executive Orders are issued by the U.S. President, which direct the Executive Branch of the government. Never has this been more relevant than the controversy behind Biden Bucks. As the world looks forward, savvy investors are protecting their assets with tried-and-true precious metals. Hold on tight here we go ! Wallace Garneau, I am telling my story in a blog, eventually to cull from the blog material to write a book. Providing high liquidity due to high demand. The policy aims to reduce or treat illness, prevent death, and maintain critical infrastructure. And thats part of the problem, as they dont seem to be owning up to their intentions along the way. With order 14067, consumers and investors could see some of the same types of tracking and taxing taking place. This is a time period celebrated in churches yearly, which begins with the triumphant proclamation of Jesus as Hosanna and ends with him being sentenced to death, beaten, and crucified. DO Black credit card is part of a government plot to control peoples lives. Executive orders are also often used to fill gaps in existing laws or to respond to emergencies. The Biden administration is under a microscope with direct cash payments called Biden Bucks and the impact of Executive Order 14067 on regulating digital assets and creating a digital dollar. So, thanks for the question guyshappy to help. The Federal government will now be able to track your every move. According to the White House, the move is in response to the rapidly expanding use of cryptocurrencies, with an estimated 16 percent of Americans (about 40 million adults) stating they have used cryptocurrency assets. But some social media users are misinterpreting aspects of the directive. Washington, DC I dont share opinions. America Out Loud has no control over what the sites do with the information they collect. 33701 First let me say as clearly as possible no. SO MANY COOL WAYS TO LISTEN TO AMERICA'S TALK RADIO NETWORK:FROM ANY WEB BROWSER: AMERICA OUT LOUD MEDIA PLAYERFREE APPS: APPLE |ALEXA |ANDROIDOR LISTEN ON iHEART RADIO, Copyright 2023 America Out Loud Network Worldwide. In Rickardss words, the Biden agenda could lead to. One of the things that order 14067 does is speeds up the U.S. economys pivot to a CBDC, whether government officials admit it or not. If theres one thing that blockchain pioneers have made clear, its that they are not opposed to regulation. Executive Order 14067, 6(b) (Mar. For example, Prime Minister Trudeau recently leveraged emergency powers to freeze the bank accounts of Canadian truckers and their donors who were simply exercising their right to protest. After reporting for some of the top trade publications on investment banking, infrastructure and retirement, she was drawn to decentralization and shifted her coverage to the blockchain and cryptocurrency space in mid-2017. Notice I did not say National Bank. That should give you the answer youre looking for. May create a system of checks and balances. The Executive Order 13769, which restricts entry into the United States of nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries, is one of three executive orders signed by Donald Trump. Biden Bucks originally was a pandemic-era program. For this nation to claim it has value and is trustworthy. Trump has claimed that the ban is necessary to protect the country from terrorists. Unfortunately, there are a host of negatives associated with order 14067. The order was met with widespread protests, and federal courts halted it. Accessed 14 Sept. 2022. Biden crypto and this new digital currency, the digital dollar, come with a much more sinister catch. Another concern about Biden Bucks is how it could gut the American work ethic. The Now is the time for constitution-loving Americans to fish or cut bait. Biden Bucks intends to send direct cash payments to Americans needing it the most. Your email address will not be published. Claim: Executive Order 14067, signed by President Joe Biden, replaces the U.S. dollar with traceable digital currency that will eliminate constitutional liberties like freedom and privacy. And whos to say that the U.S. government wont take a page out of Chinas book and decide to limit what you buy and the quantity of it? The Cabinet members are in charge of coordinating their efforts and ensuring that the government functions properly. The biggest concern for investors regarding Executive Order 14067 is the potential for a digital US dollar. Although there are no concrete plans to develop a digital So the U.S. government is not drumming up an entirely new currency from the ground up. An executive order is a directive issued by the president of the United States that has the force of law. It was such a thing my TikTok subscribers overwhelmingly voted to have me explain whats going on. The $4 Inflation Stock You Need Right Now. We should be working significantly harder as, by Rob and Andrew | Apr 5, 2023 | Law and Order, Politics, After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew Opponents of Trump, have finally managed to deliver on one of their diabolical plots to take him down by using the New York legal system and Alvin Bragg. Same types of tracking and taxing taking place it may be overturned if it is to... Dollar would just need to go through the Fed account were innocent of any crime will... The claim that a cash-free digital currency, the digital dollar sound the least bit condescending Joe... 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